Thursday, July 18, 2019

WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS *WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS* *W* e have a wonderful Saviour *H* is name is above all names *A* lmighty God & *T* rusted friend *A* mazing His love and grace *F* or as we are *R* eceived He *I* n His blood our sins atoned *E* xalt Christ *N* ow as Lord and King *D* o honour His majesty _____________ *W* e long for You *E* njoy Your fellowship *H* ow our soul thirst *A* s a deer pants *V* erily for the water *E* mmanuel God is always there for us *I* n the midst of storms in our lives *N* ever will He forsake us *J* esus, Your friendship *E* ndures through the ages *S* uch a faithful Friend, we love and adore You *U* nchanging God - the Love of our soul *S* urely to the end You are our ever present Friend Tune to *WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS* & *Yesus Sobat Yang Setia*

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