Tuesday, April 12, 2016


BUDIONO LIE B e just yourself - truly unique U nleashing the best potential D o pursue excellence with a great passion I nspire the very best & raise others up *O vercome challenges N ever quit! Nothing's impossible! O nward, upward let's soar! L et's keep our family united I n harmony E xpect blessings Tune to "I Have A Dream" Dari lagu aslinya, hanya yg bagian ini ya: I have a dream, a song to sing  To help me cope with anything  If you see the wonder (wonder) of a fairy tale  You can take the future even if you fail  I believe in angels  Something good in everything I see  I believe in angels  When I know the time is right for me  I'll cross the stream - I have a dream 

1 comment:

AcrosticGuy said...


B uilding people & inspire to be the best
U nstoppable - pursuing excellence
D are to be different & make a real difference
I mpossible is nothing - just do it!
* O nward, forward, upward soar like the eagle
N ever quit!
O bstacles overcoming

L ifting up & empowering others
I n total quality
E nsure greatness!

Tune to "You Raise Me Up"