Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Paulus - Silvia

 *Happy Anniversary* Pak Paulus & Bu Silvia....

DOA kami kiranya kasih Tuhan menyatukan lebih erat lagi, menginspirasi & menjadikan teladan bagi banyak pasutri bagi kemuliaan Nya🙏🙏

*Paulus - Silvia*

*P* assionate more than the past

*A* nd

*U* nited more than previous

*L* oving each other more at the present

*U* ntil death separates

*S* trive & pursue with one Faith, Hope & Love

(From Pak PB's IG)😀

*S* torms and rainbows we've shared together

*I* n all

*L* ove of God sustains us

*V* ictory after victory

*I* n Christ we overcome

*A* ll to God be the glory 

Tune to *Amazing Grace* (yg singkatan Silvia)



*M* ay the spirit of independence liberate us  

*E* mpower us to be the best that we can be

*R* ise up & soar high like the Garuda!

*D* riven by a vision to build Indonesia

*E* nduring & lasting legacy let us leave behind

*K* eep on striving for excellence & keep on fire

*A* im for the star, 

*A* chieve your goal & dream

*L* ift up the banner of Merah Putih

*W* e will 

*A*  lways be proud of our country

*Y* es together

*S* hout MERDEKA!

Tune to 17 Agustus