Sunday, November 25, 2012


FOR GOD & FOR GOOD F or God so loved the world that He gave His Son O h what a wonder, grace so amazing R edeemed from sin & G ave us eternal life O nly in Christ D o put our hope & trust F ear not! O h march in faith & confidence R eform our business, marketplace G od-centered be O h loyal to process O bedient to Truth D o yield all Sing to "How Great Thou Art" tune ________________________________ FOR GOD & FOR GOOD F or His glory O ur mission & purpose be R each out to the world - G race & love let's impart O h GOD-CENTERED D o be LOYAL TO PROCESS & OBEDIENT TO TRUTH F or His Word our command O h let us ignite R EAL SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE G ive our all - YIELDING RIGHTS O ur aim to please Him O ur utmost for His highest let us strive for D elight the Lord - Soli Deo Gloria! Tune to "To God Be the Glory"

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