Saturday, July 07, 2007


C hoose to be
A n instrument of God's blessings;
N ow live the abundant life,
D o His will;
A true doulos serving the Lord,
C hrist Jesus!
E ver abiding, yielded to obey!

W ith all my heart, my soul, my mind
A nd my strength;
L iving each day reflecting His image!
K ingdom of God and righteousness seek first,
E njoy His love,
R ejoice, again rejoice!

You may sing it to the tune of Josh Groban's "You Raise Me Up".

Hope you'll like it and enjoy!

In His Majesty's Service,
agung halim

Dear Candace

Hi, I'm Agung from Indonesia.
Whenever I come across websites that have blessed me, I like to acknowledge my appreciation. Since I like to make acrostics, I use the name(s) to write one and usually it's tunable to a song/hymn.

Thank you so much for the wonderful words...I loved it!

Be blessed,

Candace Walker-Editor

About the BellaOnline Gospel Editor

Candace Walker is the host and producer of a television show called Christian Conversations. The show is dedicated to showcasing the many blessings of Christian artists and leaders and airs locally in Atlanta, Georgia. "We are committed to providing our viewers with the knowledge that you can be blessed, profitable, and live an abundant life serving the Lord" says Walker. She is also the past Gospel and Lifestyle Editor for a Christian Men´s publication entitled 3V Magazine. Besides holding the Editor title at Bellaonline for their Gospel and Christian Music Websites her byline has been featured in several publications including; The Indianapolis Recorder, The Black Chronicle Newspaper, and Saved Magazine. You can also visit her website at and learn more about Christian Conversations.

Here at BellaOnline Candace intends to focus on the world of Gospel music and artists. "I plan to offer reviews of the latest CDs, events and give one on one interviews with some of the hottest musical acts and Christian leaders in the country."

Visit often and enjoy!

Take Care and God Bless


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