Wednesday, October 29, 2014



W ith the power of the Spirit
I n the world go - make disciples
T he Gospel of our Lord Jesus - preach and make known to all nations
N ow through the blood of Christ redeemed
E ternal life in Him is found
S alt of the earth, light of the world
S hall His faithful witnesses be!

Tune to "In Christ Alone"

Saturday, October 18, 2014



D well in the Lord &
A bide in Him
N ow bear much fruit & bless others
N othing good He'll withhold
Y ield and trust in His Word

N ow to Christ
G ive the glory!

Tune to "Amazing Grace"

Clinical Psychologist Singapore
Park Mall 7th Floor



P urpose-driven to be used as God's witness
H is salt and light
I n this dark world shining forth
L ifting Christ
I n our lives His likeness express
P ower of the Holy Spirit manifest

M ake disciples of
A ll nations - His Commission
N ow as Warrior of Christ
T ransform, change our world!
O n fire with His Spirit & set ablaze
F an His flame on earth
A ll glory to Christ give!

Tune to "To God Be the Glory" Hymn



I n Christ abide - in His Spirit empowered
R each to the world
E xpress His grace and love
N ow disciples of all nations let us make
E xtend His Kingdom for His glory's sake

S aviour and Lord
A ll our sins He forgave
P eace with God through Christ establish
H e is our good Shepherd
I n Him let's trust
R est in His will
A ll surrender

Tune to "How Great Thou Art"
Wife of Philip Mantofa
Mawar Sharon