Tuesday, September 22, 2020



*N* ow pause 

*E* rase all negative thoughts 

*G* o 

*A* ll the way 

*T* o be better 

*I* mprove continuously 

*V* anquish, conquer our fears 

*E* mpower and elevate 

*T* ransform 

*O* ur world 

*P* urpose to realize 

*O* ur heart, our mind 

*S* eek to balance 

*I* n everything 

*T* hank God 

*I* gnite positive thoughts 

*V* ision inspire & 

*E* nlarge! 

 Tune to *Amazing Grace*

Sept. 3, 2020

POY Sharing



*H* o'oponopono let's practise 

*O* ur world will become 

*M* ore peaceful 

*E* xpress "I love you", "I forgive you", " I'm sorry" 

*Y* es "Thank you" for all I'm given

Tune to *Amazing Grace*

Sept. 4, 2020

POY sharing



*Y* es! Together WE CAN! Never quit! 

*U* nstoppable - 

 *L* ift others up! 

*I* nspire - 

*A* im for the star! 

*N* othing's impossible! 

*A* ll to God be the glory! 

Tune to *Amazing Grace*

Sept. 4, 2020

POY Sharing



*F* rom Good to Great 

*R* ise up and make it happen 

*A* im for the star, go all-out 

*N* ever quit! 

*C* hoose to make a difference 

*I* nspire! Impact 

*S* trive for excellence 

*C* ommit 

*A* ll [will] come true 

Tune to *You Raise Me Up* reff

Sept.4, 2020

POY Sharing


 *BAHAGIA* acrostic 

*B* e HAPPY - a decision of life 

*A* lways rejoice 

*H* ave love to share 

*A* ll is of God, from God 

*G* ive thanks in everything 

*I* n our world 

*A* difference make 

 Tune to *Amazing Grace*

Sept. 9, 2020

POY Sharing



*B* e yourself & 

*A* ccept who you are 

*M* an helping man helping himself 

*B* elieve 

*A* ll's possible 

*N* ever quit! Just do it! 

*G* o and make a real difference! 

Tune to *Amazing Grace*

Sept. 11, 2020

POY Sharing



*D* are to succeed 

*I* mpossible is nothing 

*C* hoose to be yourself, do not imitate 

*K* eep on fire in pursuit of excellence 

*Y* es, We Can! Together Each Achieves More!   

Tune to "You Raise Me Up" reff  

Sept. 18, 2020

POY Sharing



*I* mpact &  

*N* ow make a difference in your life 

*D* etermine to be the best you can be 

*A*  ccept all with the points-of-you framework 

*H* ope inspire and unleash potentials   

Tune to "You Raise Me Up" reff  

Sept. 18, 2020

POY sharing



*W* inning attitude inspire with passion 

*I* gnite the spirit of Die-hard - Never quit! 

*D* o the best, always strive for excellence 

*Y* ield to God, Ad Mojorem Dei Gloriam (AMDG) 

 Tune to "You Raise Me Up" reff

Sept.18, 2020

POY sharing



*S* eek the best in others, be an inspiration 

*A* ll's possible - believe and just do it 

*N* ever give up! Nothing is impossible 

*D* are to innovate and keep on trying 

 *W* ith passion, enthusiasm - make your dream true 

*I* gnite the spirit of die-hard! Never quit! 

*C* hoose to make a difference in all our lives 

*H* ave determination to excellence 

 Tune to *You Raise Me Up*



 *E* agerly and without fear 

*X* plore the world 

*P* urpose of 

*L* ife: to live it, to taste it 

*O* h newer, 

*R* icher experience reach out for 

*E* nrich and fill your life with adventures 

 Tune to *You Raise Me Up* reff

23 Sept. 2020

Saturday, August 01, 2020


KBC RISE JULY 16, 2020
Semua diminta utk tiap kota membuat Acrostic  *NAKHODA* buat pak Paulus krn visi nya sbg Captain dari kapal nya sendiri di phase hidup nya setelah pensiun dr Astra:

*N* ow as the Captain of the ship of life steering
*A* t His command I will obey
*K* eep focused on the eternal and not the world
*H* elp the young people grow 

*O* let's transform lives instead of business
*D* iversity and nationalism promote to love this country more

*A* lways inspiring integrity and
Positive attitude that will make a difference - Ad Maiorem Gloriam!

Tune to *With Christ in the Vessel We can Smile at the Storm*




" *K* yo Society - I like it here" - so will you
*Y* our place to CONNECT, ENGAGE and be ALIVE
*O* ffering a human-centered society

*S* uch a community - it is only here
*O* oo... outshining others - in a class of its own indeed
*C* entrally located in a prime and strategic area
*I* n a Japanese concept
*E* ncompass 45 fac'lities
*T* o help actualize yourself
*Y* our best investment

Tune to *Subaru* song
July 13, 2020


Ini sudah jadi... *TANCORP*

*T* o create *"A BETTER HUMAN LIFE"*
*A* im to be the leading company that contributes and prospers our dear Indonesia
*N* ow with *"CINTA"* values we grow
*CUSTOMER FOCUS* is a _sine qua non_
*O* ur *INTEGRITY* is absolute
*R* eal spirit of *Nationalism* foster - *Teamwork* - Together Each One Achieves More
*P* ursue *Agility* 

Tune to *Ai Pia*

July 10, 2020

Saya ambil dari:

CINTA merupakan akronim dari Customer Focus, Integrity, Nationalism, Teamwork, dan Agility yang selalu diterapkan oleh setiap insan karyawan yang ada di TANCORP.

Memiliki kemampuan yang selalu berorientasi pada customer. Sehingga mampu menjadikan customer (eksternal atau pun internal) dan kebutuhan-kebutuhan mereka sebagai fokus utama dalam hubungan kerja yang positif dan produktif.

Memiliki perilaku dan perkataan jujur, berkomitmen, konsisten dalam tindakan, dan selalu berfikir positif sesuai dengan aturan dan norma yang berlaku.

Memiliki jiwa nasionalisme yang membawa perubahan positif bagi dalam membangun perusahaan untuk menghasilkan produk nasional yang berkualitas tinggi dan berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan bangsa melalui ketersediaan lapangan kerja.

Setiap karyawan di TANCORP memiliki teamwork yang baik, terlibat aktif, dan selalu berkontribusi dalam setiap pencapaian perusahaan.

Memiliki pergerakan cepat, fleksibel, tegas dalam mengatisipasi, mampu beradaptasi dengan cepat, serta mampu memulai dan mengambil peluang.



*W* ith family
*E* njoy fellowship
*E* ach other inspire
*K* eep on fire
*E* mpowering others
*N* ext level to achieve
*D* o care, love and give them hope

Tune to *Amazing Grace*


Weekend ini rencana mau apa dan kemana?

Pertanyaan standard buat kita semua.

Gara Gara PSBB kemana masih kita kesampingkan. Kalau mau keluar ya sepedaan saja, yg pagi ini saya lihat Makin banyak di sepanjang jalan Sudirman dan bahkan perumahan.

Lalu kalau mau apa? Tentunya banyak yg bisa dikerjakan karena manusia memang asyik sebagai Human Doing. 

Weekend pun tak akan habis untuk menuntaskan untuk doing. 

Nah, tantangan nya weekend ino bukan what can you Do tapi hari ini yuk kita coba menjawab pertanyaan What can I be? 

BE someone. As Human Being. 

Mungkin kita bisa BE someone who inspire someone else one on one. 

Be angel to someone who needs our care. 

Be someone who help other to visit di rumah sakit or pray for them. 

Be someone who cares loves giving hope. 

Saya juga belum tahu mau apa. Tapi this week end saya mau coba not become a great Human Doing but a humble human being? 

Ayo kita coba dan nanti share ya? 

Have a great weekend

July 25, 2020



*L* et's talk in balance and with pure heart
*E* rase prejudice and hatred
*G* racious words to uplift
*A* lways in the right time
*C* hoose to walk the talk
*Y* es... Change lives!

Tune to *Amazing Grace*


Ada waktu untuk bersama, ada waktu untuk berpisah.

Ada waktu untuk stay in power dan ada waktu to become outsider.

Ada waktu untuk telling dan commanding dan ada waktu untuk hanya bisa inspiring. 

Semua ada waktunya, ada waktu untuk di dengar dan ada waktu untuk mendengar.

Lalu apa yg anda wariskan ketika anda masih in command, in power, in authority yang akan terus dituruti diikuti diksmbangkan ketika anda sudah turun tahta itu?

Kalau soal prestasi, pasti akan ada yg melampauinya.

Kalau soal teknik dan cara kerja pasti akan ada penggantinya krn the world is changing.

Yang tinggal hanyalah KATA dan KALIMAT yang merasuk ke their HEART not just their HEAD.


Rupanya itu yg diingat oleh banyak orang tentang kita nanti, Entah kita yg pensiun, atau meninggalkan posisi pindah ke posisi lain, atau kita pindah ke perusahaan lain atau pindah divisi lain, yaitu OUR WORDS THAT CHANGES THEIR PURPOSE OF LIFE.

Itu sebabnya kita harus terus menabur kata yg changes lives bukan yang intimidating, destroying, criticizing.

Itu buat your spouse, your children and your friends. Give them uplifting words.

Bagaimana caranya?

1. Always talk in balance. Upayakan tahu dulu sebelum bicara. Cover both sides. Seek first to understand.

2. Always talk with a pure heart. Jangan ada prasangka, prejudice, kebencian.

3. Always talk in the right time and moment. Jangan asal bicara tapi tunggu saat dan momen yg tepat.

4. Always talk with the right purpose to uplift them. Boleh kritik, memberi masukan tapi dg maksud untuk membangun.

5. Always talk apa yang anda sudah dan bisa WALK. Bukan omong kosong dan kata Inspirasi murahan. Mereka melihat apa kita walk our talk. 

Kalau begitu, anda akan diingat bukan sebagai boss yg ditakuti tapi leader yg disayangi dan ditunggu kehadirannya.

Lukisan hadiah team Human Capital Astra ini meneguhkan keyakinan saya bahwa pada akhirnya yang akan diingat adalah your walk.

Kalau walk anda lurus, maka your talks akan matter to people.



July 26, 2020



*M* odel the way
*A* shared vision inspire
*U* ndeterred, dare to challenge the process
*D* o enable others to act with teamwork
*Y* es let us encourage the heart with care

*A* im for the star
*Y* our full potential realize
*U* nstoppable
*N* othing's impossible
*D* etermine to be the best you can be
*A* n impact make and a legacy leave

Tune to *You Raise Me Up*

2 Aug. 2020

Thursday, July 02, 2020



*H* ave passion for excellence in all we do
*E* xpertise sharpen
*R* each to be the best
*M* ake big dreams
[ *A* nd] have positive mentality
*N* ow 
*T* rue integrity is
*O* ur motto 

*T* he best achieve with "Never  Quit" attitude
*A* lways be customer-oriented
*N* ew spirit
*O* f Nationalism ignite
*K* eep on be agile
*O* ur teamwork let's build

Tune to *You Raise Me Up*

2 July 2020

Pesan kepada Next Generation, 
Berkaryalah sesuai dengan passion, keahlian yang terus diasah sampai menjadi Excellent dibidangnya, mempunyai Mimpi Besar, Mental Positif,Integritas, Pantang Menyerah untuk mencapai yang terbaik dan dapat memberi makna kepada banyak orang...

Thursday, May 14, 2020



A s our rock, fortress

S alvation 
O ur soul finds rest in the Lord
N othing can make us be shaken
G od our Emmanuel with us

F aithful is He
O ur good Shepherd
R ejoice and always give thanks

T rust in the Lord, acknowledge Him
O ur desires  He will give

M ay we count
O ur blessings He gave
R emember
R ichly He blessed
O ur songs of praise we will lift up
W ith our heart and all our soul

Tune to I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Find Your Calling Feed Your Soul


*FYC-FYS* ==> Find Your Calling Feed Your Soul

 This book is a must-read for anyone who longs to serve the world with their ideas. If you find yourself constantly filled with entrepreneurial thoughts and eagerness, this book is for you. In Askinosie’s own words, “This book is for entrepreneurs at heart or in practice – or both. It is for those who are searching for their own personal meaning in their work, and seeking to transform that meaning into a vocation. Whether you’re beginning a new venture or want to infuse your current one with dedicated purpose, my hope is that my experiences, and the deep and enduring lessons I’ve learned from them, will help you find your own business vocation.”