Friday, January 13, 2017


*ANDY CHRISTIANTO* A s His light N ow shine bright in the world D well & abide in the True Vine Y ou'll bear much fruit C hoose to be H is salt of the earth & R eal blessing be unto others I n all we do S eek His Kingdom, righteousness T ransform the world round us I n everything give thanks & A lways rejoice N ever fear T he Lord's our good Shepherd O ur praises sing - Glory to God in the highest! _tune to "Majesty"_ 13 Jan. 2017 BCA BM Pekalongan


*CHRIST - GABY* C ovenant of love pledge as two become one H is amazing grace sustains R ich blessings poured I n Christ what God has united S hall man never separate T ruly love and cherish till death do us part G od is the Ruler of our home, let us submit A lways rejoice and give thanks in all things B elieve God, trust Him - He will never forsake you Y ield to His will and you'll have peace, harmony Sing to _"Ku Mau Cinta Yesus_ 14 Jan. 2017 Anak Koeslimawan Nufarindo

Sunday, January 01, 2017


New Year 2017 Sermon @GKT: *MY DOXOLOGY* *M*y purpose is: *Y*our Glory, Lord *D*o change me that *O*thers may see *X*pressing Christ *O*bey His will *L*ive out *O*ur *G*od's calling *Y*es... Amen Tune to "Doxology" (Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow)


*MERRY CHRISTMAS* *M*essiah has come to earth *E*xalt & *R*ejoice in Him *R*eceive Him *Y*our Saviour & Lord *C*hrist the Son of God is born *H*is Name is called Wonderful *R* ighteous Prince of Peace *I* s He *S*eek the lost to save from sin *T*he gospel of grace and love share *M*ajesty, glory to Christ *A*llelujah *S*ing our praise Tune to "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" 2016 December