Friday, April 20, 2018


Hi Kristie, As your good friend, Mike Robbins taught in "Appreciation in Action" , so I'm taking this opportunity to say thanks for the benefits that I've gained from your eletter. THANKS A LOT! As you wrote: "We all have unique gifts and talents. … There are treasures stored inside each one of us. It's our duty to uncover and use the gifts we were bestowed with. We are all created for a purpose. Pursue your personal purpose and live from that plan." -- Kristie Tamsevicius So I would like to share what God seems to have gifted me, ie making acrostics that can be sung to familiar songs. The title is FREE TO SOAR: F ly high like the Eagle majestic above R ide on its wings and new horizons see E nthralled by the heavenly view and splendor E nergized by the dream that inspires T urning the dream to become reality O vercoming obstacles in the way S triving and pressing O n to Excellence A iming to R each and be the STAR that shines Tune to “You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban It is inspired by the theme of a Women's Leadership Seminar that John Maxwell is conducting in 2005 next year. May you be the "STAR that SHINES" for many. Merry Christmas and Happy NEw Year! agung halim


Below is the REK AYO REK for your theme of "Boosting Salesforce Performance". Hope you'll like it: BOOSTING PERFORMANCE B urst O r Blast off O h great difference S alesforce is making T hrough Segmenting & I mplementing Strategy N ot forgetting to set up challenging G oals for Self P ursue always E xcellence with a great passion R eally F ocusing O n being Effective, Efficient R esult-oriented & M aking a Big Impact A nd N ot fearing the competition or the C hallenges; create a culture E nhancing High Performance Tune to “Rek Ayo Rek” October 26, 2004 Markplus Forum’s “Boosting Salesforce Performance”, Smg


SINGAPORE OK LAH! S ingapura! I sland Paradise most beautiful N exus of Business G ate to World-class Education A shopping treat P ort of international trade O ff'ring wide choice R ecreational ground for Families E ateries of many different varied ethnic groups O nly the best, most caring health-care you ever can find K nowledge Center of Excellence in the region L et us A ll H ail to the Lion City! October 18, 2004


MY TRIBUTE M y tongue can’t recite the great things Y ou have done for me T hings so undeserved, yet You give to prove your love for me R ecalling all your goodness my lips could not express my gratitude I owe it all to You and no one else, oh my dear Lord Jesus B e all Glory yours Lord (3x), for the things You have done U have washed me in your blood, with your power You have raised me T o God be the glory, for the things HE has done E ver pleasing You, Lord, my life I offer wholly yours S hould I gain any praises, Let it be to Christ ascribed Modified Andrae Crouch’s “My Tribute” September 6, 2004