Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dan Miller tuned to You Raise Me Up


D evelop creative thinking in our lives
A chieve by integrating gifts and traits
N ow values stongly adhere, passions ignite

M ake a difference in the lives of others!
* I n step with God, finding His purpose for us
L ive, love and learn,
L eaving a legacy
E mpower others find freedom, fulfillment
R each for your life's calling, make an impact!

Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008

That is great! I pass emails such as this to Dan every Thursday, so he'll
get it then!

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Have a great day!

Ashley Logsdon
Customer Success Manager, Profiles Extraordinaire

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, either way you're right"
Henry Ford

May 17, 2008


I nvincible “Yeeeeeehaaaaa!” feeling
N ow inspire!
S eek to unleash
P ower unlimited!
I n belief there is magic, in faith promise,
R eally in action
E xpect deliv'ry!

M ake more possible -
E xcellence let's strive for!

T ruly we're born to fly -
O ur wings put on!
D ream of our life -
A transformation create!
Y ES! Together we can! - let's motivate!

Sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up"

Thursday, May 15, 2008


B e a model that inspires a shared vision
A nd encourage the heart, process challenge
R aise others up & enable them to act
B elieve with God nothing's impossible

M ake more possible
C hoose to make a difference!
K eep on inspiring &
E ncouraging
W isely coach &
E mpow'r to dare to dream
N othing less than excellence striving for!

sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up"





Barb McEwen is a well-known Master Executive Coach and Organizational Development Consultant who works with senior executives from around the world to help identify and assess developmental opportunities for both organizations and individuals.

Her unique, practical and powerful strategies make her easy to talk to and she has a way of demystifying what it takes to become more effective. Barb is accustomed to coaching both high-potential individuals and those requiring new skills to help them enhance their leadership competencies. Her coaching deepens the client's awareness of his or her unique strengths as a foundation for improvement. She helps them to gain personal insight and to recognize the requirements of the organization in which they work. Barb capably leads her clients through a process of setting realistic goals and then demonstrates how to achieve those goals in common sense and practical terms. Her toolbox of sensible strategies guarantees success.

You will learn how to: Understand the Great Game of Business and organizational dynamics so that you can win when you are playing in someone else's ball park

Create a Leadership Development Plan or blueprint for your life
Transform personal inefficiencies
Control your time and eliminate interruptions
Convert your image from boss to leader
Gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses
Eliminate fear, worry and needless stress

Through Executive Coaching it is possible for anyone to learn these strategies, alter their attitude and perceptions and create success on their own terms.


Barb's corporate background includes founding 20/20Executive Coaching and for the past ten years she has been helping clients from all over the world. Her many years in business are distinguished by significant accomplishments in a wide range of senior positions. She has served as the Executive Director of Regional Tourism, a Senior Executive with the Ministry of Economic Development and Vice-President of a major marketing firm. She has also taught Women in Management at both the college and university level. With diverse experience in human resources, organizational behavior, international marketing, communications and strategic planning, her clients find her an excellent resource and mentor. She has managed budgets in excess of $15 million and has been responsible for upwards of 200 staff. She continues to run two successful companies and knows first-hand the excitement and challenges that business people face.

The Road to Executive Coaching

Throughout her professional life Barb has been a committed volunteer and served on numerous boards and committees. For many years she has taken a special interest in palliative care and in 1993 began pursuing her Master of Divinity degree specializing in pastoral care and spiritual direction. It was while attaining her certification as a Clinical Pastoral Counselor that she was able to explore the "Big Question" and discover her life's purpose. The Big Question for Barb is not so much about "Why are you here?" But it has more to do with, "Are you happy about what you are becoming?" Asking helps end the conflict between who we are and what we do.

This combination of self-discovery and hands-on management experience enabled her to quickly integrate spiritual principles with typical rapid-results management techniques. She enjoys assisting others in bridging the gap between their personal and professional lives and to help them not only grow but also to thrive in today's fast paced world. Seeing herself as a lifelong learner, she then began her coach training. This multi-year experience confirmed her desire to support other executives and help them make a difference where they are.

Barb has written and spoken extensively about what she has come to understand about business, about people, and about life. It is these insights that give depth and meaning to her work. Like so many people, her greatest strengths have been developed through the lessons learned while in the trenches. It is these lessons -- learned from her mistakes and failures -- which she enthusiastically shares with clients. Her goal is to help reduce your learning curve and to help build and develop capability for both individuals and organizations. She has a special interest in sharing techniques on how to break the glass ceiling and balancing home, family and career.

Her Style

Barb is someone who makes life happen. She believes the everyday choices we make have a significant impact on whether or not we will live out our dreams. She likes to inspire others to look at the way they work, live and think. As a coach, she is passionate about what she does. She is a good listener, intuitive and not afraid to ask the difficult questions. She dares others to examine their own situations and to stretch to fulfill their dreams.

Training Certified Master Business Coach, B\Coach Systems
Strategy Focused Developmental Coaching Systems
Certified Executive Coach, Worldwide Association of Business Coaches
Post-graduate studies University of Winnipeg, Master of Divinity
Certified Clinical Pastoral Counselor, Good Samaritan Hospital, Phoenix
Lakehead University, BA, Industrial Psychology

She has also taken numerous business seminars and specific training in areas of HR, Management; Communications; Strategic Planning; Marketing; Growth & Development.


Barb is a competitive tennis player and an avid golfer. She is a keen bridge player, a ferocious reader and a strong proponent of personal development. She believes each of us is here for a purpose and it is our task to discover and live out that purpose. She and her husband love to travel, entertain, and enjoy time with their family.


Today, many people are accessing the support of a Personal Executive Coach. The reasons vary. One person may want to refine their leadership skills, while another may want to confront ineffective attitudes, learn how to break the glass ceiling, or build a more effective team. Whatever the reason, it’s always about improving performance and achieving personal empowerment. WITH US, IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


G uidance, motivation
A nd
I nspiration -
L et us give & share

L et us empower;
Y es! everyone, everywhere
N ow be inspired
N othing less than the best
E xpect to give!

G reat, positive effect
O n the world have!
O f service to our fellow men - purpose!
D iversity acknowledge &
W elcome!
I mproving to make a better
N ew world!

Tune to the song "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban

Monday, May 12, 2008



D o the best in everything you commit to
A passion for excellence igniting
N ever fear, never quit - but
E xpect the best!
L ive to the hilt &
L et us
E njoy life!

H ope inspiring,
E ncourage & motivate!
R est not on your laurels,
N ot complacent;
A better future
N ow help to transform!
D o truly
E mpower with
Z estful zeal!

Sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


GOD IS GOOD Acrostic

G od's grace and love
O how amazing!
D elight yourself

I n Him always!
S afe & secure He shields

G ood Shepherd
O ur  Jesus!
O let us
D raw near to Him!

tune to "Amazing Grace"

Sunday, May 04, 2008


 acrostic tuned to "Stand Up for Jesus" hymn =

W ith the Spirit's power -
H elp change
O transform & renew!

S eek first His Kingdom & heed
T he Great Commission call!
L et us
E ach other build,

M ay we
Y ield & obey Him!

C hrist -
H e is
U nsurpassing!
R eally
C hoose do
H is will!

Book recommendation: Who Stole My Church?

I recently received an advance copy of Gordon MacDonald's new book, Who Stole My Church? What to Do When the Church You Love Tries to Enter the 21st Century, from Thomas Nelson publishers. I was happy to receive a book from my friend, Gordon MacDonald, but this title surprised me a bit. It certainly seemed a departure from his previous books, such as, A Resilient Life and Ordering Your Private World, which were more about the individual's inner life. This new title was clearly not about the inner life. In this new book MacDonald has attempted to tackle one of the most divisive topics in the 21st Century church, the topic of change.

His title not only surprised, but it worried me. I always love MacDonald's books, but I was afraid that I wouldn't like this one. As a church planter I have encountered the angry church goer who thinks the church belongs to them and resists any change to its tradition or culture. As I looked at the book's cover I hesitated to open it.

I had recently acted as MacDonald's chauffeur, driving him from the airport to a speaking engagement and back to his hotel. On the one hand, I observed him to be an early adopter and very innovative in his thinking. He seemed more adept with his Palm PDA than any twenty something. He made good use of his laptop while projecting powerpoint images on a screen to illustrate his talking points. Yet, after a rousing time of contemporary worship lead by a young, blue-jean wearing, guitar playing, worship leader, MacDonald began his talk by asking everyone to sing an old hymn with him. He explained that he really had difficulty worshiping to the new songs. He wanted to sing something to which he and those fellow, "gray-haired" members of the audience might relate.

His hymn singing preference didn't worry me, I'll soon be 50 years old and I still love the occasional old hymn too. Certainly, MacDonald at age 66 deserved to sing the songs that touched his heart. But now as I held his latest book in my hand, I wondered if his taste in music had colored his view of change in the church.

I shouldn't have worried. Gordon MacDonald's new book was a joy to read. It is not a reactionary response to change. It is a very relational and mediating view of how an individual church congregation might face and respond to the changes in today's culture. The book is a real page turner too. MacDonald wrote this book as a kind of "dramatic form of semi-fiction." In it he tells the story of how he leads a fictional church in a New England town to respond to the cultural changes around them. I found myself relating to the conversations and struggles of this fictional church. MacDonald may be writing fiction, but it is certainly based on real life experience.

MacDonald's character in the book (he plays himself) decides to bring together a group of disgruntled church leaders to discuss the changes the church is facing. He calls it a "Discovery Group." In their weekly meetings they discuss nearly every cultural shift of this generation. They discuss the change of their church name. They struggle together with the elimination of their church choir and the ensuing "worship wars" that go with having a contemporary band leading on Sundays.

But their journey is more than having to lift their eyes from hymn books to projected words on screens. Gordon's character leads them to confront their own view of the church and more importantly, to whom the church belongs.

The book begins with one of the members of MacDonald's Discovery Group named Yvonne saying with great sadness, "All I know is that someone stole my church and I'd like to get it back."

The book is about the journey that led this same woman and many of the members of the group to change their view. Along the way they discovered that the church never belonged to them anyway. It had always belonged to Jesus.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves the church. Those who feel called to help transition an existing church to reach this generation will find much to encourage them. While MacDonald has not attempted to write a "how-to transition a church" book, he does offer a kind of paradigm for working with a church that has already begun the journey.

For those that are familiar with the coach approach to leadership, they will find many valuable "powerful questions" that may be used in leading people towards change. MacDonald's character often uses questions and active listening to pull resistant people forward. Although not everyone in MacDonald's fictional church is able to make the change, everyone is listened to and heard.

MacDonald admits that not everyone is shaped for leading a church through this kind of change. In one of his final chapters, he says:

Our experience leads me to say that if you want to be part of a church that is radically different from anything you've ever known, then plant one... But if you are willing to be patient in one of those old churches (like ours) that is pretty high up the S-curve, then put your head down and go to work. Be patient, be prayerful, seek allies, build alliances with other generations. You'll probably have to convince a lot of people, and they'll come dragging their feet like the members of our Discovery Group. But as time passes, somehow the Spirit of God will grab hearts, and you just may see a miracle-- a hundred-year-old church that acts with the spirit of an enthusiastic teenager. That's what happened to us.

I shouldn't have worried about Gordon MacDonald's latest book. He gets it right. The church is not ours. It belongs to Christ.

Thursday, May 01, 2008


Acrostic of KINGDOM OF GOD

K ingdom of God
I s not about meat and drink;
N ot of the material world!
G od's righteousness, peace
D eep joy in the Spirit
O these
M ake, constitute the Kingdom!

*O nly by grace, [&]
F aith we can see

G od is ready
O to lift us &
D eliver us!

SIng to the tune of "Seek Ye 1st the Kingdom of God"
* refrain


Pastor Sunday Adelaja: WHAT IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD?

"For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost" (Rom. 14: 17, KJV).

The kingdom of God has nothing to do with the material world. The appellation kingdom of God does suggest that the Lord is the creator of the entity designated. Therefore God’s kingdom is intimately associated with the Lord and his intrinsic qualities such as peace, righteousness and joy. Many people hold a deeply erroneous belief that the kingdom of God can experienced only after death. On that score, Jesus said to his disciples the following words: "But I tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God" (Lk. 9: 27, KJV).

As evident from the above, to see the kingdom of God without tasting death is to experience it during one’s earthly life. If you expect it to come in a visible way, then you are mistaken. In Luke 17:20-21 he makes a statement that defies any conventional wisdom "The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there! For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you" (KJV).

If one is hostile to God, their efforts to find peace, joy and peace are in vain. These things can be experienced only when you have yourself reconciled with the Lord, who bestows good things of his kingdom on those turning to him.

God is ready to accept any person, deliver them from all life’s burdens and give peace, joy and righteousness in place of anxieties, tears and sinful habits. In other words, he wants to give things that make the kingdom of God.

Verses to reflect on: Luke 17: 20-21.

A verse to remember:
"For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost" (Rom. 14: 17, KJV).