C is for the Child born that night to be our light. (John 8:12)
H is for holy is His name. (Rev.4:8)
R is for rejoice with gladness & joy. (Luke 1:14)
I is for Immanuel, God with us. (Is.7:14,) John 1:14)
S is for the star that led the Wise men to Him. (Matt.2:2)
T is for the truth & grace that was sent our way. (John 1:14)
M is for Mother Mary laying Him in swaddling clothes in the manger. (Luke 2:7)
A is for angels singing songs of joy. (Luke 2:14)
S is for salvation.
Ekawati Marhaenny Dukut
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
ASIAN YOUTH GAMES in acrostics
A rise!
S portsmen & sportswomen of Asia!
I n pursuit of excellence
A nd esteem!
N ever give up
Y our very best
O ffer!
U nstoppable
T o reach the greatest
H eights!
G ive all-out efforts &
A im for the records
M ake your dreams come true & your country proud
E njoy the camaraderie of youth
S trive to reach the pinnacle of glory!
tune to "You Raise Me Up" song
A rise!
S portsmen & sportswomen of Asia!
I n pursuit of excellence
A nd esteem!
N ever give up
Y our very best
O ffer!
U nstoppable
T o reach the greatest
H eights!
G ive all-out efforts &
A im for the records
M ake your dreams come true & your country proud
E njoy the camaraderie of youth
S trive to reach the pinnacle of glory!
tune to "You Raise Me Up" song
A to Z of Friends
Seorang Sahabat (A to Z)
(A:) Accepts you as you are (Menerimamu apa adanya)
(B:) Believes in u (Percaya kepadamu)
(C:) Calls u just 2 say "hi" (Meneleponmu hanya untuk berkata "hai")
(D:) Doesn't give up on u (Tidak putus harapan utk memberi dorongan demi kebaikanmu)
(E:) Envisions the whole of u (Memimpikan semua hal tentangmu)
(F:) Forgives your mistakes (Memaafkan kesalahan - kesalahnmu)
(G:) Gives unconditionally (Memberikan tanpa syarat)
(H:) Helps u (Menolongmu)
(I:) Invites u over (Lebih dari hanya mengundangmu)
(J:) Just be with u (Hanya untuk bersamamu). (K:) Keeps u close at heart (Menyimpanmu di dalam hatinya)
(L:) Loves u for who u are (Mengasihimu sebagaimana keadaanmu)
(M:) Makes a difference in your life (Membuat suatu perbedaan dalam hidupmu)
(N:) Never judges u (Tidak pernah menghakimimu)
(O:) Offers support (Memberi dorongan)
(P:) Picks u up (Membuatmu menjadi lebih baik)
(Q:) Quiets your fears (Meredakan ketakutanmu)
(R:) Raises your spirit (Meningkatkan semangatmu)
(S:) Say nice things about u (Mengatakan hal-hal yang baik mengenaimu)
(T:) Tells u the truth when u need 2 hear it (Mengatakan yg sebenarnya kepadamu saat kau perlu mendengarnya)
(U:) Understands u (Dapat memahamimu)
(V:) Values u (Menghargaimu)
(W:) Walks beside u (Berjalan di sisimu)
(X:) Explains things u don't understand (Menjelaskan hal-hal yang tidak kamu mengerti)
(Y:) Yells when u won't listen and (Berteriak saat kau tidak dapat mendengar)
(Z:) Zaps u back to reality (Membawamu kembali kepada kenyataan)
(A:) Accepts you as you are (Menerimamu apa adanya)
(B:) Believes in u (Percaya kepadamu)
(C:) Calls u just 2 say "hi" (Meneleponmu hanya untuk berkata "hai")
(D:) Doesn't give up on u (Tidak putus harapan utk memberi dorongan demi kebaikanmu)
(E:) Envisions the whole of u (Memimpikan semua hal tentangmu)
(F:) Forgives your mistakes (Memaafkan kesalahan - kesalahnmu)
(G:) Gives unconditionally (Memberikan tanpa syarat)
(H:) Helps u (Menolongmu)
(I:) Invites u over (Lebih dari hanya mengundangmu)
(J:) Just be with u (Hanya untuk bersamamu). (K:) Keeps u close at heart (Menyimpanmu di dalam hatinya)
(L:) Loves u for who u are (Mengasihimu sebagaimana keadaanmu)
(M:) Makes a difference in your life (Membuat suatu perbedaan dalam hidupmu)
(N:) Never judges u (Tidak pernah menghakimimu)
(O:) Offers support (Memberi dorongan)
(P:) Picks u up (Membuatmu menjadi lebih baik)
(Q:) Quiets your fears (Meredakan ketakutanmu)
(R:) Raises your spirit (Meningkatkan semangatmu)
(S:) Say nice things about u (Mengatakan hal-hal yang baik mengenaimu)
(T:) Tells u the truth when u need 2 hear it (Mengatakan yg sebenarnya kepadamu saat kau perlu mendengarnya)
(U:) Understands u (Dapat memahamimu)
(V:) Values u (Menghargaimu)
(W:) Walks beside u (Berjalan di sisimu)
(X:) Explains things u don't understand (Menjelaskan hal-hal yang tidak kamu mengerti)
(Y:) Yells when u won't listen and (Berteriak saat kau tidak dapat mendengar)
(Z:) Zaps u back to reality (Membawamu kembali kepada kenyataan)
7 Habits of Highly Effective Stewards
1. Be thankful
2. Trust God to provide
3. Be content
4. Be a faithful example
5. Live within your means
6. Give time and talent
7. Give treasure
S eek to be THANKFUL in all things
T rust God to provide our needs
E njoy, be content
W alk in faith
A im to live within our means
R ender our time and talent to be used for God
D o give our treasure unto Him - Soli Deo Gloria!
Sing to "Joyful, Joyful" tune
1. Be thankful
2. Trust God to provide
3. Be content
4. Be a faithful example
5. Live within your means
6. Give time and talent
7. Give treasure
S eek to be THANKFUL in all things
T rust God to provide our needs
E njoy, be content
W alk in faith
A im to live within our means
R ender our time and talent to be used for God
D o give our treasure unto Him - Soli Deo Gloria!
Sing to "Joyful, Joyful" tune
J ust to be used as an instrument of God
E mpowered &
F illed with Holy Spirit!
F ather's love show
R eflect Christ in all we do!
Y ield to His will &
S eek first His Kingdom!
T rust & obey for there's no other way
J oint heirs with Christ
A mazing grace!
N ow to Him be all the glory let's praise!
D elight in Him
R ejoice
A nd sing!
Sing to "How Great Thou Art"
H ope inspiring
A s the eagle majestic!
M ake His love known
I n all the earth let's spread
D well in His grace &
D elight in His presence!
J ust as we are
O h let us bow with awe!
*J oin with the angels
O ur songs
N ow lift up!
E xalt His Name
G lorify Him!
O ffer our praise
R ejoice in His mercy
O h let's give thanks in everything!
Sing to "How Great Thou Art"
Pemilik Orang Tua Group
Horison Hotel Semarang
21 June, 2010
PIPKA Fund Raising
J ust to be used as an instrument of God
E mpowered &
F illed with Holy Spirit!
F ather's love show
R eflect Christ in all we do!
Y ield to His will &
S eek first His Kingdom!
T rust & obey for there's no other way
J oint heirs with Christ
A mazing grace!
N ow to Him be all the glory let's praise!
D elight in Him
R ejoice
A nd sing!
Sing to "How Great Thou Art"
H ope inspiring
A s the eagle majestic!
M ake His love known
I n all the earth let's spread
D well in His grace &
D elight in His presence!
J ust as we are
O h let us bow with awe!
*J oin with the angels
O ur songs
N ow lift up!
E xalt His Name
G lorify Him!
O ffer our praise
R ejoice in His mercy
O h let's give thanks in everything!
Sing to "How Great Thou Art"
Pemilik Orang Tua Group
Horison Hotel Semarang
21 June, 2010
PIPKA Fund Raising
M ake more possible
A lways positive
K eep pursuing excellence
M ove mountains
U nleash the best in others
R aise to the next level
S eek to:
U nceasingly improve
T rust & integrity as the foundation
A lways model the way with consistence
N ever quit! Just do it - Nothing is impossible
T eamwork = Together Each One Achieves More
O ur joint efforts bring success!
Tune to "AI PIA"
Djarum Area Manager (Central Java South)
M ake more possible
A lways positive
K eep pursuing excellence
M ove mountains
U nleash the best in others
R aise to the next level
S eek to:
U nceasingly improve
T rust & integrity as the foundation
A lways model the way with consistence
N ever quit! Just do it - Nothing is impossible
T eamwork = Together Each One Achieves More
O ur joint efforts bring success!
Tune to "AI PIA"
Djarum Area Manager (Central Java South)
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