Saturday, March 19, 2011

SOURSOP in acrostics


S eek ye first the Kingdom of God
O bey His Word - just do it
U nderstanding & wisdom gain
R eally apply in our life
S ense of urgency & sense of purpose create
O nly hope in the Lord, trust Him
P urpose-driven to please Him!

Sing to "Joyful, Joyful" tune

SOUR = S ense Of Urgency
SOP = Sense of Purpose

PRAY FOR JAPAN in acrostics


P our Your mercy
R eceive our prayers:
A lmighty God, S ave our friends, loved ones
Y our power over

F loods, tsunamis
O h
R estrain them, cease to make damage

J udgment withhold, compassion show
A ll may come to You
P eace obtain
A renewed faith in Your goodness
N ow behind this Your purpose we see

Sing to "Sweet Hour of Prayer" tune

Sunday, March 13, 2011


R emember the old days that we shared together
E xperiences that we will never forget all our life
U gly, bad moments - oh how funny they are now
N othing can ever replace those good times we had
*I nto the future now we look forward
O ur world will never be the same
N ow let us be together as one - MAKE A DIFFERENCE & IMPACT!

Sing to "Rasa Sayang" Tune

Saturday, March 12, 2011

DAVID in acrostics


D o the best possible
A im for the star - focus!
V ision inspire
I mpact make
D ie-hard attitude have!

Sing to "Happy Birthday" tune

Friday, March 11, 2011



T he Lord reigns &
S overeignly He rules
U nto Him
N ow turn & repent
A mazing grace & love
M ay all receive - be saved
I n Christ alone is our hope

Sing to the tune of "Amazing Grace

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Happy Birthday JULIE =

J ust be yourself
U nique
L ive, love, legacy leave
I mproving continuously
E xcellence pursuing!

sing to "Happy Birthday " tune