Tuesday, July 31, 2012


SISILIA = S uccess I n everything S urely I n God trusting L ive with passion I nspire A ll to God be glory! sing to "Happy Birthday" tune FB Sisilia Oei Pascal Lasmana's wife

Monday, July 30, 2012


NATALIA = N ever quit! A lways try! T rust God A chieve your goals L ead with vision & passion I n faith A im for the STar! Sing to "Happy Birthday" Natalia Ortiz Zapata FB AIESECer Pereira, Risaralda

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Apoorv bamba

Happy Birthday APOORV = A lways P ursue the best O ur dreams O ur goals achieve R ise up, soar as the eagle V ision with passion fuel! Sing to "Happy Birthday" tune FB AIESEC India apoorv bamba

Saturday, July 28, 2012


THERE IS A HOPE Stuart Townend 我 心 中 這 一 盼 望 在 點 燃, 賜 我 力 量 能 經 過 每 分 秒, 一 絲 榮 耀 顯 在 我 微 少 的 身 軀 驅 除 一 切 懷 疑; 在 基 督 內 罪 已 得 赦, 而 屬 天 盼 望 在 我 心, 我 最 深 喜 樂, 我 最 高 呼 召 是 祂 旨 意 成 全。 使 我 能 抬 頭 的 這 個 盼 望, 它 安 慰 我 縱 我 極 度 疲 憊; 當 世 界 正 以 最 深 陷 阱 來 坑 我, 救 贖 主 也 同 在; 現 今 所 受, 明 天 所 懼, 我 主 耳 語 叫 我 剛 強, 因 我 安 穩 在 主 永 久 雙 臂 必 領 我 回 天 家。 能 經 歷 時 間 試 煉 的 盼 望, 使 我 眼 逾 越 招 手 的 墳 塋; 當 我 見 祂 臉 面 我 也 見 每 一 天 是 神 聖 無 可 比; 當 苦 痛 歇 而 憂 傷 寧, 而 每 個 期 待 也 滿 足, 我 魂 間 喜 樂 是 無 比 滿 溢, 我 已 然 在 天 家。 TRANSLATED by http://www.youtube.com/user/YUTB13579 ============================= Chinese translation, sing in Mandarin :) [verse 1] 在我的心中燃燒著盼望,賜給我力量度過每一天, 主的榮光今雖只看到一點點,疑慮全化成煙。 我在主裡,罪得赦免,主在我裡,在地若天, 最高的呼召,我最大喜樂,祂旨意成我家。 [verse 2] 這盼望叫我把頭抬起來,賜給我安慰驅走了絕望, 當世界把我投進它的深坑裡,救主仍在身旁。 在患難中,在恐懼裡,主微聲說要有勇氣, 因為我安躺在主的膀臂,祂領我回天家。 [verse 3] 有一個盼望永遠不動搖,賜給我眼光穿透了死亡, 到那日看到天上無比的美景,親眼見主榮光。 不再痛苦,不再憂愁,主已滿足一切渴求, 無盡的喜樂在我心湧流,這就是我的家。 http://www.youtube.com/user/stalliontiger1 ==================================


BILLIE MILLER = B e His witness I n word and deed L et His light shine - His image bear L ive with passion I nspiring hope E mpowered by His Holy Ghost M ore like Jesus I n grace growing L ight of the world, salt of the earth L et us fulfill His Commission E very nation with Gospel R eached! Sing to "In Christ Alone" (Townsend & Getty version) Writer of Life in Righteousness

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


LIFE IN RIGHTEOUSNESS = L et's seek I n diligence F ind God's Word E xpect to find life therein I n faith N ow walk & R ejoice I n Christ G ood Shepherd H e will lead us *T rust & obey Him E mpowered by His Spirit O ur will submitted U nder His will S urely long life, wealth, peace N ow He will reward us with E ternal treasures S eek S ure find! Sing to the tune of "Thy Word" http://thewordisyourlife.com/uploads/Life_in_Rigtheousness_SAMPLECHAPTER.pdf

Monday, July 23, 2012


ALISSA = A lways rejoice, give thanks L et us trust I n Him hope S eek His Kingdom, righteousness S weet fellowship A bide! Sing to "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" tune Alissa Shirley FB

Saturday, July 21, 2012


ANDY = A lways rejoice, give thanks N ever fear - God's with you D well in Him & bear much fruit Y ield to His Word, obey Sing to "Happy Birthday" tune Andy Widjaja (Tjia Mie) Worked at Division of the State Architect


MELODY = M ake a difference E xcel! L et us strive O h don't quit! D are to face life's challenges Y es! Together we Can! Sing to "Happy Birthday" tune Melody Sung AIESECER Dalian, China Current City


KARIN = K eep going - Do Not Quit! A im & R each for the goal! I gnite passion, make impact! N ever fear - Just do it! Sing to "Happy Birthday" tune Karin Karling AIESECer São Miguel do Oeste is a municipality of the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina


FLORENT = F rom good to great L et's move! O ur very best R ender! E xcellence pursue & aim N ever quit T ry & try! Sing to "Happy Birthday" tune AIESEC Florent Meiyi President of AIESEC International

Friday, July 20, 2012


EVELYN = E xpect V ictory in life E very challenge L et's face Y es! Believe you can do it! N ever quit! God's with you! Sing to "Happy Birthday" tune EVELYN SANTOSO


Happy Birthday JILL = J ust be your unique self I mprove self & others L ive, love, learn, legacy leave L et's transform for better! Sing to "Happy Birthday" tune JILL KOENIG FB


Happy Birthday GINA = G row in His grace & love I n His footsteps follow N ow trust & obey always A ll to Christ be glory! Sing to "Happy Birthday" tune


EUNICE = E xcellence pursuing U nstoppable N e'er quit! I mpact - C reate to transform E quip & synergize! Sing to "Happy Birthday" tune AIESECer Hanoi Eunice Liao ===================================================================== Eunice Liao = omg I like it ! ♥ thanks so much!!!!


YUKIKO = Y our potential U nleash K eep going! Never quit! I mpact & make a difference K now our strengths O ur best do! sing to "Happy Birthday" tune Yukiko Yamamori = AIESECer in FB

Monday, July 16, 2012


LETTING GO = L etting go does not mean we just stop caring E mpowering others, not controlling T o make the most of ourselves & T o accept I nspire others their destinies affect *N ot judging others - allow them to be real G row & live for the future - regret not G iving the way to more treasures of life O h fear less & Love ourselves more each day Sing to "You Raise Me Up" Tune ============================ by Lisa F Sitompul on Monday, July 2, 2012 at 4:00pm · When I think about the term: "Letting go" I would come to: * Letting go doesn't mean we stop caring, we simply care in a more flexible and wiser way... * Letting go doesn't mean we're cutting ourselves off from something or someone, it simply gives us a sign that we can still do something for someone else. * Letting go doesn't mean that we admit powerlessness, we simply being kind to ourselves and to the realisation that we can't control another. * Letting go isn't trying to change or blame another, its to make the most of ourselves. * Letting go isn't to care for, but to care about. * Letting go isn't to judge, but to allow another to be a real person. * Letting go is not to be in a middle, arranging all the outcomes, but to allow others to affect their own destinies, giving a chance to grow and let life do its part. * Letting go is not to deny, but to accept. * Letting go is no to nag, scold or argue, but instead it's a journey to search our our own shortcoming and correct them along the way. * Letting go is not adjusting things to my desires, but to take each day as it comes and cherish ourselves in it. * Letting go is not to regret, blame, possessing the guilt, or resentment upon our past, it simply an opportunity to grow and live for the future, giving the way to more treasures of life that awaits for us. * Letting go is to fear less on things and love our lives and ourselves a little bit more every single day... And Letting go is simply about always look what available to us now, instead of suffering the pain of losing. It's an opportunity to be grateful and always believe, that the things that we have shared to those who we love so dearly might have given them something precious in life. Wishing you all to have a great start of the month... With love, Lisa Fransiska Sitompul July 2nd, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Happy Birthday JENNY = J ust be your unique self E xpress with confidence N ever fear N ever give up Y es! Believe you can do it! Sing to "Happy Birthday" tune Jenny Desouja AIESECer


Happy Birthday JASHAN = J ust do your very best A im for the goal S trive hard H ave passion for improvement A lways try N ever quit! Sing to "Happy Birthday" tune Jashan Dullat Chandigarh, India

Saturday, July 14, 2012


KARMAKA SURJAUDAJA K eep on fire! A lways doing the best R est not on past laurels M ake improvement A ct with true integrity K eep the trust of [the] people A model & example be S trive for excellence - U nleashing potential R each for the Star J ust do it! Don't quit! A new vision: U nite to become stronger D are to innovate A chieve new breakthroughs J ust soar high A s the Dragon! Tune to "Ai Pia" NISP Bank

Friday, July 13, 2012


LANGUAGE LEARNING L anguage-learning can A dvance your career N ew places to travel & G ain new friends U nderstanding cultures A ctualizing self G lobal leader E xpect to make impact! L earning a language invigorates the brain E nables you to make A n impression R each out to more people N ow I nspire! N ever give up G o learn a new language! Tune to “You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban ================================== 14 Benefits Of Learning a Second Language Mar 16th, 2010 by G B SINGH. inShare More and more software programs, electronic devices, and websites devoted to learning a second language are being developed daily. Why all the excitement? Why would YOU want learning a second language? 1. Job Advancement: Get the Competitive Edge – Many large corporations and government agencies have positions requiring a foreign language. In a country like Canada, which is officially bilingual, someone who knows both French and English will have better employment prospects. 2. Travel: Travel to a foreign country can be exciting – and also very exasperating if you can’t understand the local speech. Many North Americans are somewhat egocentric in this regard, expecting to find English spoken no matter where they are. Although this is sometimes true in larger cities, don’t expect to find English-speakers in small communities. 3. Relatives: The world is a melting pot of cultures and languages. You probably have living relatives in other countries with whom you could communicate more effectively if you took the effort to learn at least a few words. 4. Genealogy Research: Some of your ancestors probably spoke a different language. If you plan to search old genealogical records, you will be more successful with at least a basic understanding of your ancestors’ language(s). 5. Understanding Your Own Language: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said, ‘Those who don’t know foreign languages know nothing of their own.’ Learning a second language will give you a much better understanding of English. Your knowledge of English grammar, vocabulary, verb tenses, and sentence construction will improve when you tackle another language. 6. Self-Actualization and Challenge: If you’ve already been everywhere and done everything – perhaps it’s time to tackle something new. What could be more challenging and rewarding than immersing yourself in another language? 7. Opera, Poetry, and Prose Appreciation: Artistic works written in a different language often cannot be fully appreciated when translated into English. This is especially obvious when listening to poetry. If poetry is translated into English with a preserved rhyming scheme, the meaning of the poetry is almost always altered. Being able to listen to the original language – with its subtle tones and nuances – will lend to a greater appreciation of the artist. 8. Culture Appreciation: One can only truly comprehend a foreign culture if the language is also understood. Exactly what is ‘Bratwurst’ or ‘Calvados’? And what about foreign films? Wouldn’t you like to be able to watch something with subtitles – and skip reading them? 9. Invigorate the Brain: Adults benefit from the brain stimulation produced by language training. Seniors who tackle a foreign language show improved brain function over a period of time. Students who learn foreign languages as children score better on academic tests. There is also evidence to suggest that they may be more creative and resourceful when faced with solving complex tasks. 10. Learning Teaches You How to Learn: The self discipline and study habits acquired through successfully learning a second language can be applied to many other aspects of your life. 11. Studying Abroad: What better way to learn about a country’s culture than to study there? This requires an excellent command of the local language. 12. Communicate With Someone Secretly in Public: Imagine chatting in public with a friend about something private, knowing that only your friend understands! 13. Make Online Pen Pals and Friends: The internet is transforming our world into an intimate global village where you can chat via e-mail, forums, live chat sessions, and audio/video feeds. 14. Impress a Date: In closing – male or female – you will make points with your bilingual date by learning a few important words. If your date doesn’t speak a foreign language, he or she will be impressed by the enchanting allure of intimate expressions in one of the ‘romance’ languages. So, what are you waiting for? Start learning a second language NOW! http://www.learningasecondlanguage.net/benefits/

Monday, July 09, 2012


CONGRATULATIONS C ommit to do the best O h never give up! N othing less than excellence pursuing G o all-out R ealize your goal A nd your dream T arget Success & U nstoppable be! *L ive, love & learn A lasting legacy leave T ransform our world I mpact, make a difference! O h... N othing's impossible - JUST DO IT! S ignificance - not just success - attain! Tune to "You Raise Me Up"

Monday, July 02, 2012


ANINDYA KUSUMA A im for the Star N ever give up! Never quit! I nspire Success N othing less expect! D are to be different! Y es! Make a real difference! A lways ready to face life's challenges! K eep on striving for excellence in all things U nstoppable! S eek to reach for the Goal U nleash your best potential - just do it! M ake an impact & A legacy leave! Tune to "You Raise Me Up" AIESECer LC UNDIP


GILANG = G o all-out, never quit! I mprove continuously L ive, love A legacy leave N ow G ive your very best! Tune to “Happy Birthday”

Sunday, July 01, 2012


DRAGON SPIRIT D are to be different & make a real difference R each for the Goal & realize your dream A im for the Star & G ive your very best! O ur world impact N othing's impossible! S triving for excellence P urpose-driven to act I nspire the next generation R ise up as the Dragon I mpossible's nothing T ransform to make our world better! Tune to "Maju Tak Gentar" LC UNDIP EB 2012-2013 July 1, 2012 Handover