Thursday, December 06, 2007


R each for the Star,
A nd be the best we can be!
C ommit to integrity,
H ave passion;
E xcellence pursue to the end, nothing less!
L ive, love & learn, leaving a legacy!

L ead to model,
O be a true pathfinder;
V ision inspire &
E nable others!
R esults get, dare to challenge the process!
M ake a difference &
E ncourage the heart!

The words are inspired from Stephen Covey's & Kouzes & Posner's books.

 sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban


O to change:
U rgency sense
R eally create!

I nvolve
C oalition of Guiding Team!
E stablish
B old vision, strategy
E ffect!
R eal buy-in through communication
G ain!

*I nspire &
S eek to empower others to act!

M ore short-term success produce,
E nable!
L et's be relentless,
T riumph, not let up!
I nstill
N ew culture,
G reat leadership show!

agung halim
semarang, Indonesia

Dear Agung,

Thank you so much for your creative feedback on Professor Kotter's book! I have forwarded your lovely note to both the Professor and his wife, who is the President of Kotter Associates. It is wonderful to know that the book inspires not only change but also creativity.

Warm Regards,

Rachel LoVerme
Executive Assistant to Professor John P. Kotter
Kotter Associates
975 Memorial Drive, Apt 207
Cambridge, MA 02138
T: 617.491.4469
F: 617.876.7150


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