J ehovah Shalom - God's our perfect Peace
E ntrust all to Him
H e careth for us
O n Him let us wait
V oice of the Lord hear
A nd our mind on
H im focused
S hield and refuge
H e's our ever-present help
A rmed with His strength, He makes our way perfect
L ight and salvation - God
O f whom shall we fear
M y peace I leave and give to you - Jesus said
Tune to "Tuhan yg Menjaga Hidupku"
(Agnes Chen song)
Aug.15, 2014
J ehovah Shalom - God's our perfect Peace
E ntrust all to Him
H e careth for us
O n Him let us wait
V oice of the Lord hear
A nd our mind on
H im focused
S hield and refuge
H e's our ever-present help
A rmed with His strength, He makes our way perfect
L ight and salvation - God
O f whom shall we fear
M y peace I leave and give to you - Jesus said
Tune to "Tuhan yg Menjaga Hidupku"
(Agnes Chen song)
Aug.15, 2014
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