Tuesday, September 11, 2018


September 12, 2018 May this be our prayer today: *JABEZ PRAYER* *J* abez called on the Lord *A* nd prayed: *B* less me indeed & *E* nlarge my coast *Z* ealously ask: Thy hand with me" *P* lease keep me away from evil, Lord *R* equest that it may not grieve You *A* ll that I ask, *Y* ou will grant me *E* xalt and glorify the Lord *R* edeemer and Saviour of the world Tune to *Sweet Hour of Prayer* https://www.allaboutprayer.org/prayer-of-jabez.htm

Saturday, September 08, 2018


August 2018 Baru2 ini terinspirasi dgn lagu *Kemurahan Tuhan*, dan mencoba membuat dgn versi acrostic, spt ini: *GOD'S MERCY* *G* od is gracious and merciful to us *O* ur sins He forgave, through the Lamb's blood *D* ead to sin and alive to righteousness *S* eek His face, obey Him, do His will *M* ore of Christ, less of me *E* xalt and glorify Him *R* each out to the lost world with His love *C* reated to be like Jesus, let's imitate Him *Y* ield to Him - Lord of lords, King of kings Tune to:👇 *KEMURAHAN TUHAN* Oleh kar’na kemurahan Tuhan Ku ada sampai hari ini Oleh kar’na kebaikan Tuhan Janji-Mu terjadi bagiku Ku sembah Kau Tuhan Ku mengangkat tanganku S’lamanya Kau ajaib bagiku Ku sembah Kau Tuhan Ku mengangkat wajahku S’lamanya Kau hebat bagiku S’lamanya Kau hebat bagiku


Aug.18, 2018 *MAXIM - VERO* *M* ade as one flesh - two become one *A* lways love, cherish to the end *X* perience God's *I* ndwelling peace *M* ake Christ be the Ruler of your home *V* erily what God has joined, let no one separate *E* verlasting covenant before God let us pledge *R* ejoice always & give Him thanks in everything *O* ur utmost all for His glory give Tune to *Kasih Pasti Lemah Lembut*


*MY PRAYER* *M* ay Christ increase and I decrease *Y* ield to His will, obey His Word *P* urpose-driven to be like Him *R* each out to the lost with His love *A* s His light and salt of the earth *Y* our witness bear, let the world know *E* mpow'red by His Holy Spirit *R* eflect Christ and glorify Him Tune to *In Christ Alone* https://youtu.be/Gax8GL7EViE

THANK YOU (condolences for Mama)

To all our wonderful friends, family, and uncle/auntie,we want to say a BIG *THANK YOU*: *T* o all we want to say thanks *H* ow wonderful you have been *A* lways giving your support *N* e'er calculating *K* eep on praying for us with fervent *Y* our presence has been our strength *O* nly God can repay *U* r kindness.... Kamsia Tune to *Give Thanks* 1 Sept. 2018

Wednesday, September 05, 2018


*CAROLINE RIADY* *C* alled to be His witness *A* s His light and salt *R* each out with grace *O* ur Lord's Gospel sharing to all *L* et us obey His command *I* n everything please Him *N* ot I but Christ *E* xalted above all *R* est in Christ - abide in Him, bear fruit *I* n the pow'r of the Holy Spirit *A* lways give thanks and rejoice *D* o His will, glorify Him *Y* ield to the Potter's hand for we're the clay Tune to *Hidup Ini Adalah Kesempatan*