Saturday, September 12, 2015


SUDARSONO CHANDRAWIDJAJA S hadow of the Almighty U nder Your wings D o cover me, Lord *A s the good Shepherd guides R ests my soul S till .... O n the green pastures N ow lie down O ver the valley I will not fear C hrist comforts me H is staff protects # A ll is well N othing to fear D well in Christ R esting in His bosom A righteous man though early he died W ill be at rest I n heaven with God D o trust J ust as his life pleased the Lord A ll grace, J oy A nd peace God will bestow Tune to "Still" ============= Lagu aslinya: Still Words and Music by Reuben Morgan Hide me now Under your wings Cover me within your mighty hand When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with you above the storm Father you are king over the flood I will be still and know you are God Find rest my soul In Christ alone Know his power In quietness and trust =============== Kenangan 100 hari Amiang ada Ayat Psalm 23 dan di FB Jenny Wisdom 4:7-15.... Sy gabungkan dan bikinkan singkatan yg bs dinyanyikan dgn lagu "Still", salah satu lagu yg tadi dinyanyikan:

Saturday, September 05, 2015


NAMASTE IC INDIA N ow A s we are gathered together in Gargaon M utually honour one another's soul A s we are one S eek to honour T he light, love and peace within you E xotic, extravagant I ndia C ome! Let us enjoy! I n steering change and forging meaning N ow through AIESEC youth leadership D o transform & I mpact our world A real difference let us make! Tune to "Rasa Sayange" Yg nyanyi EB LC Undip dan kalo bs gandeng Anind sbg PI jg...bgm?


GRII YOUTH G o to the world in Spirit's power R each out for Christ with grace & love I n pursuit of a mind for Christ I n passion seek a heart for God Y ielded fully - O ur life for Christ U tmost for His highest let's give T o Him alone all the glory H is Name exalt in all the earth Tune to "In Christ Alone"


YOUTH FOR CHRIST Y ielded fully - O ur life for Christ U tmost for His highest let's give T rust & obey H is will to do F or the Great Commission O ur call R each out for Christ with love & grace C alled to witness H is Name to bear R eflecting Christ I n all our ways S alt of the earth T' light of the world Tune to "In Christ Alone"