Thursday, October 20, 2011


In Your Hands

You have all our future in Your hands, in Your hands
We bid you take over all our lives, Lord.
Our dreams, aspirations, all our best Jesus Lord.
Our all, we place in Your Hands

In your hands, Lord, we place today, tomorrow.
In your hands, Lord we surrender all.
In your hands, we commend our joys, our sorrows
In your hands, Lord we surrender all.

Keep walking beside us every night, every day
And giving us courage for the fray, Lord.
We need You to guide us every step of the way,
Forsake us not, Lord we pray.


You place many duties in our hands, in our hands;
And shaping our future is our task, Lord
On You we depend on for this part, this we ask;
That all makes sense in Your hands.


So Lord we are trusting everything to Your hands,
And then we keep praying for our land, Lord.
To lend all the others for the best, Jesus Lord,
Our all we place in Your hands.



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