Sunday, December 16, 2012


This Christmas may we all rejoice like the shepherds at that first Noel, on hearing the message from the angels (Luke 2:10) - GOOD TIDINGS OF GREAT JOY: G od became man O n Christmas day O n earth came to be born D ay of good tidings of great joy T he angels announcing I n Bethlehem D avid's city I n Micah prophesied N ow it's fulfilled G o S pread the message O f Jesus' birth F or salvation from sin Christ now gives! G od's love made manifest in Christ R eceive Him with great joy E ternal life to all who trust A new creation made T o become sons of God & made J oint-heirs with Christ fore'er O what amazing grace of God Y es! Let's rejoice! In Excelsis Deo Gloria! Tune to "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen"

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