Saturday, November 23, 2013

Abram Ardhiya 

Abram Ardhiya

A lways pleasing the Lord & be a blessing
B e like Abraham - the father of nations
R est In the Lord - trust & obey, do His Word
A s light & salt of the earth
M ake a difference!

A ct boldly! Do not fear!
R ise up as the eagle!
D riven with His passion
H is Kingdom let's seek
I n Christ we're more than conquerors
Y es WE CAN!
A ll to Him be the glory! Hallelujah!

Tune to "To God Be the Glory"

Anak Darmadi Sutanto



D are to be different &
A real difference make
R each for the Goal &
M ake more possible (motto ABN-AMRO)
A lasting legacy leave -
D ev'lop leaders
I nspiring teamwork for transformation

S trive for Excellence
U nstoppable be!
T he best is yet to be
A im for the heights
N ever quit
T ests & trials overcome
O ur world impact & a better place make

Tune to "You Raise Me Up"