Wednesday, December 25, 2013



Business Brilliant: Surprising Lessons from the Greatest Self-Made Business Icons Hardcover



G o forth, ye soldiers of Christ!
L ive out GLORY values
O bey His Great Commission
R each our world
Y es! Transform!

K eep the fire
O h light up
M ake impact
A ll around us
N ever fear!
D o trust His Word
A men & Yea
N ow ACT!

Tune to "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus"



Y es!
U p and arise to make a real difference
S trive for excellence &
R each for the goal!
I ntegrity uphold
L et's not compromise

M ake more possible &
A n impact make!
*H ave passion to make Indonesia better
E xample of true leadership model
N ow be bold
D are to challenge the process
R eady to inspire
A shared vision!

Tune "You Raise Me Up"



C ommit to do the best
O h never give up!
N othing less than excellence pursuing
G o all-out
R ealize your goal
A nd your dream
T arget Success &
U nstoppable be!
*L ive, love & learn
A lasting legacy leave
T ransform our world
I mpact, make a difference!
O h...
N othing's impossible - just do it!
S ignificance - not just success attain!

Tune to "You Raise Me Up"



M ay this day
O h bring special joy
T o all mothers
H ere we pray for God's blessings
E njoy fully His great love
R each out with His grace [&] strength
S et example of faith & prayer

D o transform the home to be heaven-like.
A lways caring with patience
Y ou are precious to us!

Tune to:
世上只有妈妈好 Shìshàng zhǐyǒu māmā hǎo



K nowing you & knowing me
I n our [fifty] years being together
A covenant of love keep
N othing can ever sep'rate

D well in serene peace and harmony
J ust two of us together
I n good and bad times sharing
E tching
N ostalgic mem'ries

*K eep loving & cherishing
I n each other
E ver trust
M ake us

I ndeed a blessing
E nriching &
M ore fruitful be!

Tune to:


Tante...sementara sy buatkan yg ini dulu ya: DJIEN & KIEM

D welled together for fifty years
J ointly planting, bearing fruit
I n all you do be a blessing &
E nriching lives 'round you
N ow celebrate

K eep the passion for life on fire
I ndeed a fruitful life living
E xample &
M odel be!

Tune to "Joyful, Joyful"


Ini singkatan khotbah utk Gereja Pdt. Dwi Gatot (grj Sugiarto)
1 Jan 2014


P ada Tuhan berpusatlah
A jar Setia pada proses
C arilah kebenaranNya
U njuk Roh Exc'llence - S'rahkan hak

K uat berakar dalam Kristus
U saha d'ngan seg'nap hati
D isiplin diri tiap hari
A ntusias dan semangatlah

tune to "In Christ Alone"


Ini pas pak Paulus Bambang kirim Salam dari Holy Land, sy buatkan: May you experience a


B orn today Christ
E mmanuel
T he promised Messiah
H ope of the world
L ight eternal
E ntered the world as babe
H is Name is called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God -
E v'lasting Father, Prince of Peace
M ade His abode on earth

C ome & worship
H e's the Saviour
R eceive the Lord of lords
I nto our hearts let our King reign
S overeign He rules o'er all
T he wondrous gift of His love
M ay we share to the world
A ll glory to God in the highest
S ing Hallelujah! Praise!

Tune to "O Little Town of Bethlehem"


As we approach 25th December, here wishing you and your family that your Christmas indeed be a


J oy to the world let us proclaim
O n this day Jesus is born
Y es! May peace, hope & love
F ill us
U nite us to God through Christ
L et us

S hare the wonder & magic
E cho the timeless Love message
A lllelujah Chorus
S inging
O ur praise to the
N ew born King!

Sing to "Joyful, Joyful" tune.        
From: Agung Halim & Family
Semarang, Indonesia



 C ome to Christ
H ope & Peace He'll give
R ejoice!
I n Him is
 S alvation
 T o you:
M erry Christmas wish
 A nd
 S weet Happy New Year

 Tune to "We Wish You A Merry Christmas"

Tuesday, December 03, 2013



P lain living, high thinking - practise in our lives
K now, love, serve God with all our hearts

O ur world let's make better through the media
J oin hand in hand, together we can!
*O ur integrity keep, uphold
N ow His Kingdom seek first &
G lorify His Name!

Tune to "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God"



G ood to great & built to last
A s our commitment
N ever quit
J ust do it
A new Jateng let us create!
R ise up & soar high as the eagle majestic

P ursue excellence with passion
R eal difference let us make!
*A new vision
N ow ignite & inspire
O ur Central Java let's transform
W ith commitment & persistence
O h a lasting legacy leave!

Sing to "Rasa Sayang" tune

Governor Central Java



One of the best ways to learn more about a church is to know what they value or hold as important in their philosophy of ministry. The following acrostic will help you identify some of our ministry priorities at Salt and Light.

S - "Scriptural Authority"
God's Word is the foundation for all we say and do in the ministry of Salt & Light.

A - "Attitude of Acceptance"
Our Goal is to accept all people in the church and make them feel welcome.

L - "Living in Prayer, Faith, and the Holy Spirit
The church belongs to God, so we must rely on Him to guide us through prayer, faith and God's Spirit.

T - "Team"
We believe in a united effort to work together for the common purpose of brining people to Christ and helping them become devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

L - "Learning to Be Disciples"
Discipleship is not a purpose of the Church, it is THE purpose of the Church.

I - "Intentionally Relationship Centered"
The Church is people, so therefore the Church must be centered on relationships. At Salt and Light we value relationships in all we do.

G - " Gifts, Passion, Service"
The Church is most effective in ministry when people are serving with their spiritual gifts in their area of passion for ministry.

H - "Home Fellowships"
We believe the church must get larger and smaller at the same time. Our church is committed to the ministry of small groups.

T - "Timely Context" 
At Salt and Light, we believe our mission is to present ministry in a way that relates to our cultural context.




P epper Lunch - GREAT STEAK. YOUR WAY - that's what you will find
E xquisite sizzling meat served in special iron hot plates
P erfect the way you want it & experience the fun
P alette-shaped logo - symbol of Pepper Lunch's dreams
E xpect to add colours -
R eally make people happy!

L et us enjoy the steak's full flavor
U sing special patented cooker
N ow tender & juicy meat enjoy
C ome!
H ave a Pepper Lunch time!

Sing to "RASA SAYANG" tune

July 20, 2013

Opening of franchise



H e is the good Shepherd 
E mmanuel 
R est and abide in Christ - the True Vine 
M ore of Him and less of me 
A ll in all - Christ! 
N ow our utmost for His highest let's give! 

F or He is the Potter 
R ejoice in His goodness 
I n everything give thanks and glorify 
S eek first His Kingdom and His righteousness 
K eep on fire for Him 
A s His light shine! 

Tune to "Great Is Thy Faithfulness"

Seattle, Sept 2013


J esus Christ
E xcellent is Thy Name
S aviour of man
U nto Thee be all the glory
S hine as light, be the salt of the earth
M ay we truly worship in Truth & in Spirit 
E xalt Christ the Messiah
S eek to be His witness 
S ing His praise, all tongues confess "Jesus is Lord and King" 
I n His Name go therefore to the world - make disciples of 
A ll nations 
H allelujah!

Tune to "Majesty" 

Maria Inosensia


M ake a difference
A better world let's create
R ise up!
I nspire
A vision that ignites

I ntegrity uphold
N ever compromise
O h nothing is impossible - believe!
* S trive for excellence &
E ndlessly pursue
N ever give up!
S eek to do your best!
I nnovate & improve continuously
A im for the goal and achieve great success!

tune to "You Raise Me Up"

BCA Prioritas Smg Pemuda



D o His Great Commission & go to the world 
A ll nations disciples of Christ let us make 
V ictorious in the power of the Spirit 
I n faith & trust 
D o let us fully obey 

T ruly seek His kingdom and His righteousness first 
O h abide in the Vine and we'll bear much fruit 
N ow give thanks in all things and always rejoice 
G lory to God in the highest let' ascribe 

Tune "To God Be the Glory" 

Anak Stephen Tong

Khotbah di GRII Spore
Nov.24- 2013

Paulus Wiranata


P ursue excellence with passion endlessly
A lways do the best
U nstoppable be
L ead with integrity
U ncompromising
S erve to be a model unto others

W ith strong commitment
I mprove continuously
R each for the highest &
A im for the Star
N ever quit!
A ll-out efforts let us give
T ransform our world
A better place let's make!

Tune to "You Raise Me Up"

CEO Bank Pundi



F rom faith to faith let us live daily 
E xpect nothing's impossible 
R ise up & be counted 
D are to make a difference 
I mpossible is nothing 
*N ever quit! Just do it! Always try! 
A ge quod agis - do your best! 
N ow "Si tou timou tumou tou" let us apply 
D o our utmost - Be a blessing! 

Tune to "Amazing Grace"

Brent Securities

Ketemu Nov.29 - 2013
Crowne Plaza Semarang

Bersama Agung Prabowo (Nexus Ungaran Square)



H armony, peace and hope God gives
A n everlasting covenant we commit
R ejoice in the wife of your youth
D well in unity in the bond of love
J oint by God – two become one flesh fore’er
O h no one can ever sep’rate
W alk with God together
U nderstanding and caring for one other
L ove is kind and patient & not self-seeking
A lways one soul, one love & one heart
N ow a new life’s journey embark – together, never be apart!


you know i do
i want to spend my life with you
when i awake
i’ll see your face everyday
through a good and bad time
i’ll be right there by your side
i just wanna tell you
I love you
you know i do


i know we met
somewhere before
its look like destiny
brought it to my door
In your eyes
i can see the love
i’ve been dreaming love
baby you’re the one
i felt something inside me change that day
i know i never be the same

you know i do
i want to spend my life with you
when i awake
i’ll see your face everyday
through a good and bad time
i’ll be right there by your side
i just wanna tell you
I love you
you know i do

here we are
face to face
we’d travel long and far
to make it to this place
with this kiss
we’ll never ever be apart
we become one soul
one love, one heart
today because our special day
and thought we have to do is save

you know i do
i want to spend my life with you
when i awake
i’ll see your face everyday
through a good and bad time
i’ll be right there by your side
i just wanna tell you
I love you
you know i do….. i do….

you know i do
i want to spend my life with you
when i awake
i’ll see your face everyday
through a good and bad time
i’ll be right there by your side
i just wanna tell you
I love you … ooowwww…
i just wanna tell you
I love you
you know i doooo…
yeahh yeahhhhh……
i dooo….



G o! Make a difference & 
I mpact our nation! 
T rust & integrity model, uphold 
A shared vision inspire 

W ith strong passion 
I nnovate - dare to challenge the process 
*R ise up! Be counted! 
J ust do it! Never quit! 
A better Indonesia let's create 
W inning attitude and spirit ignite 
A im for the goal 
N othing's impossible 

Tune to "You Raise Me Up" 

PRIDE - Bank Bukopin


Professionalism together let's commit
Respect to others‎ - always let us show
Integrity uphold and model
Dedicated to customers

Tune to "You Raise Me Up" refrain

Bukopin's VALUES






Tune to "Walking With Jesus"



M odel with integrity
O ur lives making a real difference
C haracter develop with a strong discipline
H ave a great attitude
T rust -
A foundation we build
R espect & reputation have

R eally make a difference
I mpact our society & our world for good
*A legacy for the nation & for the future generations
D o leave behind as example
Y es! Glorify God!

Tune to "Wo de Zhong Guo Xin"


M odel a life of integrity
O ur own status in life know
C hoose To do the right thing 
H ave accountability
T rust -
A ct in faith
R est in Him
R esponsible socially let's be
I n righteousness, honesty live
A s God has blessed us much,
D o the same to others
Y es! To our nation contribute!

Tune to "Amazing Grace" 

Y es! To the world contribute!



written in English:li yi lian chi

Create an image of the Chinese characters for your Chinese tattoos.

It Means: 

propriety, righteousness, honesty, and a sense of shame (as a moral principle in China);

The first Chinese character, 礼, li 

ceremony; rite;

courtesy; manners;

gift; present;

treat someone with courtesy;

The second Chinese character, 义, yi 

justice or righteousness;

righteous, equitable, or just;

for charity, or in aid of charity;

human ties, or friendship;

meaning; significance;

adopted, or adoptive;

The third Chinese character, 廉, lian 

honest and clean;

low-priced, inexpensive, or cheap;

The fourth Chinese character, 耻, chi 

shame; disgrace; dishonor; humiliation; mortification;

feel ashamed/disgraced/humiliated


Special Callings
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 1 by Os Hillman
Monday, December 02 2013

"Nevertheless, each one should retain the place in life that the Lord assigned to him and to which God has called him." 1 Corinthians 7:17a - 1 Thessalonians 5:24
Each of us is called to relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We are called by Him, to Him, and for Him. Once we enter that relationship with Christ, we are called into the physical expression of that relationship. This is where our vocations are manifested as a result, not as an end in themselves.
Additionally, there are examples of special callings in the Bible in which individuals have a direct communication from God to do a specific task for Him. Moses, Paul, Peter, and many others had direct communication about what God was calling them to do. Not everyone receives this "special" calling. This is not to say God is not personal with each of us. Some have had extraordinary supernatural encounters with God that led to their calling being specific to a task ordered by God. All of us have been called to follow Christ and live our lives in obedience to Him. Many of us have a sense to go in one direction or another based on our life experiences and giftedness. This, too, is God's calling.
Calling goes beyond our work and includes our relationships to others: our spouse, our children, our neighbors -- and our co-workers. We must remember this in order that our "work calling" does not become elevated at the expense of the other important aspects of our lives. This is the holistic approach to the gospel in which God made all of life equally important.
Therefore, the next time someone says, "I was called into the ministry" or "I am in full-time Christian work," stop him or her and tell him or her we are all in full-time Christian work. There is no secular and religious in the economy of God. I have a dear friend who often says, "I am a servant of the living God masquerading as a dentist." So, too, are you first a servant of the living God.