Sunday, February 10, 2019


Wishing you a most blessed & HAPPY *PIG YEAR* *P* eace, harmony God gives *I* n this season of joy *G* reet one another with "He Xin Nian" *Y* ear of the Pig brings an auspicious success *E* ndless blessings *A* ll year round *R* ejoice! Tune to *He Xin Nian, Zhu Xin Nian* Agung Halim & Family Chinese New Year Feb 5,2019


Congratulations & God bless you two, NATAN - SUSAN N ow God has united two become one flesh A n everlasting covenant we have pledged T o love and cherish one another A lways patient and kind N ot envious, doesn't brag and is not proud, S eeks not its own way, is not easily angered U nto one another give and forgive S tronger our love grows A lways trust, hopes, perseveres N ever love can fail because love is of God Tune to "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus" Feb.9, 2019 Susan DTS Anak pak Andreas Suryanto

Saturday, February 09, 2019


*GOD IS LIGHT* *G* od's Word is a lamp unto my feet *O* n our path His light shineth *D* o let your light shine before others - that God may be glorified *I* n Christ my salvation *S* urely I'll not be afraid *L* ive as children of light *I* n the world *G* o - shine as His witness *H* is love and grace to all share [*T* o] make disciples of all nations tune to *Thy Word* (FirmanMu Pelita Bagi Kakiku) 7 Feb 2019

GIVE THANKS (Psalms 136)

> Hari ini kalo mengikuti bacaan dari gereja kami, mengambil passage dari Psalm 136... Ini yg saya sdh otak atik... dgn pola 9x9 (9 baris & 9 ketukan per baris)... *GIVE THANKS* (Psalms 136) *G* ive thanks to the Lord for He is good *I* n His wisdom He made the heavens *V* ictory over Egypt He empow'red *E* l-Shadai who doeth great wonders *T* o Him who led through the wilderness *H* e gave their land *A* s an heritage *N* ow from our enemies He's redeemed *K* indly He giveth food to all flesh *S* urely His mercy endures fore'er sent to Jonathan Prawira Feb.10,2019