Monday, October 01, 2007


T o be the very best,
A nd nothing less aim;
M otivate to reach for the Star
A chieve!
R aising others up to more than they can be!
A n inspiration that transforms, impacts!

L ive, love and learn, & leaving a legacy!
O creating a more wonderful world!
W inning spirit igniting to empow'r!
E xcellence pursue to the very end!

Tune to  "You Raise Me Up"

Tamara Lowe
"Impacting the Marketplace"

Tamara Lowe is recognized as a highly successful entrepreneur, business woman, best-selling author and motivational speaker. She is the co-founder and Executive Vice President of Get Motivated Seminars, Inc., the training company that produces the largest business seminars in the world.

Tamara has worked face-to-face with five United States Presidents and countless celebrity achievers including Margaret Thatcher, Joe Montana, Rudolph Giuliani, Charlton Heston, Christopher Reeve, Goldie Hawn, Colin Powell, Johnny Cash, Billy Graham, Mikhail Gorbachev and Mother Theresa.

Tamara is a respected media guest who has been featured on 60 Minutes, CNN, TBN, in USA Today, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Washington Post, PEOPLE and TIME magazines as well as newspapers, on radio programs and television shows from coast to coast. Tamara is also a contributing writer for numerous magazines including SUCCESS, Ministries Today, New Man and Spirit Led Woman.

A former drug addict and dropout, Tamara’s message is dynamic, inspiring and redemptive. Tamara travels extensively and has ministered in more than 80 countries. She is an ordained minister with a B.A. in Theology and is currently completing a Master of Ministry degree at Southwestern Christian University.

Tamara, her husband Peter, and their two sons, make their home in Florida.

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