Saturday, September 08, 2018


August 2018 Baru2 ini terinspirasi dgn lagu *Kemurahan Tuhan*, dan mencoba membuat dgn versi acrostic, spt ini: *GOD'S MERCY* *G* od is gracious and merciful to us *O* ur sins He forgave, through the Lamb's blood *D* ead to sin and alive to righteousness *S* eek His face, obey Him, do His will *M* ore of Christ, less of me *E* xalt and glorify Him *R* each out to the lost world with His love *C* reated to be like Jesus, let's imitate Him *Y* ield to Him - Lord of lords, King of kings Tune to:👇 *KEMURAHAN TUHAN* Oleh kar’na kemurahan Tuhan Ku ada sampai hari ini Oleh kar’na kebaikan Tuhan Janji-Mu terjadi bagiku Ku sembah Kau Tuhan Ku mengangkat tanganku S’lamanya Kau ajaib bagiku Ku sembah Kau Tuhan Ku mengangkat wajahku S’lamanya Kau hebat bagiku S’lamanya Kau hebat bagiku

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