Friday, December 02, 2011

LEARN FROM ANTS in acrostic


L ook at the ants - little creatures
E xceedingly wise
A lthough weak
R eady always prepare their food
N ow in summer for the winter

F or God's wisdom
R evealed to us
O h be humble
M ore teachable

A sk for God's strength
N ow to apply
T rust in His Word
S uccess you'll have

Tune to "In Christ Alone"
Proverbs 30:24-25

A ttitude of Initiative
N ature of integrity - have
T hirst for industry & passion
S ource of insight & God's wisdom

L et's learn how - though small they may be
E xceedingly wise they teach us
S o be humble
S eek to apply
O ur God's lesson
N ow in our lives

Tune to "In Christ Alone"
Proverbs 30:24-25

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