Tuesday, August 02, 2011



L et us
O bey God's commandment
V iew our roles
I n God's perspective
N ow be like Christ in all our ways
G iving and forgiving as He showed

H ave the mind of Christ
U se our tongues &
S peak sweet words
B e patient & kind
A lways trusts & not selfish
N ot envious nor arrogant nor easily provoked
D o bear all, believe all, endure all

H umiliate not, be gentle
A void criticism that hurts
P urpose to listen & show care
P eace & harmony
Y es - when Christ rules!

W isely let us overlook shortcomings
I n faith see that in His time He will make things beautiful
F or more precious than rubies & nothing can compare
E xcellent wife - perfect gift of God

Tune to "Kasih Pasti Lemah Lembut"


L et us
O bey God's commandment
V iew our roles
I n God's perspective
N ow be like Christ in all our ways
G iving and forgiving as He showed

W isely let us overlook shortcomings
I n faith see that in His time He will make things beautiful
F or more precious than rubies & nothing can compare
E xcellent wife - perfect gift of God

F or God has made two
A s one flesh
I n His design
T rue perfection
H ope, love &
F aith
U nite us
L ike sweet aroma His grace permeate

H ave the mind of Christ
U se our tongues
S peak gracious words
B e patient & kind
A lways trusts & not selfish
N ot envious nor arrogant nor easily provoked
D o bear all, believe all, endure all

Tune to "Kasih Pasti Lemah Lembut"

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