Friday, April 20, 2018


Hi Kristie, As your good friend, Mike Robbins taught in "Appreciation in Action" , so I'm taking this opportunity to say thanks for the benefits that I've gained from your eletter. THANKS A LOT! As you wrote: "We all have unique gifts and talents. … There are treasures stored inside each one of us. It's our duty to uncover and use the gifts we were bestowed with. We are all created for a purpose. Pursue your personal purpose and live from that plan." -- Kristie Tamsevicius So I would like to share what God seems to have gifted me, ie making acrostics that can be sung to familiar songs. The title is FREE TO SOAR: F ly high like the Eagle majestic above R ide on its wings and new horizons see E nthralled by the heavenly view and splendor E nergized by the dream that inspires T urning the dream to become reality O vercoming obstacles in the way S triving and pressing O n to Excellence A iming to R each and be the STAR that shines Tune to “You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban It is inspired by the theme of a Women's Leadership Seminar that John Maxwell is conducting in 2005 next year. May you be the "STAR that SHINES" for many. Merry Christmas and Happy NEw Year! agung halim

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