Saturday, June 03, 2006

DOA UNTUK JOGJA dgn "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"=

D engarkan
O h Tuhan, doa
A nakMu;

U lurkan tangan,
N yatakan kasihMu;
T abahkan hati
U ntuk hadapi tragedi ini;
K uatkanlah dengan kuasa RohMu.

J anjiMu tetap, takkan kami tergoyah;
O mbak, badai hidup 'kan berlalu
G enapkan Firman,
J adi Terang, Pelita;
A nugrahMu penuhi hidup kami

GOD HAS A PLAN dgn lagu "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"

G od is in control
O ver the world's events;
D esigns

H is purpose
A ccording to His will;
S urely Aceh, Nias and Jogja are not just accidents;

A new Indonesia that fears God He plans!

P ure, just & righteous - freed from greed & corruption;
L ordship of Christ in all things acknowledge
A lways seeking first His Kingdom of truth and light;
N ow let us be His light and salt of the earth!

Friday, June 02, 2006


C hrist alone,
O nly Saviour in the world;
N ow
V ict'ry over sin give;
I n power
C onvicting Word of Christ,
The hard hearts break, [&] broken heal
*I will
N ow
G lory, in the Cross of Calvary;

W ith Spirit's power
O h the Gospel share,
R eaching out to lost souls,
D irecting them to the Way, the Truth, the Life, that's Jesus Christ!

"Thy Word"
Mark 2:5 (1-12)
April 10, 2006

L et not
E vil
T emptations snare,

C hrist
H as
R edeemed us from our sins;
I n humility
S ubmit,
T rust;

M ost dangerous of
'A ll is pride
*S erve
T he living Lord,
E xalt Him
R est not upon our strength so frail

Y ield not to the devil's enticements,
O h, ask God to give
U s more His grace; Beware of the hidden rattlers!

"He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought
Prov.29:23 (2Kings 20:12-21)
GOD HAS A PLAN dgn lagu "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"

G od is in control
O ver the world's events;
D esigns

H is purpose
A ccording to His will;
S urely Aceh, Nias and Jogja are not just accidents;

A new Indonesia that fears God He plans!

P ure, just & righteous - freed from greed & corruption;
L ordship of Christ in all things acknowledge
A lways seeking first His Kingdom of truth and light;
N ow let us be His light and salt of the earth!