Sunday, December 30, 2012
H ow amazing His grace & peace
I n Christ
S eek to restore us
G lory of heav'n
L eft He behind
O n earth came as a babe born
*R edeemed us
Y es! He's our Saviour
U pon Him
N ow our sins bore
I n Christ
T rue salvation found
E mmanuel - God is with us
S pread the Good News to the world - in Christ eternal life have!
Tune to "Hark the Herald Angels Sing"
Pdt Sumiati - Christmas 2012
M ake my heart
Y our abode, O Lord
H umble like Christ
E xpress His love
A mazing grace
R eached out to us
T o save us
G ift of God's love manifested
O bey, act in faith -
D o His will
S tooped down to the unworthy like Jesus did
M eet the King of kings who became man
A s a baby born
N ew life eternal to all who believes gives
G o tell, spread the Good News to all
E mmanuel - God is with us
R ejoice! Peace on earth, Glory in the highest!
Tune to "Dia Lahir Untuk Kami"
Pdt Sumiati - Dec. 23, 2012
F illed with wonder we behold Christ
I n His love He reached to us
N ow to all who will trust in Him
D eliverance from sin obtain
H e is the Messiah
I n Him
S alvation find
S eek Him
T he desire of nations
A ll who call
R eceive His life [eternal]
Tune to "Joyful, Joyful"
Pdt Yusuf Gunawan
Dec 2, 2012
G od's amazing grace abounding in my life
O verflowing with His mercy & goodness
D elighting to do His will & always pleasing to the Lord
S eek first His Kingdom & righteousness - commit!
C alling to serve Christ - the King of kings, Lord of lords
I ndonesian witness shine forth His light
A ngel of God true - ministering to the lost! Bringing the joy of salvation that's in Christ!
Tune to "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"
30 Dec 2012
Edwin Wirawan
Introduced by Pastor Budi Hidayat
Met at Kalosi Cafe
Story told when detained as illegal alien in USA in 2008
G od's plan is always for
O ur good
D o believe His Word & His promise
S eek first His Kingdom
W ay of the Cross walk
A ll surrender
Y ield to Him
N ow all things work for
O ur good
T rust Him
O ur Shepherd leads
U nto green pastures
R est!
W ithout Him we can do nothing
A bide in Him
Y es! Bear fruit!
Tune to "Indah Pada WaktuNya" (yg Bu Yvon nyanyikan tadi)
Sermon 30 Dec 2012
Yvonny Nainupu
Indah Pada Waktunya
Indah Pada Waktunya
Ada waktu di hidupku
(There is a time in my life)
Pencobaan berat menekan
(Pressed with hard trials)
Aku berseru mengapa ya Tuhan
(I cry why O God)
Nyata kan kehendakMu
(Tell me Your will)
Jalan Tuhan bukan jalanmu
(God\'s way is not your way)
Jangan bimbang ataupun ragu
(Do not waver or doubt)
Nantikan Tuhan jadikan semua
(Wait for God to make everything)
Indah pada waktunya
(Beautiful in His time)
Pada Tuhan masa depanku
(In God I place my future)
Pada Tuhan kuserahkan hidupku
(I give my life to God)
Nantikan Tuhan berkarya
(Wait for the Lord to work)
Indah pada waktunya
(In His beautiful time)
Hari esok tiada kutahu
(I do not know about tomorrow)
Namun tetap langkahku maju
(But keep your pace ahead)
Kuyakin Tuhan jadikan semua
(I am sure that God made everything)
Indah pada waktunya
(Beautiful in His time)
Ada waktu di hidupku
Unknown Artist
Unknown Album
Ada waktu di hidupku
Pencobaan berat menekan
Aku berseru mengapa ya Tuhan?
Nyatakan kehendakMu
Jalan Tuhan bukan jalanMu
Jangan bimbang ataupun ragu
Nantikan Tuhan jadikan semua
Indah pada waktunya
Pada Tuhan masa depanku
Pada Tuhan kusrahkan hidupku
Nantikan Tuhan berkarya
Indah pada waktuNya
Hari esok tiada kutahu
Namun tetap langkahku maju
Kuyakin Tuhan jadikan semua
Indah pada waktuNya
Friday, December 21, 2012
May you experience His abundant joy & peace - filled with hope of a better tomorrow as we celebrate
C hrist is born to be our Saviour
H e is the Messiah
R ejoice all ye people for salvation has come to us
I n Christmas
S hall peace & joy fill the earth
T hroughout the world
M ake glad the heart & hope inspire
A llelujah
S ing Gloria In Excelsis Deo!
Tune to "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen"
Sunday, December 16, 2012
C hristmas is Christ
U nto us as [a] babe born
R edeemer & Saviour
D ied He on the Cross
E rased all sins as the Lamb of God
U nite us to God
S ons of God make us
H ow amazing Christ become man to earth come
O ur sin's penalty He took upon Himself on Calvary
M ake His grace known to the lost world
O ne Truth, One Gospel, One Saviour - Christ!
Tune to "And Can It Be That I Should Gain"
Sermon GKT 16-12-2012
Pdt Mariani Febriana
ALETHEA Seminary
T ransform inside-out by
R enewing our minds
A cts of behaviour reflecting our values
N ow in faith practise our beliefs - the mind of Christ develop
S hepherd of love will guide us & give us strength
*F ace worldly influence - commit with integrity
O ur marketplace with His Truth inundate
R ise up! Be counted! A lasting legacy leave
M ake a significant difference & impact
Tune to "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"
Paulus Bambang's message at BCA Rakernas 2012
S alvation God brings to us
T he Messiah Jesus Christ
A s a babe
B orn in Bethlehem
L et us worship
E xalt Him
I mmanuel - God with us
N ow
F ill us with joy & peace
L ift us out of sin's mires
U nto all let us proclaim
E ternal -
N ew life in Christ
C ome let's share
E xperience His grace!
Tune to "Hark the Herald Angels Sing"
Mats Tunehag's Christmas Greetings 2012
G o forth, ye soldiers of Christ!
L ive out GLORY values
O bey His Great Commission
R each our world
Y es! Transform!
K eep the fire
O h light up
M ake impact
A ll around us
N ever fear!
D o trust His Word
A men & Yea
N ow ACT!
Tune to "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus"
Paulus Bambang's watchword for 2013
O ur legacy - GLORY values
J oin hand in hand let us pass on
O ur world impact - make a difference
L ive & lead to model the way
A cknowledge & hearts encourage
L et us dare challenge the process
I gnite, inspire a shared vision & enable others to act
Tune to "In Christ Alone"
Upcoming Book
I nspire the best in people & raise them up
P urpose-driven &
U nstoppable be!
N ever quit - face the obstacles with courage!
G o for the goal - success is yours to claim!
K eep pursuing excellence & nothing less
U nleash potential &
R each for the star!
N othing is impossible! Just do it!
I mpact &
A transformation create!
Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
H ave passion for excellence
A im for the star
N ever give up
O vercome challenges
K eep on giving your best
O h believe in SMILE ~
T o See Miracles In Life Everyday
*J ust be your unique self &
I mitate not
T rust & integrity
R espect uphold
A lways model the way
H earts encourage
A ct boldly
D ifference make &
I nnovate!
Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
Ranch Market
This Christmas may we all rejoice like the shepherds at that first Noel, on hearing the message from the angels (Luke 2:10) - GOOD TIDINGS OF GREAT JOY:
G od became man
O n Christmas day
O n earth came to be born
D ay of good tidings of great joy
T he angels announcing
I n Bethlehem
D avid's city
I n Micah prophesied
N ow it's fulfilled
G o
S pread the message
O f Jesus' birth
F or salvation from sin Christ now gives!
G od's love made manifest in Christ
R eceive Him with great joy
E ternal life to all who trust
A new creation made
T o become sons of God & made
J oint-heirs with Christ fore'er
O what amazing grace of God
Y es! Let's rejoice! In Excelsis Deo Gloria!
Tune to "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen"
Friday, December 14, 2012
A s God has united
N ow two become one
D o pledge & commit to love & to cherish
R ejoice in the wife of your youth that God has chosen for you
O h everlasting covenant keep fore'er!
A lways pleasing Him
D well in Christ
E njoy oneness
L ive in harmony with Christ as the Head
I n good or bad times
N ever fosake each other
E xalt our Lord - Soli Deo Gloria
Tune to "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"
Thursday, December 13, 2012
C omfort is our first priority indeed
R eally understand & fulfill your needs
O h great hotel guests love
W ow experience get
N ow with winning ways
E xpect them [to] come back
P urpose to do the right thing & show we care
L et's aim higher
A nd celebrate difference
Z ealously work together for better
A s we create "The place to meet" hotel
Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
Our Vision:
“Great Hotels Guests Love”
Our Mission:
“To do everything we can to guarantee a ‘wow’ experience for every guest in the hotel so they would love our hotel and keep coming back.”
Our Values are Our 5 winning ways:
Do the Right Thing
We always do what we believe is right and have the courage and conviction to put it into practice, even when it might be easier not to. We are honest and straightforward and see our decisions through.

We keep our promises and we don’t let people down.
We seek out the facts and trust our judgment.
We take decisions even when they are difficult.
Show We Care
We want to be the company that understands people’s needs better than anyone else in our industry. This means being sensitive to others, noticing the things that matter and taking responsibility for getting things right.

We treat people as individuals.
We look and listen for the little things that make a difference.
We use our experience to find new ways to deliver great service.
Aim Higher
We aim to be acknowledged leaders in our industry, so we have built a team of talented people who have a strong will to achieve. We strive for success and value individuals who are always looking for a better way to do things.

We put our hearts into learning new things.
We challenge ourselves and those around us.
We always look for ways to improve.
Celebrate difference
We believe that it’s the knowledge of our people that really brings our brands to life. While other companies may want to impose a rigid, uniform view of the world, we do not. Our global strength comes from celebrating local differences whilst understanding that some things should be kept the same.

We welcome different perspectives and listen to everyone’s ideas.
We are respectful of all cultures and look to learn from others.
We play an active role in the communities in which we operate.
Work better together
When we work together we are stronger. We are at our best when we collaborate to form a powerful, winning team. We listen to each other and combine our expertise to create a strong, focused and trusted group of people.

We work hard to develop excellent working relationships.
We think about what we do and how it might affect others.
We trust and support each other.
Sunday, December 02, 2012
D o you have love as God has shown in Christ
I t is patient & kind, not envious nor proud
V aunts not itself & seeks not its own
I t protects, always trusts, hopes, perseveres
N ot self-seeking & not easily angered
E rases wrongs
L ove never fails! Love is of God!
O h Love is God - He poured His blood
V alue us &
E ternal life give!
Tune to "And Can It Be that I Should Gain"
Pdt.Sumiati GKT
Nov 10, 2012
P urposed by God to lead, nurture
A s His shepherd feeding the flock
S erving with love, guide with wisdom
T rust the Lord's faithful provision
O h till we reach maturity - the full stature of Christ our Lord
R elationship to God restore - peace with God, eternal life gain
Tune to "In Christ Alone"
Sermon by Yusuf Gunawan
Nov. 18, 2012
C hoose to present
O ur body as sacrifice
U nto His good, perfect will
N ow let's conform
T ransformed by the renewing of our mind to Christ
Y our blessings
O h
U nto others
R e- channel
B elieve God our Jehovah Jireh
L ive a life
E xalting Christ the Lord
S eek His presence
S hare His goodness
I n all
N ow
G lorify Him
S ing praise!
Tune to "Count Your Blessings"
Nov 25, 2012
Sermon by Hengky Suciady
Hok IM Tong Church
GKT Sermon by Yusuf Gunawan
F illed with wonder we behold Christ
I n His love He reached to us
N ow to all who will trust in Him
D eliverance from sin obtain
H e is the Messiah
I n Him
S alvation find
S eek Him
T he desire of nations
A ll who call
R eceive His life [eternal]
Tune to "Joyful, Joyful"
2 DEcember, 2012
A s God has united - two become one flesh
N ow joined in an everlasting covenant
D o commit to love & cherish to the end till death do part
Y ield to God's will & let Christ rule in our home
V ibrant & strong be
Y our marriage with Christ as Head
A lways patient, kind & persevering
N ot rude nor selfish - believes all things, bears all things
E xpect love never fails for love is of God
Tune to "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"
2 December 2012
Quest Hotel
I nspire the best in people & raise them up
P urpose-driven &
U nstoppable be!
N ever quit - face the obstacles with courage!
G o for the goal - success is yours to claim!
K eep pursuing excellence & nothing less
U nleash potential &
R each for the star!
N othing is impossible! Just do it!
I mpact &
A transformation create!
Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
S tand every morning to thank the Lord for what He has done
T hrough the evening our praises let's sing
A lways rejoice & trust His mercies
N ever doubt He will keep His Word
D o believe His plan is the best for us
Sabtu, 1 Desember, 2012
Changed Through Thanksgiving - Part 3 - Stand with Us in Thanksgiving: By Daniel Kolenda
"A true heart of thanksgiving and praise will instinctively, 'STAND' with an insatiable desire to take action."
In I Chronicles 23:30, David exhorts us to, "Stand every morning to thank and praise the LORD, and likewise, in the evening."
Often we think of thanksgiving and praise as lip service; lyrics in a worship song or words on a thank-you note. But, the kind of thanksgiving being described here is not passive feelings of appreciation. Rather, it is an active and energetic response to God’s goodness; "STAND" David says, to thank and praise the Lord!
Standing is the way we naturally respond when we are genuinely moved by something. At the end of an emotional performance we stand. When our team scores the winning goal, we stand. When we want to express honor or respect, we stand. When Stephen, the first Christian martyr, was being stoned, Scripture says that he saw Jesus "standing at the right hand of the Father." When a person is truly moved, he cannot sit quietly and nod in stoic affirmation, but rather he will be compelled to demonstrate his gratitude through action.
Someone told me, "I don’t have a burden for any particular nation." In their minds this disqualified (or excused) them from evangelism and missions. But, when we consider the price that Jesus paid for us, how can we just sit back quietly contemplating our good fortune. A true heart of thanksgiving and praise will instinctively, "STAND" with an insatiable desire to take action. "Freely you have received" Jesus said, "Freely give."
Notice that David specifically says that we should "STAND" to give thanks at two strategic times: at the start and finish of the day. While thanksgiving and praise are always appropriate attitudes of the heart, there is something special about the beginning and ending; be it of a day, a year or any season of life.
Right now we are in one of those strategic moments as one year is drawing to a close and another year is just beginning. Looking back we have so much to be thankful for, and the grateful heart will be moved to stand in thanksgiving and praise to the One Who has been our Provider, Sustainer, Preserver, Helper, and Comforter. Why don't you take a moment to pause and reflect on God's goodness to you throughout the past year?
In the "evening" we look backwards, thanking God because of what He HAS DONE, but in the "morning" we look forward, thanking Him because of what He WILL DO! When we thank the Lord in the morning, it is an expression of faith. We know that the same God who helped us yesterday will also help us today and in that confident assurance we "STAND."
Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." As you look ahead to the coming year I want to encourage you to thank and praise the Lord in advance for what He is about to do in your life, your family, your ministry, and to express that praise with your actions rather than just your words. The Children of Israel practiced this preemptive praise through the offering of "First Fruits." They brought an offering to God, thanking Him in advance for the full harvest that they were about to receive.
Changed Through Thanksgiving - Part 2 - Thanksgiving Opens the Gates: By Daniel Kolenda
"Thanksgiving releases faith and faith always brings breakthrough."
As we approach the season of the year that we call Thanksgiving, people get very busy with plans of travel, entertainment, shopping, and a host of other activities. Unfortunately, some people only think of Thanksgiving as being synonymous with a holiday also known as "turkey day" where people eat like gluttons and then watch non-stop football for days afterward! For others, Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the Christmas buying season which begins with the "Day after Thanksgiving" sales at the mall. For other people in these difficult economic times, it can be a painful reminder of all the things in their lives that they don't have anymore. It may be a time of sadness over the loss of a job, a home, a marriage, or the death of a loved one that is going to be missed during this traditional family holiday season. Whatever the case, Thanksgiving is here again. Yet few people really understand the true significance of all that "thanksgiving" really means. It is far more than just another holiday. It is a lifestyle.
The concept of thanksgiving is deeply rooted in scripture. The word "thanksgiving" and its derivatives are found in 137 different places spanning the entirety of the Bible. It represents a powerful spiritual force, that for the most part, is largely overlooked by most people. Living a lifestyle of thanksgiving and gratitude to God can actually become one of most effective spiritual weapons that has the potential to release the richest blessings of God in our lives!
In Psalms, we have a powerful example of this truth. The Bible says: "Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing. Know that the Lord, He is God; it is He that has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Enter INTO HIS GATES WITH THANKSIVING and into His courts with praise. Be THANKFUL TO HIM and bless His name." - Psalm 100:1-4
When God asks us to live a lifestyle of thankfulness and gratitude to Him, like everything else God asks of His people, it is always for our blessing! This truth can be easily overlooked. I believe that giving thanks to God is one of the most powerful weapons of spiritual warfare that has the potential of bringing great spiritual breakthrough in the midst of any circumstance. Thanksgiving releases faith and faith always brings breakthrough. Verse 4 begins by saying, "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving." What kind of a mental image do you get when you hear the word, "gates?" "Gates" are points of entry and always attached to some type of walls or boundary. Walls are usually built for the purpose of preventing people from entering into a place which probably contains something of great value or something that needs protection. Therefore "gates" become a potential point of entry that enables people to go beyond a boundary and enter into a place of sanctuary where others are unable to go.
Psalm 100:4 says, "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise." This is a small scripture that carries a profound message! It is the revelation of a great spiritual principle which gives us the secret to entering into God's treasure house of blessing! Thanksgiving and praise to God literally opens the barriers that separate the realms of Heaven from the realms of the earth and allows people to move into the presence of the Lord and all the blessings of God that entails.
Most people pray out of a place of need or deficiency in which they are petitioning God to come and do something to change their present set of circumstances. Many people pray only out of fear and worry. Many more pray out of discontentment. If we really want to be honest about it, the prayer life of many Christians could best be described as a time of complaining to God about all the things in their lives that they are not happy about!
This was the essence of the trial of the hearts of God's people Israel while they were in the wilderness. The visible, manifested presence of God was hovering over them as a cloud by day and fire by night but that wasn't enough for them! Heaven's manna fell every morning for them to eat yet they whined for the cucumbers and melons they had eaten while they were slaves in Egypt. Fresh, clean water, something most had never had before, was supernaturally flowing from a rock, yet that was not enough to satisfy them either. God was taking them to a land of their own, but they constantly complained about their circumstances and accused Him of doing them wrong. Because of their heart attitudes most of them died in the wilderness. Their complaints and dissatisfaction against God aborted what He intended to do, which was to take them to a wonderful place that had already been prepared for them! They never made it to the place God had prepared because their lives were void of gratitude, thanksgiving, and praise. Their whining and discontent, which was actually an accusation of injustice against all that God was doing in their lives, ultimately closed the "gates" to all the promises intended for them that went back to the time of Abraham!
It's an incredible blessing when we realize that God really LOVES everyone! He passionately LOVES every person whether they love Him back or not. His LOVE is unconditional! But, even though God LOVES everyone, He doesn't necessarily LIKE everyone! You understand this. There are probably people even in your family that you love, but you really don't like. God is the same way. He loves everyone, but He really doesn't like whiners, complainers, and people who are continually dissatisfied with everything in their lives. He doesn't like people who don't appreciate Him. He will listen to the prayers of the whiners, complainers, and the dissatisfied who are essentially accusing Him of injustice, but He seldom answers and almost never blesses those who approach Him continually in such ways! He LOVES everyone, but He blesses those who live their lives with gratitude and thanksgiving being expressed to Him because of His goodness. God LOVES everyone, but He saves His best blessings for grateful people!
We must ask ourselves these questions. "How much of my prayer life is spent in thanksgiving to God for everything that He has ALREADY done and given to me?" versus "How much of my prayer life is spent begging God to change the things in my life that I really don't like?" The percentage that we can assign to those questions will, to a large degree, determine the amount of peace, joy, blessing, fulfillment, and victory or the lack of these things in our lives!
Saturday, December 01, 2012
Student Prayer for Exams
Posted on 13. May, 2010
Lord Jesus,
As I now prepare for my exams, I ask you to grant me strength of mind and constant hope. Banish from my mind all fear, anxiety, regret and nervous distraction. May your gift of the Holy Spirit guide and enlighten my fragile mind. At this difficult time, give me the gift of self-confidence and an assurance that you will hear my prayer, answer my need and continue to guide me as I pursue life’s journey.
I ask this prayer through Christ Our Lord.
O God of Wisdom,
I thank you for the knowledge gained and experiences of this time. I come to you on this day and ask you to enlighten my mind and heart.
Let your Holy Spirit be with me as I prepare for these exams, guiding my studies, and giving me insight so that I can perform to the best of my ability.
Please grant me the strength to handle the pressure of these days of exams, the confidence to feel secure in my knowledge, and the ability to keep an appropriate perspective through it all.
Help me to keep in mind what is truly important, even as I focus my time and energy on these exams.
Finally, may I sense your peace in knowing that I applied myself to the challenges of this day.
I ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
D o obey His Great Commission
I n the pow'r of the Spirit
S pread His Gospel - seek the lost
C hrist is Saviour - the Lamb of God
I n Him is eternal life
P eace with God & peace with man
L et us be Christ's mathetes
E ver faithful & true
Tune to "I Love To Tell the Story" hymn.
Erik Fish's book
S trive for excellence &
U nstoppable be
G o all-out &
I mpossible is nothing
Y es!
A ct with courage
N othing's impossible
T ransform & impact
O ur world for better
W ith integrity, lead - Model the way
I nspire a shared vision
B oldly innovate
A s a team, enable others to act
W inning spirit &
A ttitude ignite
Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
COO Ranch Market
V ery precious the worth of people 'round us
A ll have gifts and talents to contribute
L et us inspire
U nleash their best potential
E mpower & raise to more than they can be!
P urpose-driven to make a difference in life
E xcellence energize
O ur best let's give
P ut others first
L et's learn to humbly serve
E ncourage & enable dignity
Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
from Lisa Sitompul's quote:
NEVER devalue the people in your life. They all have a gift to share..☺♥
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