Thursday, April 01, 2010


Here to wish you a blessed GOOD FRIDAY =

G od's love expressed
O n Calvary's Cross proved
O ur Lord & Saviour - Jesus the Lamb of God
D ied He for us - His precious blood bled

F or us - sinners unworthy of His love
*R eceive Him - freely eternal life gain
I n His grace through faith salvation obtain
D o remember His sufferings
A s He was beaten & nailed for
Y ou!

Tune to "Amazing Love - How can it Be?" (And Can It Be)

AND .........

A victorious HAPPY EASTER =

H e is risen! Shout & Rejoice!
A llelujah! (Do not prolong as in the original song, but just sing on to the next line)
P enalty of sin paid
P eace with God is now restored
Y es! Death is conquered

E aster victory won!
A ll dominion
S hall be His
T he Lord of lords will forever more reign
E xalt Christ in His majesty
R aise our voice with Hallelujah chorus praise!

Sing to "Christ the Lord is Risen"

May the victory of our risen Lord be our strength and confidence!

1 comment:

AcrosticGuy said...

And Can It Be in =

Christ the Lord is Risen Today in =