Thursday, August 16, 2018


*INDONESIA RAYA JAYA* *I* ndonesia - our great Motherland *N* ow let us together build *D* evelop to new heights *O* f glory *N* othing less than the best give *E* xcellence - with passion let's pursue *S* pirit of teamwork let's ignite *I* n unity together stand *A* s proud Indonesians sing: *R* esplendent, glorious our great Indonesia *A* bright and promising future awaits *Y* ounger generation full of resilience *A* lways ready to serve and die *J* oin together as one - ONE NATION, ONE LANGUAGE *A* new and better world let us transform *Y* earn to create and build a prosperous nation *A* ll together for Indonesia! Tune to *Indonesia Raya Anthem*

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