Sunday, August 26, 2012


MYLES MUNROE (may be tuned to "In Christ Alone" by Townsend & Getty) M ake disciples of all nations Y es! the Great Commisssion fulfill L ight of the world, salt of the earth E xalt Christ S eek first His Kingdom! M ore of Christ and less of me show! U nto Him N ow all surrender R ejoice always & O h give thanks! E vermore give Him the glory!

Friday, August 17, 2012


ANA BELEN = A im for the Star, focus on your goal - achieve! N ever give up! Keep on doing your best! A lways believe "impossible is nothing" B eyond your limits try & just do it! *E xcellence pursue - rest not on past laurels! L ive, love & learn - leaving a legacy E mpower, motivate & enable N ew vision inspire - the world transform! Sing to "You Raise Me Up" (by Josh Groban) FB AIESECer Ana Belen Frias VENEZUELA AIESEC en USB High Quality Process LeaderCaracas, Venezuela Global Citizenwith José Gómez EP Manager


INTERNATIONAL = I gnite a grand N ew vision T he world transform! E NJOY PARTICIPATION - Be involved! R eally STRIVING for EXCELLENCE N ever quit! A CTIVATING LEADERSHIP T o model! *I NTEGRITY DEMONSTRATE O h in action N ow respect in LIVING DIVERSITY A CTING SUSTAINABLY - future needs think L et us arise & shine - oh AIESECers! Sing the acrostic to the tune of "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban AIESEC INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS 2012 In Russia