Tuesday, August 02, 2011

The Greatest Love Story


T rue love:
H as no bounds
E mpowers

G iving
R espects &
E nvies not
A lways patient
T rusting
E rases wrongs
S peaks kindly
'T is not proud, does not boast

L et us
O verlook mistakes &
V anquish all fears
E xpect the best

S eek righteousness
T ruly believe all things
O h bear all things
R eally hope all things
Y es! Love never fails! Love is the greatest for Love is God!

Tune to "Kasih Pasti Lemah Lembut"


T he love of God
H e on Calvary Cross died
E rased our sins &

G ave us eternal life
R estored to Him
E xperience His grace
A mazing & so free
T hrough Christ our Lord
E mmanuel -
S howed us
T hrough Hosea & Gomer

L ove is forgiving
O h it's kind
V aunteth not itself
E nvieth not

S eeks not its own
T rusts
O h
R est in Him
Y es! Love ne'er fails!

Tune to "How Can It Be"

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