Friday, February 26, 2010



F ace unveiled & behold as in a mirror
R eflecting God
O h
M ajesty we'll see

G lory, honour -
L et us render
O ur worship
R esound with praise
Y es! Our voices now raise

T o God -
O ur songs the earth & heav’n surround

G lory to glory
L ift Him high
O ffer our all and nothing withholding
R ejoice always!
Y ou are the Lord!

Tune to “How Great Thou Art”

2 Corinthians 3:18 NKJV
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror
the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same
image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.


2 Corinthians 5:9 NKJV =

Therefore we make it our aim,
whether present or absent,
to be well pleasing to Him.


P assionate for Christ - [O]
L et us be!
E njoy His intimacy!
A lways
S eek to be pleasing to Him
I n everything
N ow
G ive thanks

G LORIFY the Lord in all things
O bey His Word, ready do His will
D elight in the Lord & He will give the desires of your heart

Sing to “As the Deer” tune
Lyrics by Agung K. Halim

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mike Mohede


M y utmost for His highest - my commitment
I n obedience fulfill His Great Commission
K nowing Christ & making Christ known to the lost world witnessing
E mpowered by His Spirit do mighty things

M ore of Thee
O Lord
H ave Thine own way in my life
E nraptured by Thee my soul sings Thy praise
D elight in Thy will - aim to be pleasing to Thee
E xalt & glorify Thee in the highest!

"Ku Mau Cinta Yesus" tune

Tuesday, February 16, 2010



N ever fear ridicule
E xert confidence
H ard work & prayer overcome wrath & contempt
E ffective prayer & watchfulness overcome conspiracy
M ay with steadfast courage - disappointment broke
I n rebuke with love, [self-] sacrificing example - selfish greed will be truly overcome
A s work completed & enemies confounded
H ow with persistent endeavour - Yes! We Can!

Sing to "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"

Friday, February 05, 2010



Be a model to lead the way for the world

A im for nothing less than the best in life

R each for the Star &

A chieve true Excellence

C ourage, Honour, Commitment

K eep, uphold!

O soar high as the eagle in majesty

B elieve there is nothing impossible

A better place to live

M ake our world be!

A transformation that impacts create!

Sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up" (by Josh Groban)



Be a model to lead the way for the world
A im for nothing less than the best in life
R each for the Star &
A chieve true Excellence
C ourage, Honour and Commitment
K eep, uphold!

O inspire a shared vision that ignites
B elieve there is nothing impossible
A better place to live
M ake our world be!
A transformation that impacts create!

Originally tuned of "You Raise Me Up" (by Josh Groban)
Rendition by Yudi Hastono, Solo



G od's love poured out
O n Calvary's Cross
O what amazing grace divine
D eath of Christ paid sin's penalty

F reed us from bondage forever
R eal peace with God
I n Christ restored
D ear Lamb of God suffered and died
A ll richest gain I count but loss
Y es! for the knowledge of Jesus!

Tune to "In Christ Alone" by (Stuart Townsend & Keith



H e is risen, forever live!
A uthority to Christ given
P eace with God and with man restored
P ower of Hades
Y es, now broken!

E xalt and praise
A llelujah!
S aviour triumphant in victory
T o Christ alone all the glory!
E xtol &
R ejoice with gladness!

Tune to "In Christ Alone" (by Stuart Townsend & Keith Getty)

Tuesday, February 02, 2010



B eautiful &
R eflecting the Creator
E loquence & full of grandeur displayed
A mazed, in awe –breathless marvel God’s design
T ruly a masterpiece beyond compare
*H is image bear – full of grace & glory
L et us praise Him – Hallelujah!
E xcellence –
S ignature, mark of His work
S uch is man – the Imago Dei

Tune to “How Great Thou Art”
Lyrics by Agung Halim


LIVING IN THE LIGHT (tune to "Shine Jesus Shine) =

L et your life reflect Christ
I n all you do
V ictorious in the power of the Spirit
I n brokenness
N ow let us walk with Him
G lorify Him in all His majesty

I mpact the world
N ow with His grace

T hroughout the world
H is love to
E veryone spread & share

L et us be light
I n this dark, cold world
G ive us your power
H elp make a real difference that matters
T o Christ alone - Hallelujah chorus!



J oined together by God
E ndures to the end
F orever united as two become one
F orgive each other
R espect & submit to one another
Y ield to God, let's trust & obey, do His will!

M ay His blessings flow
A bide,
R est in His promise
S urrender all
E xpect He'll give the best!
L ove - the foundation
I n good & bad
N e'er forsake!
E verlasting covenant will be our bond!

Sing to "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"
Lyrics by Agung K. Halim



H is love has joined us as two become one flesh
A new journey together let us begin
N othing/no one can ever separate what God's united
A life filled with peace and harmony - we pray!

B elieve that with God
E verything is possible
N ever fear nor worry 'bout the future!
N ow and forever - God will never forsake you
I n His grace He'll sustain to the very end!

Sing to the tune of "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"
Lyrics by Agung Kusuma Halim



G one’s the old, come the new
O let us celebrate
N ow GONG XI FA CAI we wish
G od’s outpouring blessings

X tended unto us
I n this coming year & the next

F reely give as God’s given to us
A mazing grace of His – experience

C ount your blessings each day
A nd in gratefulness praise
I n everything let us give thanks!

Sing to the tune of “Zhu Xin Nian”



D ay by day
E mmanuel will guide you!
B y the still waters
O He leads you!
R ock of ages –
A strong tower, hiding place
H e alone is our hope, confidence

F aith conquering
U nburden our worries!
L et us abide in Christ - the True Vine
T rusting &
O bey Him in everything
N ow SOLI DEO GLORIA praise!

Sing to the tune of “Day by Day”


Day by day, and with each passing moment,
Strength I find, to meet my trials here;
Trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment,
I’ve no cause for worry or for fear.
He Whose heart is kind beyond all measure
Gives unto each day what He deems best—
Lovingly, its part of pain and pleasure,
Mingling toil with peace and rest.

Every day, the Lord Himself is near me
With a special mercy for each hour;
All my cares He fain would bear, and cheer me,
He Whose Name is Counselor and Power;
The protection of His child and treasure
Is a charge that on Himself He laid;
“As thy days, thy strength shall be in measure,”
This the pledge to me He made.

Help me then in every tribulation
So to trust Thy promises, O Lord,
That I lose not faith’s sweet consolation
Offered me within Thy holy Word.
Help me, Lord, when toil and trouble meeting,
E’er to take, as from a father’s hand,
One by one, the days, the moments fleeting,
Till I reach the promised land.