Monday, June 21, 2010



J ust to be used as an instrument of God
E mpowered &
F illed with Holy Spirit!
F ather's love show
R eflect Christ in all we do!
Y ield to His will &

S eek first His Kingdom!

T rust & obey for there's no other way
J oint heirs with Christ
A mazing grace!
N ow to Him be all the glory let's praise!
D elight in Him
R ejoice
A nd sing!

Sing to "How Great Thou Art"



H ope inspiring
A s the eagle majestic!
M ake His love known
I n all the earth let's spread
D well in His grace &

D elight in His presence!
J ust as we are
O h let us bow with awe!
*J oin with the angels
O ur songs
N ow lift up!
E xalt His Name
G lorify Him!
O ffer our praise
R ejoice in His mercy
O h let's give thanks in everything!

Sing to "How Great Thou Art"

Pemilik Orang Tua Group

Horison Hotel Semarang
21 June, 2010
PIPKA Fund Raising

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