Tuesday, September 26, 2006


J oining hand in hand - leadership develop,
A commitment to integrity hold,
M odel the Way with
E xemplary conduct;
S hared vision inspire to make a difference!

K eep
O n challenging the process, innovate!
U nleash the best, enable others to act;
Z ealously keep
E ncouraging the heart,
S triving for excellence with a passion!



B e credible,
A lways integrity show!
R eady to model the Way excellent!
R eally a shared vision inspire with gusto!
Y es! Be different; Dare challenge the process!

P urposing to enable
O thers to act,
S eek to encourage the heart,
N ever Quit!
E mpower others to strive for the best!
R eaching life¹s goal, leaving a legacy!

Also tuned to "You Raise Me Up"

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