Thursday, October 31, 2019

I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
words and music by Ira Stanphill

I don't know about tomorrow,
I just live from day to day.
I don't borrow from it's sunshine,
For it's skies may turn to gray.
I don't worry o'er the future,
For I know what Jesus said,
And today I'll walk beside Him,
For He knows what is ahead.

Many things about tomorrow,
I don't seem to understand;
But I know Who holds tomorrow,
And I know Who holds my hand.

Ev'ry step is getting brighter,
As the golden stairs I climb;
Ev'ry burden's getting lighter;
Ev'ry cloud is silver lined.
There the sun is always shining,
There no tear will dim the eyes,
At the ending of the rainbow,
Where the mountains touch the sky.

Many things about tomorrow,
I don't seem to understand;
But I know Who holds tomorrow,
And I know Who holds my hand.

I don't know about tomorrow,
It may bring me poverty;
But the One Who feeds the sparrow,
Is the One Who stands by me.
And the path that be my portion,
May be through the flame or flood,
But His presence goes before me,
And I'm covered with His blood.

Many things about tomorrow,
I don't seem to understand;
But I know Who holds tomorrow,
And I know Who holds my hand.



S eek first the Lord and His Kingdom,
T he Righteousness of Christ put on;
U nto the King, His Majesty –
A ll surrendered, yielded to Him!
R each out in love, to the lost world; The Gospel spread, His grace proclaim;
T o all who come, forgiveness find; Eternal life with Christ obtain

T o Christ alone, all the glory!
O bey and trust, abide in Him
W alk beside Him, He’s our Shepherd
N ever will He forsake, leave us!
S ure His Word stands, Yes and Amen
E mpowerment of the Spirit -
N ow upon us, enable us:
D o mighty works, transform our world!

Tune to “In Christ Alone”



K ing of kings & true Lord of lords,
E verlasting Saviour – our Christ!
I n Him alone, eternal life
T he light of the world –
H e is come!

G o to the world, witness His love
E xperience grace and peace with God;
T he Spirit’s pow’r
T o us given,
Y es! The Gospel message proclaim!

Tune to “In Christ Alone”



R eally investA s God directsN ow our time, talent, treasure give!D o all in love,Y ea for His sake

A mazing graceL ifts & sustains!C ount for Christ and eternity 
O ur utmost for His highest" aimR est in His Word, Spirit empoweredN
ow, forever glorify Him!
Hope Randy will like it.

 tune to "In Christ Alone"

From: Kathy Norquist Subject: RE: Acrostic of Randy Alcorn tuned to "In Christ Alone"
Date: Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 1:17 AM

Thank you so much, Agung. I'll be sure Randy sees this.
God bless you.

P. S. That is one of my favorite songs as well! I love the Getty's music.

Kathy Norquist
Executive Assistant to Randy Alcorn
Eternal Perspective Ministries
39085 Pioneer Blvd., Suite 206
Sandy, OR 97055
503-668-5200, ext. 22
503-668-5252 fax

GOOD MORNING in acrostics


G ood to great - passionately pursue daily
O ur lives be a model to lead the way
O vercome challenges with faith in our God
D o believe impossible is nothing

M ay you soar
O h as the eagle majestic
R each for the Star
N othing's impossible!
I nspiring
N ew hope of a better world
G ive encouragement and lift someone today!

"You Raise Me Up" tune



M ake my life be
Y our instrument!

U tmost give
T o the end -
M y all!
O h
S eek first
T he Kingdom of God

F or He is
O ur Lord
R ules o'er all!

H is grace
I s
S ufficient for us

H is strength
I nspires & empowers
G row in
H is love
E xalt His Name
S oli Deo Gloria
T o Him!

Sing to "In Christ Alone"



R each out with His love;
E vangelize!
C hrist to the nations
L et us
A ll preach!
I n obedience to His Commission &
M ake an impact in the world!


M ountains we’ll conquer:
U nto business & family;
N ow
T he government, religion,
A rts, education & media;
I n these
N ow
S eek to influence!

Acrostic tuned to “We’ve A Story to Tell to the Nations” hymn



B e near to me, oh my Lord Jesus 
U nder the shadow of your wings 
I will abide and trust what you say: 
“L et me be Your Fortress and Rock”
D elighting in You 

G iving you praise 
O nly You’re worthy 
D esire of All 
S eeking Your presence Lord 

T hrough our worship 
H oly ground we stand 
R emove your shoes 
O ffer Him praise 
N ot burnt-offerings
E mmanuel – God is here with us 

 Tune to “Ku Masuk Ruang Maha Kudus”



*L* iving a life that is pleasing to the Lord
*E* mpowered by His grace to
*O* bey Him
*N* othing less than the best
*G* ive my utmost for Him

*F* or me to live is Christ
*A* ll to Him
*M* y life give

Tune to *Be Thou My Vision*


*N* utrition
*E* xercise & 
*W* ater
*S* unshine - will make you grow stronger
*T* emperance - control yourself
*A* ir &
*R* est adequate
*T* rust in God - these will make healthy

Tune to *Amazing Grace*



*A* well-balanced lifestyle 
*E* xercise & eating habits
*N* ow discipline strictly
*O* ur goal is the whole person 
*N* ewness of 

*H* ealthy lifestyle gain
*E* mpow'red to
*A* ct & change
*L* et us
*T* ransform with our utmost
*H* eart, mind, body, spirit

Tune to *Pass It On*



*L* iving a life 
*E* xalting the Lord
*E* mpow'red by His Holy Spirit

*Y* ield and surrender all to Jesus
*E* l-Shadai
*W* ith me all the way

*H* e's
*O* ur Saviour
*O* ur sins He has forgiven all
*N* ow I will serve
*G* o where He directs as He wills

Tune to "Redeemed"

Aenon Dr

DIM-SUM Discipleship


*D* isciple-making that is obedience-based - pursue with passion as the core mission of the disciple

*I* ntegrity of heart postured rightly before God

*M* obilizing everyday missionaries (witnesses) where they work, live, study and play

*S* corecard: the pursuit of fruitfulness and multiplication

*U* ncompromising focus on planting reproducing disciples 

*M* ake a commitment to building a lasting legacy


Sy ganti kata "church" dgn kata "disciple" ya


*1. A commitment to building a lasting legacy*

*2. An uncompromising focus on planting reproducing churches*

*3. A heart postured rightly before God*

*4. The pursuit of fruitfulness and multiplication with a new scorecard*

*5. A passion to make obedience-based disciple-making the core mission of the church*

*6. A commitment to mobilizing everyday missionaries where they work, live, study, and play*




*S* weet union in God's love
*T* wo become one flesh
*E* ver love and cherish one another
*V* alue the precious gift God has brought to us
*E* verlasting covenant
*N* ow we pledge

*K* now love is patient
*A* nd kind and is not proud
*T* rusts always, protects,
*H* opes and perseveres
*L* ove does not
*E* nvy nor is self-seeking
*E* rases all wrongs and love
*N* ever fails

Tune to *You Raise Me Up*

Tuesday, September 24, 2019



 *M* ake disciples of all nations, Go!
*A* s light and salt of the earth be
*M* ore of Christ, less of me - deny self, Cross take up

Tune to *Amazing Grace*

Sunday, September 22, 2019

*SUWARDY HORAS* in acrostic:

 *S* eek first the Kingdom of God and righteousness
*U* nto the world
*W* itness His amazing grace
*A* s light and salt of the earth
*R* each out with Calv'ry love
*D* elight to please the Lord
*Y* ield to obey

 *H* is Spirit empowerd and guides us
*O* ur lives transform by His grace and love
*R* ejoice and give thanks always
*A* bide in the Vine, bear fruit
*S* oli Deo Gloria - let's give praise

Tune to *Hidup ini adalah kesempatan*
Sept.20, 2019
Tentrem hotel
HILE 2019


 *T* o be strong and healthy
*H* ave a regular routine
*E* xercise as habit - let us do with discipline

 *G* od's holy temple honour - we've been bought with a price (His blood)
*Y* ou'll gain physical benefits
*M* ake your life count for Him

Tune to *Pass It On* ===================== *8 BIBLE VERSES ON EXERCISE {ADD WORSHIP TO YOUR WORKOUTS}* Feb 20, 2017  Exercise takes a lot of self-discipline, but here are 8 Bible verses to add a worshipful purpose to your workout routine, combining faith and fitness. When you are trying to lose weight, exercise can feel like a punishment for the things you ate. I’d like to challenge your perspective on that. It’s no secret that there are tons of benefits of exercise  *8 SCRIPTURES ON EXERCISE* *#1 – YOU ARE A LIVING SACRIFICE* Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. – Romans 12:1 This is my absolute favorite verse on exercise. It’s not about torturing yourself in an effort to drop a few pounds. It’s an act of worship, striving for holiness. It’s about surrendering every piece of yourself – heart, mind, body, and soul into His loving hands. *#2 – I DO NOT RUN AIMLESSLY* Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize. – 1 Corinthians 9:26-27 The reason you exercise is important. The number on the scale or a smaller dress size can be good temporary motivation, but keeping your eyes on the Ultimate Prize, Jesus, is the best motivation of all. Spending time training, taking care of your body, is not a waste of time or energy. It’s an investment into yourself so that you can live more fully for Him. *#3 – YOUR BODY IS A TEMPLE* Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 I don’t know about you, but when I borrow something from somebody else, I fiercely take care of it – often more so than I take care of my own things! I want to be able to return it to them in the best possible shape that I can. Our bodies are not our own and exercise is one of the best ways that you can take care of yourself, not just physically, but also mentally and spiritually. You house the Holy Spirit and that is not a task to be taken lightly! *#4 – DO IT ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD* So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. – 1 Corinthians 10:31 I love taking mundane, everyday tasks, and adding meaning to them. Washing dishes is not just about getting the plates clean. It is about nurturing and taking care of the people around you. Every detail of your life can bring glory to God, including exercise. Don’t just do it for you, your kids, your spouse, or a smaller waistline – do it to glorify the Lord! *#5 – WORK VIGOROUSLY* She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. – Proverbs 31:17 When you exercise, your daily life gets easier. It’s easier to walk up and down stairs, keep up with your kids, and carry groceries into the house. Prepare your body to take on life. Move regularly, lift things, so you can be ready to take on whatever vigorous work that comes your way. *#6 – I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH HIS STRENGTH* I can do all this through him who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13 There is no denying that exercise is hard. It takes a lot of willpower just to get started, much less finish a full workout. But if you never push yourself past your comfort zone, you will never grow. Don’t go crazy and hurt yourself, but challenge your body. It is capable of more than you think. If you’re thinking, I’m not strong enough, you’re right! None of us are. But He is and that is more than enough. *#7 – RENEW YOUR STRENGTH* …but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. – Isaiah 40:31 “I’m too tired” is one of the most common excuses not to exercise out there. It’s understandable! Whether you are single, married, retired, or a young mom, there are endless reasons to be exhausted. Yes, exercise takes energy, but it also gives you energy. God is faithful. He will equip you with the strength and stamina to soar. *#8 – TRAIN FOR GODLINESS* For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. – 1 Timothy 4:8 Godliness should always come first. Your relationship with God is of the utmost importance in your life! But don’t miss the first half of the verse. “For physical training is of some value.” There is value there. Don’t just cast it aside as a meaningless activity. Science and Scripture alike recognize the importance of exercise in your life! _

Monday, September 16, 2019


*L* ight and salt of the earth
*Y* ou are called to be
*N* ow make disciples of
*E* very nation
*T* hy Kingdom come
*T* hy will be done, O Lord
*E* mpowered by His Spirit, just go forth

 *L* et us seek first His Kingdom and righteousness
*E* l-Shadai - He's
*O* ur All-sufficient God
*N* othing is impossible with the Lord
*G* lorify Him in everything you do

 tune to *You Raise Me Up*

*G* row in grace and in Truth - 'tis my commitment
*E* nter into His presence bow
*O* bask in His love
*R* est and trust in the Lord
*G* race of God
*I* n my life
*E* mpower

*L* et us sing (let us sing)
*E* xalt Him (exalt Him)
*E* nthrone Him in our praise, King of kings

 Tune to *It is Well with My Soul*

*C* hrist our Saviour
*H* ope of the world for sinners
*A* ll who receive [Him]
*N* ow eternal life give

*A* new creature in Christ - washed, cleansed in His blood
*H* is Name to bear to the ends of the earth

*C* ommit [to] make disciples of all nations
*H* is love proclaim and pass it on
*Y* ield to His will and trust, obey His Word
*E* xalt the King, the Lord of lords

 Tune to *How Great Thou Art*

*G* o to the world and tell
*A* mazing grace &
*L* ove of God
*V* ictorious,
*E* mpowered by the Holy Spirit in us
*N* ow in the blood of Christ redeemed

*L* ife eternal promised
*E* mmanuel - God is with us
*E* xalt, magnify Him

 Tune to *PASS IT ON* 
*Sreedhar Subramaniam* *

*S* eek first His Kingdom
*R* each out to the lost
*E* nds of the earth go
*E* mpowered from on high
*D* isciples of Christ make -
*H* is Great Commission
*A* ll His commands obey
[ *R* ight] to the end of the age

 *S* erve Christ with passion
*U* tmost best we give
*B* oldly share His love
*R* ejoice with the lost saved
*A* bide in the True Vine, and we'll bear much fruit
*M* ore of Christ, less of me - may His glory reflect

*A* ll exalt His Name
*N* ame above all names
*I* ncarnate Godhead - Alpha and Omega
*A* ll hail His Majesty, Hallelujah sing
*M* ay Christ rule - King of kings and as the Lord of lords

 T)]une to *O Worship the King* ===============

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Ini singkatan nama Bpk yg bs dinyanyikan dgn lagu "You Raise Me Up": WIRRY TJANDRA W ith integrity, lead and model the way I nspire a shared vision with passion R eady to challenge the process, innovate R ise up and soar Y our best us yet to be T he heart encourage J ust show you really care A lways try N ever quit & D o the best R est not on your past laurels, keep going A chieve more - enable others to act CEO Family Mart Indonesia

Sunday, August 11, 2019


*MARI KANEKO* *M* ake things happen & transform our world *A* passion for excellence have *R* ise up like the eagle - soaring with majesty *I* mpossible is nothing *K* now your purpose & *A* im for the goal *N* ever quit and never give up *E* ndure and persevere *K* eep going to the end *O* ur world a better place make Tune to *Amazing Grace* AOTS TKC 2019


I also make for: *AYAKO ISHIKAWA* *A* im for the star *Y* our dream realize *A* passion for excellence have *K* eep pursuing the best, leaving no stones unturned *O* nly focus on the goal *I* n faith *S* tand strong & *H* ave confidence *I* mpossible is nothing *K* now your strengths *A* nd weakness *W* ith wings of the eagle *A* bove the horizons soar Tune to "Amazing Grace"


Happy *EID AL ADHA* *E* xtreme sacrifice *I* n obedience to God *D* o His will *A* ct *L* ike what Abraham did *A* ll to Him *D* o surrender *H* ave no qualms *A* llah will honour what we've done for Him Tune to "You Raise Me Up" refrain

Tuesday, August 06, 2019


7 Traits of *GREAT LEADERS*: *G* reat Leaders: *R* adiate positive energy *E* xample of proactive attitude *A* lways delegating tasks & *T* rust your team *L* eaders do what they *E* xpect of others *A* ccountable - act & be responsible *D* ecisive - dare to face uncertainty *E* xecute with focus and commitment *R* elentlessly pursuing excellence Tune to *You Raise Me Up*

Monday, August 05, 2019


I wrote an acrostic for the 60th Anniversary of AOTS: *AOTS SIXTIETH* *A* im for Co-creation & Co-existence *O* ur goal: Live in harmony together *T* o grow together *S* upport each other *S* eek to build a global community *I* nnovation & *X* cellence let's pursue *T* o be the core *I* n connecting people *E* mpower human resource development *T* o solve & contribute *H* ave mutual growth Sing to the tune of *"You Raise Me Up"*


I was inspired to write the acrostic *AOTS SIXTIETH ANNIVERSARY*, using the tune of *Sukiyaki* which was played by the band with AOTS President Shinya Kuwayama-san: *AOTS SIXTIETH ANNIVERSARY* *A* im to transcend boundaries, *O* like the sky and the sea *T* o live in harmony together, grow together *S* eek Co-creation [&] Co-existence among Japanese and others *S* eek to develop talent *I* n [the] global community *X* cellence pursue *T* o aim for the best *I* n all things *E* mpower *T* o innovate more *H* ave lasting impact that transforms *A* vision of Society 5.0 ( five point zero) *N* othing is impossible *N* ow just do it *I* gnite a deep passion across generations *V* ibrating in harmony with our inner heart *E* nergized with a new spirit *R* eady to soar like the eagle (Whistling...) *S* pirit of oneness and harmony *A* lways foster, never waver *R* ender unity with all people 'round us *Y* es! We Can! - with strong confidence, let us do! Sing to the tune of *"Sukiyaki"* (Ue o Muite Arukou) Tokyo AOTS TKC 2 Aug. 2019


*MIRACLES* *M* iracles are the ways of God *I* n pointing us to Christ *R* esurrection power He has displayed *A* s He has *C* onquered death *L* ifted on high to be the King of kings *E* xalt *S* oli Deo Gloria Tune to *All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name* Pdt. Calvin Bangun Semarang, 5 Aug. 2019

Friday, July 19, 2019


AVODAH A ct of worship is our work and call V ital relationship with God O ur gifts and talents use D o as acts of service A ll for His Name & H is glory Tune to "Amazing Grace"

Thursday, July 18, 2019

WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS *WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS* *W* e have a wonderful Saviour *H* is name is above all names *A* lmighty God & *T* rusted friend *A* mazing His love and grace *F* or as we are *R* eceived He *I* n His blood our sins atoned *E* xalt Christ *N* ow as Lord and King *D* o honour His majesty _____________ *W* e long for You *E* njoy Your fellowship *H* ow our soul thirst *A* s a deer pants *V* erily for the water *E* mmanuel God is always there for us *I* n the midst of storms in our lives *N* ever will He forsake us *J* esus, Your friendship *E* ndures through the ages *S* uch a faithful Friend, we love and adore You *U* nchanging God - the Love of our soul *S* urely to the end You are our ever present Friend Tune to *WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS* & *Yesus Sobat Yang Setia*


Today's inspiration: *AMAZING GRACE* *A* ll of my heart, my desire *M* y hope, my dreams, O Lord *A* ll are in Your hands - You are the Potter and I am just the clay *Z* ealously I will follow *I* n all Your ways lead me, Lord *N* othing will I fear for You're by my side *G* od is my Emmanuel *G* od's most amazing grace is Jesus, my Saviour and Lord *R* eally You mean so much and so precious to me *A* lways Your love and Your grace keep and sustain me *C* hrist alone is my hope, He is my all in all *E* nthrone, glorify Him Tune to *Anugrah Terindah*


Today's acrostic: *GOD IS MY STRENGTH* *G* od is my strength, my shield, my strong tower, my hiding place *O* Emmanuel *D* eliver me *I* n times of trials *S* hepherd of love *M* y true Ever-present help *Y* ou are my hope, my all in all *S* oar and mount up with wings as eagles in the sky *T* o walk and *R* un and not weary *E* mpow'r from on high *N* othing's impossible *G* row strong *T* hrough all life's struggles *H* e is the Lord - His Majesty is forever Tune to *Kekuatan Hidupku*

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


This morning's inspiration: *GOD MOVES HIS HANDS* *G* od will work wonders *O* n our knees we pray *D* oes the impossible for our sake *M* ore and beyond *O* ur thoughts *V* erily His hands will act *E* xpect God *S* hall open Heaven's floodgates to bless us *H* e is Lord *I* n all He is *S* overeign *H* e will keep *A* ll of His promises *N* ow and forever *D* o trust and never waver *S* oli Deo Gloria Tune to *Tuhan Menggerakkan TanganNya*

Tuesday, July 09, 2019


Got inspired by the song - *PertolonganMu* sung by Citra Scholastika *GOD'S EVERPRESENT HELP* *G* od is always near *O* ur Emmanuel *D* raw close to Him & *S* eek His face *E* mpow'red from on high *V* ictorious in Christ be *E* l-Shadai & *R* ock of Ages *P* ut your trust in Him *R* est in His promises *E* l Elyon - He's the most high God *S* hall supply all needs *E* l-Roi - He sees me *N* ever too short His hands *T* o save *H* e's our hiding place - preserves from all troubles *E* ver surround me with songs of deliverance *L* et us lift up *P* raises to God Tune to *PertolonganMu* July 10, 2019


*PRAYER CHANGES THINGS* *P* raying without ceasing - as God commands *R* eceive in faith *A* ll that we ask of God *Y* ield and submit to His good, perfect will *E* erything God has promised *R* eally He will do *C* all on the Lord & *H* e will answer us *A* midst our problems *N* ever He'll leave us *G* od is sovereign *E* l-Shadai Almighty *S* olid Rock, strong tower - He is our hiding place *T* he prayer of the righteous *H* as power, effective *I* n His own time, make all things beautiful *N* ow to Him be *G* lory, majesty, dominion *S* oli Deo Gloria forever Tune to *Doa Mengubah Segala Sesuatu*

Thursday, July 04, 2019


*JABEZ PRAYER* *J* abez cried out to the God of Israel: Bless me indeed, Lord *A* nd do enlarge my territory *B* e with me and keep me from harm and keep me from pain *E* mpower me from on high *Z* ealously with *P* assion serving you *R* each out with your love *A* nd grace *Y* ield with trust and obedience *E* nable me, O Lord *R* eceive and answer my prayer Tune to *Doa Yabes*


THE ONE I RELY ON* *T* ruly O Lord, Thou art faithful *H* ow precious we are in Thy sight *E* mmanuel - God is with us *O* n Thee alone *N* ow   *E* ntrusting all our hope *I* n the power of the Holy Spirit *R* est in His promise - He will never fail *E* l-Shadai - our Almighty God - our Jehovah Jireh, our Jehovah Shalom *L* ift our voices and sing Hallelujah *Y* ea and Amen all His Word we can trust *O* bless the Lord indeed, my soul *N* ow let us glorify, exalt His holy Name Tune to *Satu-satunya Yang Kuandalkan*

Tuesday, July 02, 2019


Today's inspiration: *SING HALLELUJAH* *S* ongs of praise I lift *I* n Your court with Your angels *N* ow and forever *G* lorify Your Name *H* ope in the Lord alone *A* ll is well, my soul *L* et us not be anxious about anything *L* et us by prayer give thanks *E* xperience His peace *L* ord, You are my strength, my strong tower *U* ntil the end of my life *J* esus, I will exalt You *A* ll my heart and soul *H* onour and worship my Lord and my King ..... Glorify You Tune to "Ku Nyanyi Hallelujah"


*GOD NEVER FAILS* *G* od knows all more than I do *O* opening doors that are closed in my life *D* o trust He is omniscient and He'll make a way in the wilderness *N* othing is impossible *E* l-Shadai is our God *V* ictorious in Christ *E* very battle we will win *R* ejoice! *F* or God is faithful *A* lways keeps His promise *I* n His Word trust & *L* et us *S* ubmit Tune to *"Tuhan Tak Pernah Gagal"* Tuhan Tak Pernah Gagal Engkau yang lebih tau Cara untuk membuka jalanku Engkau yang lebih mengerti Cara untuk menolong hidupku Reff: Ku percaya Kau Tuhan yang tak pernah gagal Menjadikanku lebih dari pemenang Ku percaya Kau Tuhan yang tak pernah lalai Menepati janji-janji-Mu


*GOD'S HAND AT WORK* *G* od always listens *O* ur cries for help hears *D* oes mighty wonders to *S* ave and help *H* is hand never too short *A* nd His ears never too dull *N* ow windows of Heaven *D* oth open and blessings pour *A* ll is well *T* rust He is El-Shadai *W* orship Him *O* ur Jehovah Jireh *R* est in Christ our Lord - we'll be more than conquerors *K* ing of kings and Lord of lords Tune to *Tuhan Menggerakkan TanganNya* (Angel Pieters & Grezia Epiphania)

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Happy Father's Day

Happy FATHER'S DAY *F* or you are God's own chosen race *A* royal & *T* rue priesthood *H* oly nation, His possession *E* xcellencies of Him proclaim *R* eflecting His marvelous light *S* urely God's compassion for us *D* ay by day He renews always *A* ll to Christ *Y* ield, surrender June 2019 Tune to *How deep the Father’s love for us* How deep the Father’s love for us, How vast beyond all measure, That He should give His only Son To make a wretch His treasure. How great the pain of searing loss – The Father turns His face away, As wounds which mar the Chosen One Bring many sons to glory. Behold the man upon a cross, My sin upon His shoulders; Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice Call out among the scoffers. It was my sin that held Him there Until it was accomplished; His dying breath has brought me life – I know that it is finished. I will not boast in anything, No gifts, no power, no wisdom; But I will boast in Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection. Why should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an answer; But this I know with all my heart – His wounds have paid my ransom.

Saturday, April 20, 2019


*SEVEN SAYINGS OF JESUS* *S* aid Jesus as He hung on the Cross *E* veryone who put Him to death *V* erily He asked God the Father to forgive *E* xtend to the thief [ *N* ow] His promise: *S* urely you'll be in paradise with me *A* nd to Mary: *Y* our son, behold [indicating John] *I* n anguish He cried out *N* ow why God forsook Him *G* reat darkness *S* urrounds Calvary *O* n death's brink to *F* ulfil the Scripture *J* esus cried out "I am thirsty" *E* nded with: "It's finished" *S* pirit of His commit *U* nto the Father *S* urrender Tune to *Amazing Grace*


*JOKOWI MARUF* *J* ust re-elected for 2nd term *O* ur country and nation lead again *K* eep serving with your whole heart *O* pen and transparent *W* ith wisdom & *I* ntegrity *M* odel the way, a shared vision inspire *A* lways dare to challenge the process *R* ise up! We are One! Bhineka Tunggal Ika *U* nity maintain in diversity *F* or we are Indonesia! Tune to *Ai Pia*


*GOOD FRIDAY* *G* od in Christ died, our sins He bore *O* n the Cross of Calv'ry *O* ur access to God now opened *D* well with Him forever *F* or the Lamb that was slain *R* edeemed us by His blood *I* n our place God's wrath, judgment poured on Him *D* o believe and trust *A* ll our sins washed away *Y* ou are now forgiven, reconciled Tune to *Alas! And Did My Saviour Bleed*

Friday, March 22, 2019


*FSIA SUCCESS* dgn lagu "Maju Tak Gentar".... *F* orward & onward, upward - reach for the sky *S* trive for excellence in everything you do *I* nnovate and let's continuously improve *A* ll for a better Indonesia - commit *S* upport one another *U* nited we'll be strong *C* ommunity of like-minded *C* onsistent, persistent *E* nterprising spirit *S* eek to inspire *S* erve our nation tune to *Maju Tak Gentar* 22 Mar. 2019

Saturday, March 02, 2019


Founder's Day 2019 *THE BEST IS YET TO BE* *T* rue friends are the greatest blessings *H* elp one another know, love, *E* mulate, serve, resemble God *B* ring out the best that's in you *E* ncourage & will stand by you *S* upport your dreams, believe you *T* rust in you & *I* nspire you *S* uch friends are forever more *Y* es together *E* xcellence aim *T* he best is yet *T* o be - claim *O* ur hearts, our aims *B* e united *E* mpower minds, Enrich souls Tune to ACS Anthem ======================= Quotes sourced from: A true friend is the greatest of all blessings. ~ Francois de La Rochefoucauld ________________________ “[Spiritual friendship] is eagerly helping one another know, serve, love, and resemble God in deeper and deeper ways.” ~ Tim Keller “My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.” – Henry Ford ______________________ *FRIENDS* Acrostic: Fight for you Respect you Include you Encourage you Need you Deserve you Stand for you _______________________ Live Life Happy: Your true friends will support your dreams and encourage you if they truly believe in you. _________________________ “Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” ~Stephen R. Covey ACS *MISSION*: Touch Hearts, Empower Minds & Enrich Souls

Sunday, February 10, 2019


Wishing you a most blessed & HAPPY *PIG YEAR* *P* eace, harmony God gives *I* n this season of joy *G* reet one another with "He Xin Nian" *Y* ear of the Pig brings an auspicious success *E* ndless blessings *A* ll year round *R* ejoice! Tune to *He Xin Nian, Zhu Xin Nian* Agung Halim & Family Chinese New Year Feb 5,2019


Congratulations & God bless you two, NATAN - SUSAN N ow God has united two become one flesh A n everlasting covenant we have pledged T o love and cherish one another A lways patient and kind N ot envious, doesn't brag and is not proud, S eeks not its own way, is not easily angered U nto one another give and forgive S tronger our love grows A lways trust, hopes, perseveres N ever love can fail because love is of God Tune to "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus" Feb.9, 2019 Susan DTS Anak pak Andreas Suryanto

Saturday, February 09, 2019


*GOD IS LIGHT* *G* od's Word is a lamp unto my feet *O* n our path His light shineth *D* o let your light shine before others - that God may be glorified *I* n Christ my salvation *S* urely I'll not be afraid *L* ive as children of light *I* n the world *G* o - shine as His witness *H* is love and grace to all share [*T* o] make disciples of all nations tune to *Thy Word* (FirmanMu Pelita Bagi Kakiku) 7 Feb 2019

GIVE THANKS (Psalms 136)

> Hari ini kalo mengikuti bacaan dari gereja kami, mengambil passage dari Psalm 136... Ini yg saya sdh otak atik... dgn pola 9x9 (9 baris & 9 ketukan per baris)... *GIVE THANKS* (Psalms 136) *G* ive thanks to the Lord for He is good *I* n His wisdom He made the heavens *V* ictory over Egypt He empow'red *E* l-Shadai who doeth great wonders *T* o Him who led through the wilderness *H* e gave their land *A* s an heritage *N* ow from our enemies He's redeemed *K* indly He giveth food to all flesh *S* urely His mercy endures fore'er sent to Jonathan Prawira Feb.10,2019