Wednesday, January 03, 2007



L ive, love and learn, enduring legacy leave!
I nspire a shared vision, model the way;
S eek to challenge the process, heart encourage!
A lways help enable others to act!

L et us strive for
E xcellence and nothing less!
G o for the best and be
U nstoppable!
E steem and believe in yourself
N e'er doubt!
E mpower others to more than they
C an be!

Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2006 12:11 PM
To: 'agung halim'
Subject: RE: Your MDI submission

How Sweet! That is the most precious gift to me.
I really appreciate it...and just so you know...that is my favorite song!
Have a blessed and safe Holiday!

Okay...I will be brought tears to my eyes..!
Could I trouble you to do one for Vic Johnson too....
I would love to have both names Printed and framed for our office.
Thank you sooo much...



V ision of a brighter future inspiring,
I gniting the passion for Excellence;
C hoose to be the transformation aspired;

J ust be
O ur unique self and be different!
*H igh soaring like the eagle most majestic!
N ever quit!
S trive with utmost for the best!
O thers raise up to more than they can be!
N ow impact the world and a difference make!

“You Raise Me Up” tune

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