Wednesday, October 31, 2007


A lways trust &
N ot be afraid;
X pect God
I s in control!
O ur worries,
U nto Him leave,
S urely He will never fail!

F ear not,
O He will be with us!
R ejoice and again rejoice!

N ow in Christ
O ur Rock of Ages,
T urn our eyes upon Him see,
H e is our good Shepherd kind!
I n all
N ow
G ive Him glory!

“I Don’t Know about Tomorrow” tune


Freedom from Anxiety

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus,” Philippians 4:6-7.

Does this verse seem like a beautiful picture in life, but beyond reach? That is not so at all. The verse tells us how this life of peace is attainable: “Be anxious for nothing.” The rest of the verse tells us how to do this: “In everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” What could be plainer or more simple than that? Just keep in touch with God. Get in the habit of talking with Him about everything. When troubles or afflictions occur - great or small - speak with Him about it, never forgetting to return thanks for what He has already done. Some of us let the hurry of our lives crowd prayer out; what a waste of time, energy, and emotion there is in a prayerless life and constant worry! One night of prayer will save us from many nights of insomnia. Time spent in prayer is not wasted; it is invested … at a big interest. A life of prayer is glorious, and it is also as simple as it is glorious! Thank God, many are trying it!

Walking With God:
Do you know anyone who is always serene? Perhaps they actually have a very tempermental nature, yet when troubles, conflicts, opposition, and sorrow sweep all around them … the peace of God, that is beyond any human reasoning, keeps their heart and their thoughts in Jesus. We all know people like that. How do they do it? By prayer - that’s how. They know the deep peace of God ~ the unfathomable peace that surpasses all natural comprehension, because they are living in the supernatural life and peace of prayer.

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