Friday, February 13, 2015



G od-centered &
L oyal to Process
O bedient to Truth & do His will
R eal Spirit of excellence - our way
Y ielding rights - pleasing Him

Tune to " Glory, Glory Hallelujah"



B elieve
E mmanuel - God with us
L et us not fear
I n faith, trust
E l-Shadai almighty
V ictory He will give
E xalt and glorify Him!

tune to "Amazing Grace"



D well in the Lord &
J ust trust in Him
O bey, do His Word - pleasing Him
N ever fear! He's with you
D elight to do His will
Y ield and surrender our all

Tune to "Amazing Graace"

Jakarta City Blessing

TEAM Acronymn


T ogether working to produce the result
E veryone committed to shared values
A chieves the goal with passion, synergy
M ore glory to God - give Him our utmost

Tune to "You Raise Me Up" refrain

Psalm 119 Series - BLESSED WHO WALK IN GOD'S LAW (Aleph)


B lessed are the undefiled in the way
L et them walk in the Lord's law
E ver keeping His testimonies &
S eek Him with the whole heart
S erve, walk in His ways
E xempt from iniquity
D iligently keeping His precepts

W hat He's commanded us
H is statutes keep & honour
O ur ways directed by the Lord

W hen I have respect to Your commands
A shamed not
L ove,
K eep Your Word

*I 'll praise with uprightness of heart
N ow Your righteous judgments learn

G ive ear to the Lord's voice, do His will
O forsake not utterly
D o trust & obey
S eek first His Kingdom only

L et us not be weary doing good
A ll praise & glory be to Christ - for He is worthy
W ith all our hearts we worship Him

Tune to " Thy Word"

Nyoman Kwanhok

Nyoman Kwanhok

N ever give up!
Y our utmost best give and do
O vercome life's challenge with fortitude
M eaningful life sharing with our fellow man
A pursuit of excellence
N ow inspire!

K eep on fire
W ith passion and attitude
A ll-out effort let's give &
N ever quit!
H ope of a better tomorrow ignite
O ur place in life
K now and purpose to live!

Tune to "You Raise Me Up"



R ooted in Christ
O ur all in all
O bey, ready to do His Word
T rust in the Lord
E xpect He will
D o and fulfill His promises

I n Christ alone
N ow let us hope

C ommit our ways
H ave faith in Him
R ejoice always
I n all give thanks
S oli Deo Gloria
T o Him

tune to "In Christ Alone"

Happy Ram Year

Happy Ram Year

H appiness, peace and love
A bounding in your life
P ast failures
P onder not
Y our future's in God's hands

R emember all God's goodness &
A ll His bountiful blessings
M ake all beautiful in His time - for great is His faithfulness

Y ear of the Ram bringing
E ndless warmth & good cheer
A ll your dreams coming true
R enew & inspire hope!

Tune to "Gongxi, Gongxi"



Mei tiao da jie xiao xiang
Mei ge ren di zui lee
Jien mien di yi ju hua
Jiu si gong xi gong xi

Dong tian yi dao jing tou
Zhen shi hao di xiao xi
Wen nuan di chun feng
Jiu yao chui sing da di

Gong xi gong xi gong xi ni ya
Gong xi gong xi gong xi ni
Gong xi gong xi gong xi ni ya
Gong xi gong xi gong xi ni

Hao hao bing xue rong jie
Yan kan mei hua tu rei
Man man chang ye guo chu
Ting dao yi shen ji ti

Jing guo duo sao kuan nan
Li jing duo sao muo lian
Duo sao xin er pan wang
Pan wang chun de xiao xi

Gong xi gong xi gong xi ni ya
Gong xi gong xi gong xi ni
Gong xi gong xi gong xi ni ya
Gong xi gong xi gong xi ni

Gong xi gong xi gong xi ni ya
Gong xi gong xi gong xi ni
Gong xi gong xi gong xi ni ya
Gong xi gong xi gong xi ni



K nowing Jesus [the] Truth, Life and Way
O ur Saviour
N ew creation in Christ He made
G race so free, love so abounding

L et us glorify &
E xalt His holy Name
O ur Redeemer Lord
R ejoice always
I n praise
E nthrone Him
S oli Deo Gloria

Tune to "And His Grace Appears"


K ing of kings & the Lord of lords
O ur utmost for His highest give
N ow to live is Christ, to die
G ain

L ove so amazing constrains me
E mmanuel
O ur God with us
R ejoice always
I n all give thanks
E mpow'red by His Holy Spirit
S eek His Kingdom and righteousness

tune to "In Christ Alone"

Verse 1]
You gave me hope you made me whole at the cross.
You took my place you showed me grace.
At the cross where you died for me.

And his glory appears like the light from the sun
Age to age he shines
look to the skies hear the angels cry.
Saying holy is the Lord.

[Verse 2]
You gave me hope you made me whole at the cross.
You took my place you showed me grace
At the cross where you died for me.

And his glory appears like the light from the sun.
Age to age he shines look to the skies here the angels cry.
Saying holy is the Lord.



J oyful, joyful we adore Thee
O ur Saviour and Lord Jesus
You are the Logos incarnate
F ull of grace and full of truth
U nto Thee, Lord, we give thanks &
L ift up Thy Name

W e're the clay, Thou art the Potter
E xalt and glorify Thee

*A ll creatures that have breath
D o praise O f His excellent greatness
R ejoice, give thanks in everything
E njoy His goodness and love

T hrough Him, to Him and from Him all things
H ave their source
E vermore to Him be the glory
E nduring through the ages

Tune to "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee"