Friday, November 30, 2012


Here is anacrostic of your name: E mpowered to be His witness R each out to the world with love I n the True Vine abiding K eep growing & bearing much fruit F ishers of men our calling I mpart His amazing grace S alt of the earth & light be H is highest utmost give Sing to the tune of "I Love To Tell the Story" hymn I hope you like it & can sing it. God bless..... Agung

Sunday, November 25, 2012


GIVE YOUR HEART G od has given His Son for us I n His love on the Cross He died V oice of God hear - Whom shall I send? E nds of the earth go - Gospel preach Y ield & O bey U nto the Lord! R each one more soul H is grace to share E ver faithful A ll our heart give R ejoice! T o Him all glory give! Tune to "In Christ Alone"

7 Habits of Highly Effective Stewards

7 Habits of Highly Effective Stewards 1. Be thankful 2. Trust God to provide 3. Be content 4. Be a faithful example 5. Live within your means 6. Give time and talent 7. Give treasure STEWARD = S eek to be THANKFUL in all things T rust God to provide our needs E njoy, be content W alk in faith A im to live within our means R ender our time and talent to be used for God D o give our treasure unto Him - Soli Deo Gloria! Sing to "Joyful, Joyful" tune


FOR GOD & FOR GOOD F or God so loved the world that He gave His Son O h what a wonder, grace so amazing R edeemed from sin & G ave us eternal life O nly in Christ D o put our hope & trust F ear not! O h march in faith & confidence R eform our business, marketplace G od-centered be O h loyal to process O bedient to Truth D o yield all Sing to "How Great Thou Art" tune ________________________________ FOR GOD & FOR GOOD F or His glory O ur mission & purpose be R each out to the world - G race & love let's impart O h GOD-CENTERED D o be LOYAL TO PROCESS & OBEDIENT TO TRUTH F or His Word our command O h let us ignite R EAL SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE G ive our all - YIELDING RIGHTS O ur aim to please Him O ur utmost for His highest let us strive for D elight the Lord - Soli Deo Gloria! Tune to "To God Be the Glory"


SHARON KARINA S trive for excellence in everything you do H ave passion for continuous learning A im for the star R ise & soar as the eagle O bstacles overcome N ever give up K eep integrity - lead to model the way A shared vision inspire R each for the goal I n teamwork enable others to act N ow challenge the process [A nd] heart encourage Tune to "You Raise Me Up"


DIZA LARENTIE D riven, committed to do the very best I ntegrity uphold - mODEL THE WAY Z ealous with passion - inspire a shared vision A s we innovate - CHALLENGE THE PROCESS L et's synergize - ENABLE OTHERS TO ACT A cknowledge - R eally ENCOURAGE THE HEART E xcellence let us pursue! N ever quit! T ransform! I mpact! E mpower - a difference make! Tune to "You Raise Me Up" HSBC Indonesia

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


ABRAHAM CHRISTIN = A s two become one flesh B ond of His love binds R ejoice in the wife of your youth A s God's gift H opes all things, believes all things & bears all things A s God's love shows M ay you love, honor, cherish, protect Christin C hoose to surrender H is will supreme in our lives R est in His Word I n obedience submit S hare with each other T rust God I n all things give thanks N ever fear! Emmanuel - God is with us! Sing to "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus" ====================================================== ABRAHAM - CHRISTIN A holy cov'nant B ond of love unites R est in Christ as our foundation A llow Him to reign as our Head H ope, faith & love flow A bundant God's blessings M ore of His grace buidling & sustaining our marriage C ommitted to His will H is purpose in our lives be R ealized & I nspiring us S eek Him first T rust & obey fully I n all our ways N ever will He forsake! Tune to "Semua Baik"

Daniel - Irene

DANIEL - IRENE D well in unity A s God made us one flesh N ow I know that God was thinking of me I n making you - He made all my dreams come true E verlasting covenant L et us pledge I 'll be there wherever you may go in life R est assured nothing can come between us E ver more loving you with all my heart N one can be right E xcept you're in my life Tune to "You Raise Me Up"

Monday, November 12, 2012


PSALMS FOR ALL SEASONS P urpose-driven for Christ S eek first His Kingdom A bide in Him L et us bear much fruit M ore of His grace S ustaining us daily F orever O ur God R eigns eternally *A llelujah L et's praise L ift up His Name & S ing! E xalt the Lord A ll glory to Him give! S hepherd of Love O ur needs will He provide us N ever worry S hout to the Lord our God! Tune to "Great is Thy Faithfulness" ================================================================ Psalm 23, The Lord is my Shepherd


ZION FELLOWSHIP Z ion Family we love I n His grace & Truth we grow into His likeness O ur Lord's love to all share N ow as His light & salt be F aithful & obedient E mpow'red by His Spirit L et us seek first His Kingdom! *L ord of the Harvest O ur passion for lost souls ignite W ith all our hearts, and minds and S trength - our all let us give H ope of the world - Jesus Christ I n Him eternal life P eace with God - peace with man experience SOLI DEO GLORIA (3X) =========================================== Welcome To The Family Lyrics I Welcome to the family We're glad that you have come To share your life with us As we grow in love and May we always be to you What God would have us be A family always there To be strong and to lean on [ Lyrics from: ] II May we learn to love each other More with each new day May words of love be on our lips In everything we say May the spirit melt our hearts And teach us how to pray That we might be a true family BRIDGE To be strong and to lean on (3x) SONG SEQUENCE: I, I, II, I, II, I, BRIDGE

Sunday, November 11, 2012


JESSY BRATAATMADJA J ust as you are E mpowered to do His works S hine forth His light S alt of the earth let's be Y ield, surrender B e a blessing to others R each out in love A mbassadors of Christ *T rust & obey A lways rejoice, give thanks A bide in Christ T ruly bear fruit M ore like Him be A lways D o His commands J oin hand in hand A s God's partner Sing to "How Great Thou Art" tune. Istri Darmadi Sutanto Dir BNI


K-POP RELEASE K neel & worship before God's throne P ower of the Holy Spirit poured O f His grace P rayer He'll hear, answer R est in His Word E xpect He will act L et's trust E l-Shadai Almighty A ll things are possible with Him S eek His presence, abide in Him E mpowered we'll soar like the Eagle Tune to "Sweet Hour of Prayer" _________________________________ K-POP = Kneel - Power of Prayer


HACCP OK H azard analysis make A ll critical control points check C ritical limits establish C ritical control points monitor P lan corrective actions when deviate O h record keeping procedures keep K now by establishing all verification procedures are in place – all these ensure safety of food! Sing to “Garuda Pancasila” tune 7 Principles of HACCP - ================================================= HACCP = H ave passion for innovation - just do it! A im for the Star C ommit to do our best C hoose to make a real difference in our world P urpose-driven to pursue Excellence! Tune to "You Raise Me Up" reff

Asaelia Aleeza

Asaelia Aleeza A hero of God S eek to please Him always A new vision inspire, make a difference E mptied of self L et us enthrone Christ as Lord I n faith go forth A s bold as Asael A lways trust & obey L et us do His will E tched in His image, E xpress His likeness Z est of life & fullness of joy God fills A ll to Him be the glory, majesty! Tune to "You Raise Me Up" Anak Darmadi Sutanto Dir. BNI

Joshetta Ezrela

Joshetta Ezrela J ewel of God - precious O h beyond compare S pirit-empowered H is wisdom guiding E xpect with God T here's nothing impossible T rust in His Word A bide in Him - bear fruit E xalt the Lord Z ealous with passion for Him R est in His promise E mmanuel with us L ight of the world & salt of the earth be A transformation & an impact make! Tune to "You Raise Me Up" Anak Darmadi Sutanto Dir. BNI


LIFE IS GRACE L ife is precious I t is of God's grace F illed with His joy - let us give thanks! E xpress Christ in our lives I n love His story tell S hare with others the Good News! G ood Shepherd will guide & sustain us R each out to lost sinners like us A ccept His Son - Jesus C hrist - He is the Saviour E verlasting life He gives Tune to "Amazing Grace" from Pak Paulus Bambang's PP on BB November, 2012