L ead through change,
E nvision own ability;
A nd show how to
D are thrive after the change!
I nspire, challenge:
"N othing's impossible!"
G ain confidence as we entrust to Christ!
C ommit our way to the Lord,
H e'll bring to pass!
A nxious not,
N ever fear - He's by our side!
G ood Shepherd, His rod & staff comfort me!
E xpect great & mighty things from the Lord!
Sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
F or the Word the Spirit's Sword,
E mpow'r us to withstand!
E nemies' fierce darts assault,
D o put on His armour!
O victory
N ow in Christ sure!
T he battle is the Lord's!
H e is
E mmanuel
W ith us!
R esist,
D on't give up!
"Stand up, Stand Up for Jesus"
The Power to Protect
“But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of…” 2 Timothy 3:14.
With a fury, the Devil is working to infiltrate our churches with many false doctrines. How can we live protected and not fall prey to his subtle endeavors in attempting to mislead the church of Christ today? There is only one way - by constantly feeding on the Word of God. It’s truly that simple. The Word of God has the full and complete power to protect us from everything that is false, from all error, and sin. In Acts 20:29-32, Paul warns the elders at Ephesus of the false teachings that would most certainly creep in among them. In His closing commendation to them, he states: “to God and to the Word of His grace.” And in his letter to Timothy, he writes:
“But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 3:13-15
Walking With God:
If you will feed on the Word of God, saturating your life constantly in its truth and power, the Word will protect your mind, heart, and spirit from being deceived. It is through simple neglect of the Word that leaves so many believers falling prey to false teachings, doctrines and “knowledge that puffs up” that Satan, in all his scheming and subtley ways, is always at work in trying to invade the Church of Christ. You do not have to be deceived, so … live in God’s Word! Keep a Bible with you - in your car, in your purse, and in your desk at work. Read it throughout the day, and watch how your life will be transformed ~ drastically! Read, love, trust and obey God’s Word … it has the power to protect.
F or the Word the Spirit's Sword,
E mpow'r us to withstand!
E nemies' fierce darts assault,
D o put on His armour!
O victory
N ow in Christ sure!
T he battle is the Lord's!
H e is
E mmanuel
W ith us!
R esist,
D on't give up!
"Stand up, Stand Up for Jesus"
The Power to Protect
“But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of…” 2 Timothy 3:14.
With a fury, the Devil is working to infiltrate our churches with many false doctrines. How can we live protected and not fall prey to his subtle endeavors in attempting to mislead the church of Christ today? There is only one way - by constantly feeding on the Word of God. It’s truly that simple. The Word of God has the full and complete power to protect us from everything that is false, from all error, and sin. In Acts 20:29-32, Paul warns the elders at Ephesus of the false teachings that would most certainly creep in among them. In His closing commendation to them, he states: “to God and to the Word of His grace.” And in his letter to Timothy, he writes:
“But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 3:13-15
Walking With God:
If you will feed on the Word of God, saturating your life constantly in its truth and power, the Word will protect your mind, heart, and spirit from being deceived. It is through simple neglect of the Word that leaves so many believers falling prey to false teachings, doctrines and “knowledge that puffs up” that Satan, in all his scheming and subtley ways, is always at work in trying to invade the Church of Christ. You do not have to be deceived, so … live in God’s Word! Keep a Bible with you - in your car, in your purse, and in your desk at work. Read it throughout the day, and watch how your life will be transformed ~ drastically! Read, love, trust and obey God’s Word … it has the power to protect.
A lways trust &
N ot be afraid;
X pect God
I s in control!
O ur worries,
U nto Him leave,
S urely He will never fail!
F ear not,
O He will be with us!
R ejoice and again rejoice!
N ow in Christ
O ur Rock of Ages,
T urn our eyes upon Him see,
H e is our good Shepherd kind!
I n all
N ow
G ive Him glory!
“I Don’t Know about Tomorrow” tune
Freedom from Anxiety
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus,” Philippians 4:6-7.
Does this verse seem like a beautiful picture in life, but beyond reach? That is not so at all. The verse tells us how this life of peace is attainable: “Be anxious for nothing.” The rest of the verse tells us how to do this: “In everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” What could be plainer or more simple than that? Just keep in touch with God. Get in the habit of talking with Him about everything. When troubles or afflictions occur - great or small - speak with Him about it, never forgetting to return thanks for what He has already done. Some of us let the hurry of our lives crowd prayer out; what a waste of time, energy, and emotion there is in a prayerless life and constant worry! One night of prayer will save us from many nights of insomnia. Time spent in prayer is not wasted; it is invested … at a big interest. A life of prayer is glorious, and it is also as simple as it is glorious! Thank God, many are trying it!
Walking With God:
Do you know anyone who is always serene? Perhaps they actually have a very tempermental nature, yet when troubles, conflicts, opposition, and sorrow sweep all around them … the peace of God, that is beyond any human reasoning, keeps their heart and their thoughts in Jesus. We all know people like that. How do they do it? By prayer - that’s how. They know the deep peace of God ~ the unfathomable peace that surpasses all natural comprehension, because they are living in the supernatural life and peace of prayer.
A lways trust &
N ot be afraid;
X pect God
I s in control!
O ur worries,
U nto Him leave,
S urely He will never fail!
F ear not,
O He will be with us!
R ejoice and again rejoice!
N ow in Christ
O ur Rock of Ages,
T urn our eyes upon Him see,
H e is our good Shepherd kind!
I n all
N ow
G ive Him glory!
“I Don’t Know about Tomorrow” tune
Freedom from Anxiety
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus,” Philippians 4:6-7.
Does this verse seem like a beautiful picture in life, but beyond reach? That is not so at all. The verse tells us how this life of peace is attainable: “Be anxious for nothing.” The rest of the verse tells us how to do this: “In everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” What could be plainer or more simple than that? Just keep in touch with God. Get in the habit of talking with Him about everything. When troubles or afflictions occur - great or small - speak with Him about it, never forgetting to return thanks for what He has already done. Some of us let the hurry of our lives crowd prayer out; what a waste of time, energy, and emotion there is in a prayerless life and constant worry! One night of prayer will save us from many nights of insomnia. Time spent in prayer is not wasted; it is invested … at a big interest. A life of prayer is glorious, and it is also as simple as it is glorious! Thank God, many are trying it!
Walking With God:
Do you know anyone who is always serene? Perhaps they actually have a very tempermental nature, yet when troubles, conflicts, opposition, and sorrow sweep all around them … the peace of God, that is beyond any human reasoning, keeps their heart and their thoughts in Jesus. We all know people like that. How do they do it? By prayer - that’s how. They know the deep peace of God ~ the unfathomable peace that surpasses all natural comprehension, because they are living in the supernatural life and peace of prayer.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
H ail the King of kings & Lord of lords! –
I n our praises He is enthroned and glorified!
S eek His face, come into His presence!
M ake known His works throughout the earth! Hallelujah!
A ll bow down and worship Him, the Lamb of God who reigns!
J esus Christ – the Prince of Peace & Wonderful Counselor!
E ternal
S aviour and Redeemer!
T o Him alone,
Y ield and obey! His love proclaim
Tune to “Majesty”
H ail the King of kings & Lord of lords! –
I n our praises He is enthroned and glorified!
S eek His face, come into His presence!
M ake known His works throughout the earth! Hallelujah!
A ll bow down and worship Him, the Lamb of God who reigns!
J esus Christ – the Prince of Peace & Wonderful Counselor!
E ternal
S aviour and Redeemer!
T o Him alone,
Y ield and obey! His love proclaim
Tune to “Majesty”
Monday, October 29, 2007
P recious
R eally are Thy Statutes!
I n my heart
C losely I'll guard!
E mpow'r &
L ead us
E very moment;
S eek THy will,
S urrender self;
H e is
E ver the same;
R ighteous, just
I n all His ways;
T rust Him &
A lways obey Him;
G o and make Disciples, His Great Commission fulfill -
E verlasting life through Christ share!
Tune to "Thy Word"
From Lisa Cronk's: Our Most Priceless Heritage
“Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart,” Psalm 119:111.
A man owned a vineyard and his sons believed their father to be very wealthy. Since he was secretive about it they could not be sure, but they hoped to inherit a fortune when he died. On his deathbed he told his sons that the secret of his wealth was to be found in the vineyard. The boys immediately began to dig, hoping to find the treasure they believed to be hidden under the vines. They toiled for months, being careful not to damage the vines. In the course of time they dug over every inch of the vineyard and discovered nothing. But that fall their vineyard produced the finest crop of grapes on record. Then they realized what their wise father had done. He had forced them to stop loathing around and instead to cultivate the vineyard. The secret of his wealth was the vines which, properly cared for, would keep them rich.
Walking With God:
Your heritage, too, is priceless but it will not yield its wealth to you without work. When you work at it, the Bible never fails to yield its riches to your soul or allow you to lose sight of your ultimate inheritance …. your Heavenly Home, “My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end.”
P recious
R eally are Thy Statutes!
I n my heart
C losely I'll guard!
E mpow'r &
L ead us
E very moment;
S eek THy will,
S urrender self;
H e is
E ver the same;
R ighteous, just
I n all His ways;
T rust Him &
A lways obey Him;
G o and make Disciples, His Great Commission fulfill -
E verlasting life through Christ share!
Tune to "Thy Word"
From Lisa Cronk's: Our Most Priceless Heritage
“Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart,” Psalm 119:111.
A man owned a vineyard and his sons believed their father to be very wealthy. Since he was secretive about it they could not be sure, but they hoped to inherit a fortune when he died. On his deathbed he told his sons that the secret of his wealth was to be found in the vineyard. The boys immediately began to dig, hoping to find the treasure they believed to be hidden under the vines. They toiled for months, being careful not to damage the vines. In the course of time they dug over every inch of the vineyard and discovered nothing. But that fall their vineyard produced the finest crop of grapes on record. Then they realized what their wise father had done. He had forced them to stop loathing around and instead to cultivate the vineyard. The secret of his wealth was the vines which, properly cared for, would keep them rich.
Walking With God:
Your heritage, too, is priceless but it will not yield its wealth to you without work. When you work at it, the Bible never fails to yield its riches to your soul or allow you to lose sight of your ultimate inheritance …. your Heavenly Home, “My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end.”
Thursday, October 25, 2007
F riends
'R forever
E xtending beyond
N ow to the future;
D o
S pecial things despite
H aving differences;
I nspire each other -
P ursue excellence!
D are to be different,
E ncourage each other!
E mpathy, mutual understanding show!
P eel our masks, risk to be vulnerable!
& find the greatest thing in life - Friendship!
F or God created us not just for
O urselves!
R emember
E ach giv'n
V ery unique gifts;
E mploy to
R ender
S ervice
T o others!
H elp
E ach other bring out the very best!
O ffering to show
C are and concern always;
E xpect nothing in return for good deeds!
A vision of a better world realize,
N ever Quit! Have persistence, consistence!
Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
F riends
'R forever
E xtending beyond
N ow to the future;
D o
S pecial things despite
H aving differences;
I nspire each other -
P ursue excellence!
D are to be different,
E ncourage each other!
E mpathy, mutual understanding show!
P eel our masks, risk to be vulnerable!
& find the greatest thing in life - Friendship!
F or God created us not just for
O urselves!
R emember
E ach giv'n
V ery unique gifts;
E mploy to
R ender
S ervice
T o others!
H elp
E ach other bring out the very best!
O ffering to show
C are and concern always;
E xpect nothing in return for good deeds!
A vision of a better world realize,
N ever Quit! Have persistence, consistence!
Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
L iving a life that is pleasing to the Lord,
I n faith daily walking in obedience;
S eeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness,
A s salt of the earth, light of the world be!
C hrist is the Potter and I am the clay,
R eflect His image, be like Him!
O be a witness of His grace and love,
N ow glorify,
K eep on praise Him!
--- Lisa Cronk wrote:
> Thank you sooooooo much! May I have your permission
> to post this on my site?
> It would mean so much to share this with others. Did
> you write this? It is
> beautiful!
> Blessings,
> lisa cronk
L iving a life that is pleasing to the Lord,
I n faith daily walking in obedience;
S eeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness,
A s salt of the earth, light of the world be!
C hrist is the Potter and I am the clay,
R eflect His image, be like Him!
O be a witness of His grace and love,
N ow glorify,
K eep on praise Him!
--- Lisa Cronk
> Thank you sooooooo much! May I have your permission
> to post this on my site?
> It would mean so much to share this with others. Did
> you write this? It is
> beautiful!
> Blessings,
> lisa cronk
Monday, October 22, 2007
S trive for Excellence &
U nstoppable be!
S hared vision
I nspire!
L ift
O thers up!
B elieve
A ll is possible &
M otivate!
B e
N ation-Builder,
G reatness achieve!
Y es! We Can!
U nleash
D reams of a better world!
H ave integrity
O ur people's trust gain!
Y ield not & compromise not
O h be true!
N othing's impossible!
O ur country build!
Tune to "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban
S trive for Excellence &
U nstoppable be!
S hared vision
I nspire!
L ift
O thers up!
B elieve
A ll is possible &
M otivate!
B e
N ation-Builder,
G reatness achieve!
Y es! We Can!
U nleash
D reams of a better world!
H ave integrity
O ur people's trust gain!
Y ield not & compromise not
O h be true!
N othing's impossible!
O ur country build!
Tune to "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban
Sunday, October 21, 2007
S eek
E xcellence, apply the seven habits;
V ictory over our old ways daily gain,
E ach thought becomes action which becomes habit!
N ow change our paradigm to change our life!
H oned be proactive, begin with End in mind;
A lways first things first, win-win attitude;
B e first seek to understand, then understood;
I nspire
T o synergize,
S harpen the saw!
Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
S eek
E xcellence, apply the seven habits;
V ictory over our old ways daily gain,
E ach thought becomes action which becomes habit!
N ow change our paradigm to change our life!
H oned be proactive, begin with End in mind;
A lways first things first, win-win attitude;
B e first seek to understand, then understood;
I nspire
T o synergize,
S harpen the saw!
Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
Thursday, October 11, 2007
(an acrostic, sing to the tune of "What A Friend We Have In Jesus")
F riends so true, loyal -
R are indeed!
I n our joys and sorrows share,
E ver listening,
N ever leaving;
D aring to stand up by us!
S urround ourselves with good friends,
H ope, faith & love encourage!
I n everything let us give thanks,
P raise to God for Friendship dear!
(an acrostic, sing to the tune of "What A Friend We Have In Jesus")
F riends so true, loyal -
R are indeed!
I n our joys and sorrows share,
E ver listening,
N ever leaving;
D aring to stand up by us!
S urround ourselves with good friends,
H ope, faith & love encourage!
I n everything let us give thanks,
P raise to God for Friendship dear!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
M ay my life be
Y ielded to Thee,
U tterly
T o Thee offer;
M ake me a loyal Servant;
O nly
S eek first
T hy Kingdom!
F ully
O n Thy Word
R esting!
*H eart, Head & Hands
I 'll engage;
S erve Him,
H e is Master, Lord!
I n all things
G iving
H im thanks!
E xalt,
S ing praise
T o His Name!
Tune to the Hymn "Take My Life and Let It Be"
M ay my life be
Y ielded to Thee,
U tterly
T o Thee offer;
M ake me a loyal Servant;
O nly
S eek first
T hy Kingdom!
F ully
O n Thy Word
R esting!
*H eart, Head & Hands
I 'll engage;
S erve Him,
H e is Master, Lord!
I n all things
G iving
H im thanks!
E xalt,
S ing praise
T o His Name!
Tune to the Hymn "Take My Life and Let It Be"
S eek to live
E ach day as if it were your last!
I n this world we will not stay forever;
Z est and enthusiasm let us inspire!
E xpect to make a difference that matters!
T arry not, DO IT,lest it will be too late
H ave the end in mind,
E mbrace the present!
D o enjoy,
A midst nature's beauty, sing!
Y es! Carpe Diem! Seize the day! Don't wait!
S eek to live
E ach day as if it were your last!
I n this world we will not stay forever;
Z est and enthusiasm let us inspire!
E xpect to make a difference that matters!
T arry not, DO IT,lest it will be too late
H ave the end in mind,
E mbrace the present!
D o enjoy,
A midst nature's beauty, sing!
Y es! Carpe Diem! Seize the day! Don't wait!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
I have a dream,
H ope of a better future!
A n oasis of freedom & justice;
V ision of a nation of character see;
E xpect in faith,
A t last we will be free!
D are to believe there's nothing impossible!
R ise up & live out the truth of our creed;
E mpower
A symphony of brotherhood,
M ajestic heights with soul force aspire!
sing to the tune of Josh Groban's "You Raise Me Up"
I have a dream,
H ope of a better future!
A n oasis of freedom & justice;
V ision of a nation of character see;
E xpect in faith,
A t last we will be free!
D are to believe there's nothing impossible!
R ise up & live out the truth of our creed;
E mpower
A symphony of brotherhood,
M ajestic heights with soul force aspire!
sing to the tune of Josh Groban's "You Raise Me Up"
Friday, October 05, 2007
Hi Oprah,
Just want to share this acrostic of your name: OPRAH WINFREY as a tribute to you & your great works:
O make a real difference that truly impacts!
P urpose-driven,
R each out in love to share;
A transformation through innovation make!
H ave passion, persistence with principles!
W inning attitude
I nspire &
N ever quit!
F ree,
R aise others to more than they can be!
E mpower, unleash the best in others!
Y es! A wonderful world and life create!
THis may be sung to the tune of "You Raise Me Up" by JOsh Groban
How about getting Josh singing this for Oprah?
God bless you!
May your tribe increase!
agung halim
Just want to share this acrostic of your name: OPRAH WINFREY as a tribute to you & your great works:
O make a real difference that truly impacts!
P urpose-driven,
R each out in love to share;
A transformation through innovation make!
H ave passion, persistence with principles!
W inning attitude
I nspire &
N ever quit!
F ree,
R aise others to more than they can be!
E mpower, unleash the best in others!
Y es! A wonderful world and life create!
THis may be sung to the tune of "You Raise Me Up" by JOsh Groban
How about getting Josh singing this for Oprah?
God bless you!
May your tribe increase!
agung halim
WONDERFUL THINGS (in acrostics)
W e praise You
O God, our Father!
N ew creatures in Christ we're made!
D elight,
E njoy His love,
R ich grace;
F or
U nto Him
L ift our songs!
T rust He is Lord &
H e is Saviour;
I n Him
N ow salvation free!
G race amazing & love divine
S eek us sinners, Hound of Heav'n!
Tune to the hymn "Joyful, Joyful"
W e praise You
O God, our Father!
N ew creatures in Christ we're made!
D elight,
E njoy His love,
R ich grace;
F or
U nto Him
L ift our songs!
T rust He is Lord &
H e is Saviour;
I n Him
N ow salvation free!
G race amazing & love divine
S eek us sinners, Hound of Heav'n!
Tune to the hymn "Joyful, Joyful"
Monday, October 01, 2007
T o be the very best,
A nd nothing less aim;
M otivate to reach for the Star
A chieve!
R aising others up to more than they can be!
A n inspiration that transforms, impacts!
L ive, love and learn, & leaving a legacy!
O creating a more wonderful world!
W inning spirit igniting to empow'r!
E xcellence pursue to the very end!
Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
Tamara Lowe
"Impacting the Marketplace"
Tamara Lowe is recognized as a highly successful entrepreneur, business woman, best-selling author and motivational speaker. She is the co-founder and Executive Vice President of Get Motivated Seminars, Inc., the training company that produces the largest business seminars in the world.
Tamara has worked face-to-face with five United States Presidents and countless celebrity achievers including Margaret Thatcher, Joe Montana, Rudolph Giuliani, Charlton Heston, Christopher Reeve, Goldie Hawn, Colin Powell, Johnny Cash, Billy Graham, Mikhail Gorbachev and Mother Theresa.
Tamara is a respected media guest who has been featured on 60 Minutes, CNN, TBN, in USA Today, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Washington Post, PEOPLE and TIME magazines as well as newspapers, on radio programs and television shows from coast to coast. Tamara is also a contributing writer for numerous magazines including SUCCESS, Ministries Today, New Man and Spirit Led Woman.
A former drug addict and dropout, Tamara’s message is dynamic, inspiring and redemptive. Tamara travels extensively and has ministered in more than 80 countries. She is an ordained minister with a B.A. in Theology and is currently completing a Master of Ministry degree at Southwestern Christian University.
Tamara, her husband Peter, and their two sons, make their home in Florida.
T o be the very best,
A nd nothing less aim;
M otivate to reach for the Star
A chieve!
R aising others up to more than they can be!
A n inspiration that transforms, impacts!
L ive, love and learn, & leaving a legacy!
O creating a more wonderful world!
W inning spirit igniting to empow'r!
E xcellence pursue to the very end!
Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
Tamara Lowe
"Impacting the Marketplace"
Tamara Lowe is recognized as a highly successful entrepreneur, business woman, best-selling author and motivational speaker. She is the co-founder and Executive Vice President of Get Motivated Seminars, Inc., the training company that produces the largest business seminars in the world.
Tamara has worked face-to-face with five United States Presidents and countless celebrity achievers including Margaret Thatcher, Joe Montana, Rudolph Giuliani, Charlton Heston, Christopher Reeve, Goldie Hawn, Colin Powell, Johnny Cash, Billy Graham, Mikhail Gorbachev and Mother Theresa.
Tamara is a respected media guest who has been featured on 60 Minutes, CNN, TBN, in USA Today, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Washington Post, PEOPLE and TIME magazines as well as newspapers, on radio programs and television shows from coast to coast. Tamara is also a contributing writer for numerous magazines including SUCCESS, Ministries Today, New Man and Spirit Led Woman.
A former drug addict and dropout, Tamara’s message is dynamic, inspiring and redemptive. Tamara travels extensively and has ministered in more than 80 countries. She is an ordained minister with a B.A. in Theology and is currently completing a Master of Ministry degree at Southwestern Christian University.
Tamara, her husband Peter, and their two sons, make their home in Florida.
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