Monday, August 05, 2019


I was inspired to write the acrostic *AOTS SIXTIETH ANNIVERSARY*, using the tune of *Sukiyaki* which was played by the band with AOTS President Shinya Kuwayama-san: *AOTS SIXTIETH ANNIVERSARY* *A* im to transcend boundaries, *O* like the sky and the sea *T* o live in harmony together, grow together *S* eek Co-creation [&] Co-existence among Japanese and others *S* eek to develop talent *I* n [the] global community *X* cellence pursue *T* o aim for the best *I* n all things *E* mpower *T* o innovate more *H* ave lasting impact that transforms *A* vision of Society 5.0 ( five point zero) *N* othing is impossible *N* ow just do it *I* gnite a deep passion across generations *V* ibrating in harmony with our inner heart *E* nergized with a new spirit *R* eady to soar like the eagle (Whistling...) *S* pirit of oneness and harmony *A* lways foster, never waver *R* ender unity with all people 'round us *Y* es! We Can! - with strong confidence, let us do! Sing to the tune of *"Sukiyaki"* (Ue o Muite Arukou) Tokyo AOTS TKC 2 Aug. 2019

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