Saturday, February 09, 2019

GIVE THANKS (Psalms 136)

> Hari ini kalo mengikuti bacaan dari gereja kami, mengambil passage dari Psalm 136... Ini yg saya sdh otak atik... dgn pola 9x9 (9 baris & 9 ketukan per baris)... *GIVE THANKS* (Psalms 136) *G* ive thanks to the Lord for He is good *I* n His wisdom He made the heavens *V* ictory over Egypt He empow'red *E* l-Shadai who doeth great wonders *T* o Him who led through the wilderness *H* e gave their land *A* s an heritage *N* ow from our enemies He's redeemed *K* indly He giveth food to all flesh *S* urely His mercy endures fore'er sent to Jonathan Prawira Feb.10,2019

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