Saturday, August 01, 2020


KBC RISE JULY 16, 2020
Semua diminta utk tiap kota membuat Acrostic  *NAKHODA* buat pak Paulus krn visi nya sbg Captain dari kapal nya sendiri di phase hidup nya setelah pensiun dr Astra:

*N* ow as the Captain of the ship of life steering
*A* t His command I will obey
*K* eep focused on the eternal and not the world
*H* elp the young people grow 

*O* let's transform lives instead of business
*D* iversity and nationalism promote to love this country more

*A* lways inspiring integrity and
Positive attitude that will make a difference - Ad Maiorem Gloriam!

Tune to *With Christ in the Vessel We can Smile at the Storm*

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