Friday, December 28, 2018


ALPHA OMEGA A ll in all - Christ is preeminent L et all knees bow and all tongues confess: He is Lord P rince of peace, Everlasting Father H is Name's Wonderful Counselor A lmighty God O exalt, lift up on high M ajestic Name of Christ E ver present in our lives, He is Emmanuel G reat I am, from age to age faithful A ll worship Him, the King of kings and Lord of lords Tune to *Majesty*


SING HALLELUJAH *S* eek first the Lord *I* n everything *N* ew songs of *G* rateful praises sing *H* e is our *A* ll in all *L* ord of lords *L* amb of God *E* mmanuel - God is with us *L* ight of the world and Bread of life *U* nder heaven no other name *J* esus Christ our Saviour *A* t the Cross of Calvary *H* e died to save us from our sins Tune to *Sing Hallelujah*


*GOD IS LOVE* *G* od is love *O* ffrered Himself for us *D* ied on the Cross *I* n Golgotha *S* inless slain Lamb of God *L* ifts the veil *O* pens wide *V* ictory & *E* ternal life gained tune to *Amazing GRACE* answer to Johanes Kurniady's question: "Tuhan Agamanya apa?"

Thursday, December 27, 2018


O COME ALL YE FAITHFUL O come & C elebrate O ur Savior's birth today M ake room for Him E mmanuel - God with us A ll sing  L et us praise  L ift up Y our voices E xult F or Christ alone is worthy A ll bow I n adoration T hrough  H im F or Him U nto Him L et's glorify Tune to *O Come All Ye Faithful*

Saturday, December 22, 2018


*JOYFUL IN HOPE* *J* oyful, joyful *O* ur Saviour's born *Y* our salvation is assured *F* or *U* nto us Christ is given *L* et us with grateful hymns sing *I* n all the world *N* ow Hallelujah chorus ring *H* e is Wonderful, Counselor *O* ur Everlasting Father *P* rince of Peace and mighty God, the Lamb that was slain *E* mmanuel, God is with us - Soli Deo Gloria Tune to *Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee* Edward Chen's Theme for Ramayana Christmas celebration


*MERRY CHRISTMAS* *M* essiah has come to earth *E* xult & *R* ejoice in Him *R* eceive Him *Y* our Saviour & Lord *C* hrist the Son of God is born *H* is Name is called Wonderful *R* ighteous Prince of Peace *I* s He *S* eek the lost to save from sin *T* he gospel of grace and love share *M* ajesty, glory to Christ *A* llelujah *S* ing our praise Tune to *"Hark the Herald Angels Sing"* December 2018

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
JINGLE BELLS J ust have a great time I n beautiful places N ow relax G et lots of fun L et time fly E njoy! B e happy with loved ones E xperience God's grace L ove and peace L et's celebrate S ing Merry Christmas Tune to "Jingle Bells" song 20 Dec. 2018 Hok Tjiat's FB

Saturday, December 15, 2018


EDO GRACIA E njoy the wife of your youth God has given D well in unity in the bond of His love O n the Lord hope and trust nothing can ever separate you G ive thanks in everything and rejoice always *R est in His promise, for He is always faithful A ll your needs He will supply and provide C hrist - Head of our home I n His grace and love He will never forsake us A ll to Him be Soli Deo Gloria Tune to *Ku Mau Cinta Yesus* Temen Hong Kartur Susan & Agus


*GRAND HYATT* *G* rowing in Care for people - that matters most *R* aise them up to be the best they can be *A* s a family we care for each other *N* ow strong communities *D* o let us build *H* ave Respect, Integrity, Humility, *Y* our empathy, creativity show *A* "culture of everyone matters" build *T* o deliver distinctive experience [ *T* o our guests] Tune to *You Raise Me Up*

Friday, November 30, 2018


THANKFUL T rust God for He is so good H e is Jehovah Jireh A lways rejoice and let's give thanks in everything *N othing good will He withhold from us K eeps His Word and promises F or He will be faithful U ntil the end L et's trust Tune to "Give Thanks" 1 Dec.2018 Ling San's FB

Thursday, November 15, 2018


*I AM AKU* *I* am ehyeh ăšer ’ehyeh *A* lpha and Omega - the Lord *M* ost high God exalted *A* bove all created beings *K* now Him *U* nto Him worship tune to *Amazing Grace*

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


September 12, 2018 May this be our prayer today: *JABEZ PRAYER* *J* abez called on the Lord *A* nd prayed: *B* less me indeed & *E* nlarge my coast *Z* ealously ask: Thy hand with me" *P* lease keep me away from evil, Lord *R* equest that it may not grieve You *A* ll that I ask, *Y* ou will grant me *E* xalt and glorify the Lord *R* edeemer and Saviour of the world Tune to *Sweet Hour of Prayer*

Saturday, September 08, 2018


August 2018 Baru2 ini terinspirasi dgn lagu *Kemurahan Tuhan*, dan mencoba membuat dgn versi acrostic, spt ini: *GOD'S MERCY* *G* od is gracious and merciful to us *O* ur sins He forgave, through the Lamb's blood *D* ead to sin and alive to righteousness *S* eek His face, obey Him, do His will *M* ore of Christ, less of me *E* xalt and glorify Him *R* each out to the lost world with His love *C* reated to be like Jesus, let's imitate Him *Y* ield to Him - Lord of lords, King of kings Tune to:👇 *KEMURAHAN TUHAN* Oleh kar’na kemurahan Tuhan Ku ada sampai hari ini Oleh kar’na kebaikan Tuhan Janji-Mu terjadi bagiku Ku sembah Kau Tuhan Ku mengangkat tanganku S’lamanya Kau ajaib bagiku Ku sembah Kau Tuhan Ku mengangkat wajahku S’lamanya Kau hebat bagiku S’lamanya Kau hebat bagiku


Aug.18, 2018 *MAXIM - VERO* *M* ade as one flesh - two become one *A* lways love, cherish to the end *X* perience God's *I* ndwelling peace *M* ake Christ be the Ruler of your home *V* erily what God has joined, let no one separate *E* verlasting covenant before God let us pledge *R* ejoice always & give Him thanks in everything *O* ur utmost all for His glory give Tune to *Kasih Pasti Lemah Lembut*


*MY PRAYER* *M* ay Christ increase and I decrease *Y* ield to His will, obey His Word *P* urpose-driven to be like Him *R* each out to the lost with His love *A* s His light and salt of the earth *Y* our witness bear, let the world know *E* mpow'red by His Holy Spirit *R* eflect Christ and glorify Him Tune to *In Christ Alone*

THANK YOU (condolences for Mama)

To all our wonderful friends, family, and uncle/auntie,we want to say a BIG *THANK YOU*: *T* o all we want to say thanks *H* ow wonderful you have been *A* lways giving your support *N* e'er calculating *K* eep on praying for us with fervent *Y* our presence has been our strength *O* nly God can repay *U* r kindness.... Kamsia Tune to *Give Thanks* 1 Sept. 2018

Wednesday, September 05, 2018


*CAROLINE RIADY* *C* alled to be His witness *A* s His light and salt *R* each out with grace *O* ur Lord's Gospel sharing to all *L* et us obey His command *I* n everything please Him *N* ot I but Christ *E* xalted above all *R* est in Christ - abide in Him, bear fruit *I* n the pow'r of the Holy Spirit *A* lways give thanks and rejoice *D* o His will, glorify Him *Y* ield to the Potter's hand for we're the clay Tune to *Hidup Ini Adalah Kesempatan*

Friday, August 31, 2018


JESUS KRISTUS *J* esus Christ *E* mmanuel - God with us *S* aviour and Lord *U* nto Him all knees bow, all tongues confess *S* ing His praise - worthy [is] the Lord of hosts *K* ing of all kings and Lord of lords *R* edeemer, Lamb *I* n the cross of Christ glory, none of my merit *S* o let Christ increase and I must decrease - exalt Him *T* rust in Him - His Word Yea and Amen *U* nite and sing *S* oli Deo Gloria - praise! Tune to *Majesty**JESUS KRISTUS* idul adha 2018 Qurban


SUSI DWANNAWATI *S* weet fellowship *U* p in heaven above *S* hepherd of love has prepared my home *I* n His arms He welcomes *D* well and abide *W* ith Christ my Lord, Saviour *A* ll is well with my soul, I am free *N* o worries will I have *N* ew life He gave *A* mazing grace God bestows *W* ith love *A* ll who believe, saved *T* rust Him, don't fear *I* n Christ salvation found Tune to *Tian Mi Mi* August 30, 2018


Thank you so much for sharing this with me! Such a blessing!! Gwen Gwen Smith wrote: Hi Gwen, I came across your website and found your term "GRACEOLOGY" very interesting, so I wrote an acrostic of it, which you can sing to the tune of Amazing Grace: *GRACEOLOGY* *G* od's amazing grace *R* eached down to us *A* t the cross of Calv'ry He died *C* hrist - the Lamb of God slain *E* rased all of our sins *O* death where is thy sting now *L* ove covers a multitude of sins *O* draw near to His throne of grace *G* ive thanks in everything, always rejoice and praise *Y* ea and Amen His promises Tune to *Amazing Grace* God bless you and your ministry... In His Majesty's service, Agung Halim

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

13 C Marketing

Pertama, Connectivityo [konektivitas]. Menurut dia, konektivitas merupakan kunci bagi seorang marketer untuk memperkenalkan produknya. Dia menyebut Duta Besar RI untuk Amerika Serikat [AS] Dino Patti Djalal sebagai contoh sukses marketer yang meng-connect-kan warga Indonesia di AS melalui Konggres Diaspora Indonesia 2012 di Los Angeles-AS, Juli lalu. Kedua, Community [komunitas]. Hermawan mengatakan, semua marketer harus paham bahwa customer bukanlah manusia individual, melainkan makhluk sosial. "Karena itu, bentuklah komunitas atau masuklah ke komunitas," katanya. Ketiga, Confirmation [konfirmasi]. Dia menyebut, setiap kegiatan marketing harus bisa dikonfirmasi. Dia mencontohkan, kegiatan Jokowi ketika kampanye Pilgub DKI Jakarta yang blusukan kekampung-kampung, baru bisa terkonfirmasi ketika mendapat sambutan hangat dari masyarakat. Sebaliknya, ketika strategi itu tidak mendapat tanggapan positif, itu berarti strateginya salah. Keempat, Clarification [klarifikasi]. Menurut dia, setiap proses marketing harus bisa diklarifikasi kebenarannya atau bisa diaplikasikan dilapangan. Misalnya, Daihatsu yang mengampanyekan slogan "Daihatsu Sahabatku". Ketika pelayanan terhadap customer membaik, marketing bisa dikatakan berhasil. Kelima, Codification [kodifikasi]. Hermawan mengatakan, marketer harus bisa menciptakan identitas produk yang spesial dan menjadi ikon. Dicontohkan, Hotel Santika yang kental ciri Indonesianya, demikian pula Garuda Indonesia yang menjadi ikon Indonesia. Keenam, Co-creation. Menurut Hermawan, marketer harus bisa membuka kesempatan bagi customer untuk eksis dan berkreasi. Misalnya Kompasiana yang memberi kesempatan pembaca untuk bisa untuk menyumbangkan artikel. Ketujuh, Currency [mata uang]. Konsep harga harus seperti mata uang yang bisa naik turun. Contohnya, konsep bisnis Tune Hotels yang bertarif murah. "Tapi kalau mau pakai AC[pendingin], televisi, tambah bayar, jadi konsumen bisa menyesuaikan produk yang ingin didapat sesuai dengan kemampuannya." ujarnya. Kedelapan, Communal Activation [aktivasi komunitas]. Kata dia, sangat penting untuk memberikan kesempatan pasar untuk terlibat dalam komunitas. Misalnya, strategi operator seluler XL yang menurunkan harga sehingga membuat banyak orang bisa menjangkau telepon seluler. Kesembilan, Conversation [obrolan]. Customer kini bukan lagi kelompok yang suka dihujani dengan promosi, tapi kelompok yang suka diajak ngobrol dan berbagi informasi. Contohnya, sukses BNI dengan akun twitter-nya. Kesepuluh, Commercialization [komersialisasi]. Konsep ini mirip dengan prinsip friendship atau persahabatan. Artinya, sebuah produk harus bisa menjalin hubungan saling menguntungkan dengan customer. Contohnya mesin pencari Google. "Kita untung karena bisa akses gratis, Google untung karena dapat iklan", ucapnya. Kesebelas, Character [karakter]. Produk yang sukses adalah yang berkarakter dan karakter tersebut tertanam dalam benak customer. Keduabelas, Care [perhatian]. Menurut dia, perusahaan harus bisa menunjukkan perhatian pada customer-nya. "Contohnya KAI [Kereta Api Indonesia] yang menyediakan gerbong khusus perempuan. Ini terobosan yang layak diapresiasi," ujarnya. Ketigabelas, Collaboration [kolaborasi]. Disini, perusahaan harus bisa mengindentifikasi peluang kolaborasi dengan pihak lain untuk meningkatkan layanan bagi customer. "Misalnya Garuda yang berkolaborasi dengan imigrasi yang memudahkan penumpang untuk proses immigrasion on board," katanya. Selain ke-13 kunci tersebut, tren marketing ke depan harus bisa menyasar tiga target utama. Yakni Youth [anak muda], Women [perempuan] dan Netizen [pengguna internet]. "Sebab, inilah pasar terbesar, inilah pasar masa depan," ujarnya.

Thursday, August 16, 2018


*INDONESIA RAYA JAYA* *I* ndonesia - our great Motherland *N* ow let us together build *D* evelop to new heights *O* f glory *N* othing less than the best give *E* xcellence - with passion let's pursue *S* pirit of teamwork let's ignite *I* n unity together stand *A* s proud Indonesians sing: *R* esplendent, glorious our great Indonesia *A* bright and promising future awaits *Y* ounger generation full of resilience *A* lways ready to serve and die *J* oin together as one - ONE NATION, ONE LANGUAGE *A* new and better world let us transform *Y* earn to create and build a prosperous nation *A* ll together for Indonesia! Tune to *Indonesia Raya Anthem*

Friday, April 20, 2018


Hi Kristie, As your good friend, Mike Robbins taught in "Appreciation in Action" , so I'm taking this opportunity to say thanks for the benefits that I've gained from your eletter. THANKS A LOT! As you wrote: "We all have unique gifts and talents. … There are treasures stored inside each one of us. It's our duty to uncover and use the gifts we were bestowed with. We are all created for a purpose. Pursue your personal purpose and live from that plan." -- Kristie Tamsevicius So I would like to share what God seems to have gifted me, ie making acrostics that can be sung to familiar songs. The title is FREE TO SOAR: F ly high like the Eagle majestic above R ide on its wings and new horizons see E nthralled by the heavenly view and splendor E nergized by the dream that inspires T urning the dream to become reality O vercoming obstacles in the way S triving and pressing O n to Excellence A iming to R each and be the STAR that shines Tune to “You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban It is inspired by the theme of a Women's Leadership Seminar that John Maxwell is conducting in 2005 next year. May you be the "STAR that SHINES" for many. Merry Christmas and Happy NEw Year! agung halim


Below is the REK AYO REK for your theme of "Boosting Salesforce Performance". Hope you'll like it: BOOSTING PERFORMANCE B urst O r Blast off O h great difference S alesforce is making T hrough Segmenting & I mplementing Strategy N ot forgetting to set up challenging G oals for Self P ursue always E xcellence with a great passion R eally F ocusing O n being Effective, Efficient R esult-oriented & M aking a Big Impact A nd N ot fearing the competition or the C hallenges; create a culture E nhancing High Performance Tune to “Rek Ayo Rek” October 26, 2004 Markplus Forum’s “Boosting Salesforce Performance”, Smg


SINGAPORE OK LAH! S ingapura! I sland Paradise most beautiful N exus of Business G ate to World-class Education A shopping treat P ort of international trade O ff'ring wide choice R ecreational ground for Families E ateries of many different varied ethnic groups O nly the best, most caring health-care you ever can find K nowledge Center of Excellence in the region L et us A ll H ail to the Lion City! October 18, 2004


MY TRIBUTE M y tongue can’t recite the great things Y ou have done for me T hings so undeserved, yet You give to prove your love for me R ecalling all your goodness my lips could not express my gratitude I owe it all to You and no one else, oh my dear Lord Jesus B e all Glory yours Lord (3x), for the things You have done U have washed me in your blood, with your power You have raised me T o God be the glory, for the things HE has done E ver pleasing You, Lord, my life I offer wholly yours S hould I gain any praises, Let it be to Christ ascribed Modified Andrae Crouch’s “My Tribute” September 6, 2004