A smile is contagious
N ow makes all things better
D o believe
A ll is possible
R ise up
A nd just do it!
R each for the Star
A s the eagle majestic soar!
I nnovate -
N ew ideas generate &
Y our goals achieve
*A more wonderful Indonesia create
Y es! Impossible is nothing
U nstoppable be! Don't quit!
D are to make a. Real difference
I nspire to make a transformation that impacts
N othing less than the best pursue
I gnite True excellence!
"Rasa Sayange" tune
* bagian ber-pantun
Putri Pariwisata Indonesia 2009
Friday, April 30, 2010
WINARNO SUDJAS in acrostics
W inning attitude develop
I nspire!
N ever give up
A lways be persistent!
R each for the Star
N ow our dreams let us pursue
O vercome life's challenges with our faith
S trive for excellence &
U nstoppable be!
D are to believe - impossible's nothing!
J ust do it!
A s the eagle majestic!
S eek to be like the water flows freely!
Sing to "You Raise Me Up" tune
Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Pengembangan Destinasi Pariwisata Depbudpar
W inning attitude develop
I nspire!
N ever give up
A lways be persistent!
R each for the Star
N ow our dreams let us pursue
O vercome life's challenges with our faith
S trive for excellence &
U nstoppable be!
D are to believe - impossible's nothing!
J ust do it!
A s the eagle majestic!
S eek to be like the water flows freely!
Sing to "You Raise Me Up" tune
Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Pengembangan Destinasi Pariwisata Depbudpar
P urpose-driven -
U nite to bring
T o the world &
R ecognition of our culture
I nternationally known
P laces of interest
A ll over Indonesia
R eally promote &
I nvite people to come & visit
*W ith our smile
I mage of friendliness
S how!
A ctively go around the world
T housands of islands we have
A strong brand awareness build!
I ntroduce our unique batik
N ow to the world
D o be proud
O f our identity
N ever be ashamed!
E xplore our diversity:
S eas, mountains, islands
I ndonesia is indeed
A mazingly unique!
Sing to "Rasa Sayange" tune
P urpose-driven -
U nite to bring
T o the world &
R ecognition of our culture
I nternationally known
P laces of interest
A ll over Indonesia
R eally promote &
I nvite people to come & visit
*W ith our smile
I mage of friendliness
S how!
A ctively go around the world
T housands of islands we have
A strong brand awareness build!
I ntroduce our unique batik
N ow to the world
D o be proud
O f our identity
N ever be ashamed!
E xplore our diversity:
S eas, mountains, islands
I ndonesia is indeed
A mazingly unique!
Sing to "Rasa Sayange" tune
P urpose-driven to act
U nstoppable be!
R each for the Star
N ow soar as the eagle!
O vercoming the challenges that you face
M ake more possible
O ur very best do!
S trive for excellence
I nspiring confidence
S top at nothing -
W e Can!
O h do believe!
P romote &
R aise
A global awareness!
S eek to
E mpow'r
T eamwork
J oin hands
O h rise!
Sing to "You Raise Me Up"
president of PT Taman Wisata Candi
P urpose-driven to act
U nstoppable be!
R each for the Star
N ow soar as the eagle!
O vercoming the challenges that you face
M ake more possible
O ur very best do!
S trive for excellence
I nspiring confidence
S top at nothing -
W e Can!
O h do believe!
P romote &
R aise
A global awareness!
S eek to
E mpow'r
T eamwork
J oin hands
O h rise!
Sing to "You Raise Me Up"
president of PT Taman Wisata Candi
W elcome to Indonesia
E xperience great things
L et your soul be nourished &
C ome! Explore our rich culture!
O ur ultimate in diversity discover:
M ountains,
E xotic beaches,
T emples &
O h so much more!
I sland of Bali - the paradise of the gods
N othing can match its exquisite beauty
D o enjoy full!
*O ur historic Jogja - Borobudur
N ever-ending surprises find
E njoy our mouth-watering food
S hare &
I nvite
A ll to come!
"Rasa Sayange" tune
W elcome to Indonesia
E xperience great things
L et your soul be nourished &
C ome! Explore our rich culture!
O ur ultimate in diversity discover:
M ountains,
E xotic beaches,
T emples &
O h so much more!
I sland of Bali - the paradise of the gods
N othing can match its exquisite beauty
D o enjoy full!
*O ur historic Jogja - Borobudur
N ever-ending surprises find
E njoy our mouth-watering food
S hare &
I nvite
A ll to come!
"Rasa Sayange" tune
BOROBUDUR in acrostics
B orobudur - a UNESCO world heritage
O h when history comes to life
R elive the mystical
O dyssey of spiritual experience embark
U mmatched in its spectacular & exotic beauty
*D iscover love as your journey begins
U nleash your imagination
R eligious, cultural enlightenment - all the world must come & see!
"Rasa Sayange" tune
B orobudur - a UNESCO world heritage
O h when history comes to life
R elive the mystical
O dyssey of spiritual experience embark
U mmatched in its spectacular & exotic beauty
*D iscover love as your journey begins
U nleash your imagination
R eligious, cultural enlightenment - all the world must come & see!
"Rasa Sayange" tune
Saturday, April 17, 2010
WULAN GOEI in acrostics
W ith great courage & strong confidence
U nleash the best potential in you
L et us pursue excellence & make a real difference
A s the eagle soars majestic!
N ever give up - but persistently do it!
G o all out - aim to reach for the star
O bstacles overcome - believe that "We Can Do It"
E mpow'r, synergize! A great teamwork build
I mpossible is nothing!
Dilagukan dgn "AI PIA"
W ith great courage & strong confidence
U nleash the best potential in you
L et us pursue excellence & make a real difference
A s the eagle soars majestic!
N ever give up - but persistently do it!
G o all out - aim to reach for the star
O bstacles overcome - believe that "We Can Do It"
E mpow'r, synergize! A great teamwork build
I mpossible is nothing!
Dilagukan dgn "AI PIA"
Sunday, April 11, 2010
WEN JIA BAO CHINA in acrostics
W ith courage & prudence
E xecute with wisdom
N ever fear the challenges
J ust believe WE CAN DO IT!
I n unity there is strength
A im for peace and harmony
B oldly transformation make
A better world
O h let's build!
C ome arise now, let's together
H ope for tomorrow - ignite with a rousing patriotic passion
I nspire with fire - new vision see
N ow and fore'er
A strong China!
Sing to "Zhong Hua Ming Zhu"
W orld leader respect commands
E xample of integrity
N ow model & trust, credibility gain
J oin hands let's create peace
I nspire hope & confidence
A strong China the world respects
B astion of innovation
A dvancing progress
O ur role with wisdom play!
C alled to transform
H ave an impact
I n the regions & around the world
N ew vision for new world order
A ll join to realize!
Sing to "Wo de Zhong Guo Xin"
W ith great courage & prudence
E xecute with wisdom, justice
N ever fear the challenges
J ust believe WE CAN!
I n unity there's strength
A im for peace and harmony
B oldly transformation create
A strong China in collaboration to make
O ur world a better place!
C ome arise now, let's together
H ope for tomorrow let us ignite
I nspire with fire -
N ew vision see
A s the Dragon rise!
"Wo de Zhong Guo Xin" tune
From Google Translator:
激励与火 -
Wēn jiābǎo bào zhōngguó
Yǐ jùdà de yǒngqì hé jǐnshèn
Zhíxíng yǔ zhìhuì, zhèngyì
Qiānwàn bùyào hàipà tiǎozhàn
Zhǐyào xiāngxìn wǒmen néng!
Tuánjié yǒu lìliàng
Mùdì shì cùjìn hépíng yǔ héxié
Dàdǎn gǎizào chuàngzào
Yīgè qiángdà de zhōngguó hézuò, shǐ
Wǒmen de shìjiè biàn de gèng měihǎo!
Xiànzài chūxiàn lái ba, ràng wǒmen yīqǐ
Ràng wǒmen duì míngtiān de xīwàng diǎnrán
Jīlì yǔ huǒ -
Xīn de shìyě kàn
Yóuyú lóng juéqǐ!
“Wǒ de zhōngguó xīn” diào
我 的 中 國 心 (My Chinese Heart)
Singer: 張 明 敏 :
Verse 1:
河 山 只 在 我 夢 縈
He shan zhi zai wo meng ying
My dreams revolve around the rivers and mountains
祖 國 已 多 年 未 親 近
Zu guo yi duo nian wei qin jin
I have not been in touch with my home country for many years
可 是 不 管 怎 樣 也 改 變 不 了
Ke shi bu guan zen yang ye gai bian bu liao
But no matter what, nothing can change
我 的 中 國 心
Wo de Zhong Guo xin
My Chinese heart
洋 裝 雖 然 穿 在 身
Yang zhuang sui ran chuan zai shen
Wearing a western suit
我 心 依 然 是 中 國 心
Wo xin yi ran shi Zhong Guo xin
My heart remains a Chinese heart
我 的 祖 先 早 已 把 我 的 一 切,
Wo de zu xian zao yi ba wo de yi qie
Early in my days my ancestors had already
烙 上 中 國 印
Lao shang Zhong Guo yin
Imprinted me with a Chinese mark
長 江 長 城
Chang Jiang, Chang Cheng
Yangtze River, Great Wall
黃 山 黃 河
Huang Shan, Huang He
Yellow Mountain, Yellow River
在 我 心 中 重 千 斤
Zai wo xin zhong zhong qian jin
Weighs heavily in my heart
無 論 何 事, 無 論 何 地
Wu lun he shi, Wu lun he di
No matter what, no matter where
心 中 一 樣 親
Xin zhong yi yang qin
My heart is the same.
流 在 心 裡 的 血
Liu zai xin li de xue
The blood that flows in my heart
澎 拜 著 中 華 的 声 音
Peng bai zhe Zhong Hua de sheng yin
Is filled with sounds from the Chinese nation
就 算 生 在 他 鄉 也 改 變 不 了
Jiu suan sheng cai da xiang ye gai bien bu liao
Even if I was born in a foreign country, it still doesn’t change,
我 的 中 國 心
Wo de Zhong Guo Xin
I still have a Chinese heart.
長 江 長 城
Chang Jiang, Chang Cheng
Yangtze River, Great Wall
黃 山 黃 河
Huang Shan, Huang He
Yellow Mountain, Yellow River
在 我 心 中 重 千斤
Zai wo xin zhong zhong qian jin
Weighs heavily in my heart
無 論 何 事, 無 論 何 地
Wu lun he shi, Wu lun he di
No matter what, no matter where
心 中 一 樣 親
Xin zhong yi yang qin
My heart is still the same.
W ith courage & prudence
E xecute with wisdom
N ever fear the challenges
J ust believe that WE CAN!
I n unity there's strength!
A im for peace, harmony
B oldly transform
A nd let us make
O ur world a better place!
C ome arise now, let us together
H ope for tomorrow let's ignite
I nspire with fire -
N ew vision see
A s the Dragon soars with awe!
"Rasa Sayange" tune
W ith courage & prudence
E xecute with wisdom
N ever fear the challenges
J ust believe WE CAN DO IT!
I n unity there is strength
A im for peace and harmony
B oldly transformation make
A better world
O h let's build!
C ome arise now, let's together
H ope for tomorrow - ignite with a rousing patriotic passion
I nspire with fire - new vision see
N ow and fore'er
A strong China!
Sing to "Zhong Hua Ming Zhu"
W orld leader respect commands
E xample of integrity
N ow model & trust, credibility gain
J oin hands let's create peace
I nspire hope & confidence
A strong China the world respects
B astion of innovation
A dvancing progress
O ur role with wisdom play!
C alled to transform
H ave an impact
I n the regions & around the world
N ew vision for new world order
A ll join to realize!
Sing to "Wo de Zhong Guo Xin"
W ith great courage & prudence
E xecute with wisdom, justice
N ever fear the challenges
J ust believe WE CAN!
I n unity there's strength
A im for peace and harmony
B oldly transformation create
A strong China in collaboration to make
O ur world a better place!
C ome arise now, let's together
H ope for tomorrow let us ignite
I nspire with fire -
N ew vision see
A s the Dragon rise!
"Wo de Zhong Guo Xin" tune
From Google Translator:
激励与火 -
Wēn jiābǎo bào zhōngguó
Yǐ jùdà de yǒngqì hé jǐnshèn
Zhíxíng yǔ zhìhuì, zhèngyì
Qiānwàn bùyào hàipà tiǎozhàn
Zhǐyào xiāngxìn wǒmen néng!
Tuánjié yǒu lìliàng
Mùdì shì cùjìn hépíng yǔ héxié
Dàdǎn gǎizào chuàngzào
Yīgè qiángdà de zhōngguó hézuò, shǐ
Wǒmen de shìjiè biàn de gèng měihǎo!
Xiànzài chūxiàn lái ba, ràng wǒmen yīqǐ
Ràng wǒmen duì míngtiān de xīwàng diǎnrán
Jīlì yǔ huǒ -
Xīn de shìyě kàn
Yóuyú lóng juéqǐ!
“Wǒ de zhōngguó xīn” diào
我 的 中 國 心 (My Chinese Heart)
Singer: 張 明 敏 :
Verse 1:
河 山 只 在 我 夢 縈
He shan zhi zai wo meng ying
My dreams revolve around the rivers and mountains
祖 國 已 多 年 未 親 近
Zu guo yi duo nian wei qin jin
I have not been in touch with my home country for many years
可 是 不 管 怎 樣 也 改 變 不 了
Ke shi bu guan zen yang ye gai bian bu liao
But no matter what, nothing can change
我 的 中 國 心
Wo de Zhong Guo xin
My Chinese heart
洋 裝 雖 然 穿 在 身
Yang zhuang sui ran chuan zai shen
Wearing a western suit
我 心 依 然 是 中 國 心
Wo xin yi ran shi Zhong Guo xin
My heart remains a Chinese heart
我 的 祖 先 早 已 把 我 的 一 切,
Wo de zu xian zao yi ba wo de yi qie
Early in my days my ancestors had already
烙 上 中 國 印
Lao shang Zhong Guo yin
Imprinted me with a Chinese mark
長 江 長 城
Chang Jiang, Chang Cheng
Yangtze River, Great Wall
黃 山 黃 河
Huang Shan, Huang He
Yellow Mountain, Yellow River
在 我 心 中 重 千 斤
Zai wo xin zhong zhong qian jin
Weighs heavily in my heart
無 論 何 事, 無 論 何 地
Wu lun he shi, Wu lun he di
No matter what, no matter where
心 中 一 樣 親
Xin zhong yi yang qin
My heart is the same.
流 在 心 裡 的 血
Liu zai xin li de xue
The blood that flows in my heart
澎 拜 著 中 華 的 声 音
Peng bai zhe Zhong Hua de sheng yin
Is filled with sounds from the Chinese nation
就 算 生 在 他 鄉 也 改 變 不 了
Jiu suan sheng cai da xiang ye gai bien bu liao
Even if I was born in a foreign country, it still doesn’t change,
我 的 中 國 心
Wo de Zhong Guo Xin
I still have a Chinese heart.
長 江 長 城
Chang Jiang, Chang Cheng
Yangtze River, Great Wall
黃 山 黃 河
Huang Shan, Huang He
Yellow Mountain, Yellow River
在 我 心 中 重 千斤
Zai wo xin zhong zhong qian jin
Weighs heavily in my heart
無 論 何 事, 無 論 何 地
Wu lun he shi, Wu lun he di
No matter what, no matter where
心 中 一 樣 親
Xin zhong yi yang qin
My heart is still the same.
W ith courage & prudence
E xecute with wisdom
N ever fear the challenges
J ust believe that WE CAN!
I n unity there's strength!
A im for peace, harmony
B oldly transform
A nd let us make
O ur world a better place!
C ome arise now, let us together
H ope for tomorrow let's ignite
I nspire with fire -
N ew vision see
A s the Dragon soars with awe!
"Rasa Sayange" tune
W ith courage & prudence
E xecute with wisdom
N ever fear the challenges
J ust believe WE CAN DO IT!
I n unity there is strength
A im for peace and harmony
B oldly transformation make
A better world
O h let's build!
C ome arise now, let's together
H ope for tomorrow - ignite with a rousing patriotic passion
I nspire with fire - new vision see
N ow and fore'er
A strong China!
Sing to "Zhong Hua Ming Zhu"
W ith courage & prudence
E xecute with wisdom
N ever fear the challenges
J ust believe WE CAN DO IT!
I n unity there is strength
A im for peace and harmony
B oldly transformation make
A better world
O h let's build!
C ome arise now, let's together
H ope for tomorrow - ignite with a rousing patriotic passion
I nspire with fire - new vision see
N ow and fore'er
A strong China!
Sing to "Zhong Hua Ming Zhu"
Saturday, April 10, 2010
S pa that's poised to revive & balance
P hysical, mental & emotional
A n inner/outer beauty
B oth focus, develop
O ur aim: an environment create
U nderstanding the importance of wellness
T hus maintains health & prevents disease
I ncludes aesthetics &
Q uiet relaxation
U ndisputedly the best in its class
E xcellence is our hallmark!
Tune to "AI PIA"
S pa that's poised to revive & balance
P hysical, mental & emotional
A n inner/outer beauty
B oth focus, develop
O ur aim: an environment create
U nderstanding the importance of wellness
T hus maintains health & prevents disease
I ncludes aesthetics &
Q uiet relaxation
U ndisputedly the best in its class
E xcellence is our hallmark!
Tune to "AI PIA"
W inning attitude develop
A new vision inspire
N othing less than the best pursue
G iving our best efforts
Great courage in midst of challenges
E xcellence of true character
Never give up whatever we face
H ave dogged persistence
U nstoppable we will be till success we gain
A real difference let's make & transformation create!
Sing to the tune of "Wo Shi Zhong Guo Ren"
1st Secretary
Embassy of the People's Republic of China
W inning attitude develop
A new vision inspire
N othing less than the best pursue
G iving our best efforts
Great courage in midst of challenges
E xcellence of true character
Never give up whatever we face
H ave dogged persistence
U nstoppable we will be till success we gain
A real difference let's make & transformation create!
Sing to the tune of "Wo Shi Zhong Guo Ren"
1st Secretary
Embassy of the People's Republic of China
WEN JIA BAO in acrostics
W orld leader status you hold
E xample of integrity
N ow model & win great credibility
J oin hands let's create peace
I nspire hope & confidence
A strong China the world respects
B astion of innovation
A dvancing progress
O ur role with wisdom play!
C alled to transform
H ave an impact
I n the regions & around the world
N ew vision for new world order
A ll join to realize!
Sing to "Wo de Zhong Guo Xin"
W orld leader status you hold
E xample of integrity
N ow model & win great credibility
J oin hands let's create peace
I nspire hope & confidence
A strong China the world respects
B astion of innovation
A dvancing progress
O ur role with wisdom play!
C alled to transform
H ave an impact
I n the regions & around the world
N ew vision for new world order
A ll join to realize!
Sing to "Wo de Zhong Guo Xin"
Psalm 105
E ver give thanks
T o the Lord &
E ntreat, call upon His Name
R emind His deeds 'mongst the peoples
N ow sing and talk of His works
A ll glory in His Name
L et their hearts do rejoice
L ive to seek the Lord & His strength
Y ea, seek His face evermore!
F or His marvelous works He's done
A ll His wonders & judgments
I n gratitude remember &
T o Him our thanksgiving praise
H e is the Lord our God
F aithful to His cov'nant
U nto His Word He commanded
L et His oath indeed confirmed!
G od remembers His promises
O h
D o observe, keep His laws!
Sing to "Joyful, Joyful" tune
E ver give thanks
T o the Lord &
E ntreat, call upon His Name
R emind His deeds 'mongst the peoples
N ow sing and talk of His works
A ll glory in His Name
L et their hearts do rejoice
L ive to seek the Lord & His strength
Y ea, seek His face evermore!
F or His marvelous works He's done
A ll His wonders & judgments
I n gratitude remember &
T o Him our thanksgiving praise
H e is the Lord our God
F aithful to His cov'nant
U nto His Word He commanded
L et His oath indeed confirmed!
G od remembers His promises
O h
D o observe, keep His laws!
Sing to "Joyful, Joyful" tune
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Psalm 118
B e glad, give thanks to the Lord
E ndures fore'er His mercy
T hose who fear Him
T he Lord will answer
E xpect His help in distress
T he Lord sets me in [a] broad place
T he Lord is
O n my side, I'll fear not!
T rust in the Lord
R ather than confidence
U nto man which is in vain
S eek
T he Lord & trust Him!
I n the Lord -
N ow I'll glory
T he Lord is my strength & song!
H e's the chief cornerstone
E xalt Him!
L ift Him high
O His people
R ejoice and be glad in Him
D elight in Him - He's given us light!
Tune to "Trust and Obey" hymn
Psalm 118:8
1.When we walk with the Lord
in the light of his word,
what a glory he sheds on our way!
While we do his good will,
he abides with us still,
and with all who will trust and obey.
Trust and obey, for there's no other way
to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
2.Not a burden we bear,
not a sorrow we share,
but our toil he doth richly repay;
not a grief or a loss,
not a frown or a cross,
but is blest if we trust and obey.
3.But we never can prove
the delights of his love
until all on the altar we lay;
for the favor he shows,
for the joy he bestows,
are for them who will trust and obey.
4.Then in fellowship sweet
we will sit at his feet,
or we'll walk by his side in the way;
what he says we will do,
where he sends we will go;
never fear, only trust and obey.
B e glad, give thanks to the Lord
E ndures fore'er His mercy
T hose who fear Him
T he Lord will answer
E xpect His help in distress
T he Lord sets me in [a] broad place
T he Lord is
O n my side, I'll fear not!
T rust in the Lord
R ather than confidence
U nto man which is in vain
S eek
T he Lord & trust Him!
I n the Lord -
N ow I'll glory
T he Lord is my strength & song!
H e's the chief cornerstone
E xalt Him!
L ift Him high
O His people
R ejoice and be glad in Him
D elight in Him - He's given us light!
Tune to "Trust and Obey" hymn
Psalm 118:8
1.When we walk with the Lord
in the light of his word,
what a glory he sheds on our way!
While we do his good will,
he abides with us still,
and with all who will trust and obey.
Trust and obey, for there's no other way
to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
2.Not a burden we bear,
not a sorrow we share,
but our toil he doth richly repay;
not a grief or a loss,
not a frown or a cross,
but is blest if we trust and obey.
3.But we never can prove
the delights of his love
until all on the altar we lay;
for the favor he shows,
for the joy he bestows,
are for them who will trust and obey.
4.Then in fellowship sweet
we will sit at his feet,
or we'll walk by his side in the way;
what he says we will do,
where he sends we will go;
never fear, only trust and obey.
L ord of lords
E l-Shadai Almighty
T ower of Strength
G od of my salvation -make haste
O help me
D eliver me, O Lord
B e ashamed all those who
E ndlessly seek my life
M ay they be confounded
A nd confused who try to hurt!
G lad in You
N ow rejoicing - all those who seek You!
I n accord
F ull-heartedly proclaim
I ndeed the Lord be magnified
E xalt!
D o praise!
Tune to "Majesty"
Psalm 70:4
Majesty worship His Majesty
Unto Jesus, be all glory,
Power and praise
Majesty, Kingdom authority
Flow from His throne,
Unto his own, His anthem raise.
So exalt, lift up on high
The Name of Jesus
Magnify, come glorify,
Christ Jesus the King
Majesty, worship His Majesty
Jesus who died, now glorified,
King of all Kings.
L ord of lords
E l-Shadai Almighty
T ower of Strength
G od of my salvation -make haste
O help me
D eliver me, O Lord
B e ashamed all those who
E ndlessly seek my life
M ay they be confounded
A nd confused who try to hurt!
G lad in You
N ow rejoicing - all those who seek You!
I n accord
F ull-heartedly proclaim
I ndeed the Lord be magnified
E xalt!
D o praise!
Tune to "Majesty"
Psalm 70:4
Majesty worship His Majesty
Unto Jesus, be all glory,
Power and praise
Majesty, Kingdom authority
Flow from His throne,
Unto his own, His anthem raise.
So exalt, lift up on high
The Name of Jesus
Magnify, come glorify,
Christ Jesus the King
Majesty, worship His Majesty
Jesus who died, now glorified,
King of all Kings.
Saturday, April 03, 2010
G od’s most precious gift that we need to cherish
E njoy to the fullest with rejoicing
T o live, to learn, to love, leave a legacy – that’s
what we need to practise in this life
L et us seek first His Kingdom & righteousness
I nspiring a godly life that models
F or His own glory & for His name’s sake
E ternal difference in this world making
Sing to the Tune of “YOU RAISE ME UP”
G od’s most precious gift that we need to cherish
E njoy to the fullest with rejoicing
T o live, to learn, to love, leave a legacy – that’s
what we need to practise in this life
L et us seek first His Kingdom & righteousness
I nspiring a godly life that models
F or His own glory & for His name’s sake
E ternal difference in this world making
Sing to the Tune of “YOU RAISE ME UP”
F reedom
O f choice
R eally a gift God bestows
L iving a life most pleasing to the Lord
I nspiring
F aith
E mpowered by the Spirit
I n His presence,
S haring intimacy
W ith
O ur voices
R endering our worship
S eeking His face
H ow lovely ‘tis
I mmanuel – God is ever with us
P rince of Peace and our King of kings
Tune to “How Great Thou Art”
F reedom
O f choice
R eally a gift God bestows
L iving a life most pleasing to the Lord
I nspiring
F aith
E mpowered by the Spirit
I n His presence,
S haring intimacy
W ith
O ur voices
R endering our worship
S eeking His face
H ow lovely ‘tis
I mmanuel – God is ever with us
P rince of Peace and our King of kings
Tune to “How Great Thou Art”
G uiding with love
O ff’ring counsel
D esigning us
W ith Christ
I n mind
L iving
L eading
N othing fearing
O h
T he Lord’s presence is with us
F or God will help
O vercome all
R esting
S ecurely
A lways eep
K on trusting in Him
E l-Shadai’s hand will not fail us
Tune to the hymn “He Leadeth Me”
G uiding with love
O ff’ring counsel
D esigning us
W ith Christ
I n mind
L iving
L eading
N othing fearing
O h
T he Lord’s presence is with us
F or God will help
O vercome all
R esting
S ecurely
A lways eep
K on trusting in Him
E l-Shadai’s hand will not fail us
Tune to the hymn “He Leadeth Me”
L ift up our voices
E xalt Christ
T o His highest our
U tmost give
S eeking His glory
S inging His praises
I n all things
N e'er cease to
G ive thanks
Sing to the tune of "Sing Hallelujah"
L ift up our voices
E xalt Christ
T o His highest our
U tmost give
S eeking His glory
S inging His praises
I n all things
N e'er cease to
G ive thanks
Sing to the tune of "Sing Hallelujah"
THE JOURNEY in acrostics
T o live a life of significance on earth
H ave a heartfelt DEEP DEVOTION for Christ
E xperiencing His love that's so endearing
J ust walk with Him each day on Life's journey
O h
R eaching out to the world in need of Him
E xpressing Grace
Y earning for His Glory
Sing to the tune of "YOU RAISE ME UP" by Josh Groban
Written: December 22, 2004
NWMA Conference 2005
T o live a life of significance on earth
H ave a heartfelt DEEP DEVOTION for Christ
E xperiencing His love that's so endearing
J ust walk with Him each day on Life's journey
O h
R eaching out to the world in need of Him
E xpressing Grace
Y earning for His Glory
Sing to the tune of "YOU RAISE ME UP" by Josh Groban
Written: December 22, 2004
NWMA Conference 2005
Below is the REK AYO REK for the theme of "Boosting Salesforce Performance".
B urst
O r Blast off
O h great difference
S alesforce is making
T hrough Segmenting &
I mplementing Strategy
N ot forgetting to set up challenging
G oals for Self
P ursue always
E xcellence with a great passion
R eally
F ocusing
O n being Effective, Efficient
R esult-oriented &
M aking a Big Impact
A nd
N ot fearing the competition or the
C hallenges; create a culture
E nhancing High Performance
Tune to "Rek Ayo Rek"
October 26, 2004
Markplus Forum's "Boosting Salesforce Performance",
B urst
O r Blast off
O h great difference
S alesforce is making
T hrough Segmenting &
I mplementing Strategy
N ot forgetting to set up challenging
G oals for Self
P ursue always
E xcellence with a great passion
R eally
F ocusing
O n being Effective, Efficient
R esult-oriented &
M aking a Big Impact
A nd
N ot fearing the competition or the
C hallenges; create a culture
E nhancing High Performance
Tune to "Rek Ayo Rek"
October 26, 2004
Markplus Forum's "Boosting Salesforce Performance",
HAPPY NEW YEAR in acrostics
H ow swiftly time flies like the spin of the Fates A new year with its
hopes and challenges P lan thoroughly and be P repared for surprise Y ou
will achieve the SUCCESS you're after
N othing fearing,
E xpect all things possible
W ith commitment
Y earning true
E xcellence
A im for nothing less than the Best you can R ise up and shine, ready
for anything!
December 28, 2004
H ow swiftly time flies like the spin of the Fates A new year with its
hopes and challenges P lan thoroughly and be P repared for surprise Y ou
will achieve the SUCCESS you're after
N othing fearing,
E xpect all things possible
W ith commitment
Y earning true
E xcellence
A im for nothing less than the Best you can R ise up and shine, ready
for anything!
December 28, 2004
Hermawan Kartajaya in acrostics
H i
E veryone!
R U a member of
M arkplus yet?
A yo ajak teman2 'tuk bergabung
W ah
A syiiiknya
N etwork dengan orang hebat
K ita b'lajar
A gar menjadi lebih sukses
R ajinlah datang
T iap pertemuan
A jang memperdalam ilmu yang sangat jitu
J adikan diri
A nda raih
Y ang terbaik
A kan berbanggalah jadi Anggota
Tune to "Rek Ayo Rek"
September 27, 2004
C ialis Love Drug
O h what a difference you are making
N ew life infused
N ow enjoying full satisfaction
E xhilirating
C hoosing the Moment with Freedom
T hat's the way how
I ntimacy can be maintained
N ever forget to have the right priorities
G iving your best in everything that you are doing
L ife will indeed never be again the same
O nly you alone make me
VE ry special
Tune to "Rek Ayo Rek"
September 27, 2004
H i
E veryone!
R U a member of
M arkplus yet?
A yo ajak teman2 'tuk bergabung
W ah
A syiiiknya
N etwork dengan orang hebat
K ita b'lajar
A gar menjadi lebih sukses
R ajinlah datang
T iap pertemuan
A jang memperdalam ilmu yang sangat jitu
J adikan diri
A nda raih
Y ang terbaik
A kan berbanggalah jadi Anggota
Tune to "Rek Ayo Rek"
September 27, 2004
C ialis Love Drug
O h what a difference you are making
N ew life infused
N ow enjoying full satisfaction
E xhilirating
C hoosing the Moment with Freedom
T hat's the way how
I ntimacy can be maintained
N ever forget to have the right priorities
G iving your best in everything that you are doing
L ife will indeed never be again the same
O nly you alone make me
VE ry special
Tune to "Rek Ayo Rek"
September 27, 2004
SINGAPORE OK LAH! in acrostics
research team of MARKPLUS & Singapore Tourism Promotion Board guy,
Joe Christian:
S ingapura!
I sland Paradise most beautiful
N exus of Business
G ate to World-class Education
A shopping treat
P ort of international trade
O ff'ring wide choice
R ecreational ground for Families
E ateries of many different varied ethnic groups
O nly the best, most caring health-care you ever
can find
K nowledge Center of Excellence in the region
L et us
A ll
H ail to the Lion City!
tune to "REK AYO REK"
October 18, 2004
Joe Christian:
S ingapura!
I sland Paradise most beautiful
N exus of Business
G ate to World-class Education
A shopping treat
P ort of international trade
O ff'ring wide choice
R ecreational ground for Families
E ateries of many different varied ethnic groups
O nly the best, most caring health-care you ever
can find
K nowledge Center of Excellence in the region
L et us
A ll
H ail to the Lion City!
tune to "REK AYO REK"
October 18, 2004
BUILD GOD’S THRONE in acrostics
B e near to me, oh my Lord Jesus
U nder the shadow of your wings
I will abide and trust what you say:
“L et me be Your Fortress and Rock”
D elighting in You
G iving you praise
O nly You’re worthy
D esire of All
S eeking Your presence Lord
T hrough our worship
H oly ground we stand
R emove your shoes
O ffer Him praise
N ot burnt-offerings
E mmanuel – God is here with us
Tune to “Ku Masuk Ruang Maha Kudus”
October 3, 2004
B e near to me, oh my Lord Jesus
U nder the shadow of your wings
I will abide and trust what you say:
“L et me be Your Fortress and Rock”
D elighting in You
G iving you praise
O nly You’re worthy
D esire of All
S eeking Your presence Lord
T hrough our worship
H oly ground we stand
R emove your shoes
O ffer Him praise
N ot burnt-offerings
E mmanuel – God is here with us
Tune to “Ku Masuk Ruang Maha Kudus”
October 3, 2004
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Here to wish you a blessed GOOD FRIDAY =
G od's love expressed
O n Calvary's Cross proved
O ur Lord & Saviour - Jesus the Lamb of God
D ied He for us - His precious blood bled
F or us - sinners unworthy of His love
*R eceive Him - freely eternal life gain
I n His grace through faith salvation obtain
D o remember His sufferings
A s He was beaten & nailed for
Y ou!
Tune to "Amazing Love - How can it Be?" (And Can It Be)
AND .........
A victorious HAPPY EASTER =
H e is risen! Shout & Rejoice!
A llelujah! (Do not prolong as in the original song, but just sing on to the next line)
P enalty of sin paid
P eace with God is now restored
Y es! Death is conquered
E aster victory won!
A ll dominion
S hall be His
T he Lord of lords will forever more reign
E xalt Christ in His majesty
R aise our voice with Hallelujah chorus praise!
Sing to "Christ the Lord is Risen"
May the victory of our risen Lord be our strength and confidence!
G od's love expressed
O n Calvary's Cross proved
O ur Lord & Saviour - Jesus the Lamb of God
D ied He for us - His precious blood bled
F or us - sinners unworthy of His love
*R eceive Him - freely eternal life gain
I n His grace through faith salvation obtain
D o remember His sufferings
A s He was beaten & nailed for
Y ou!
Tune to "Amazing Love - How can it Be?" (And Can It Be)
AND .........
A victorious HAPPY EASTER =
H e is risen! Shout & Rejoice!
A llelujah! (Do not prolong as in the original song, but just sing on to the next line)
P enalty of sin paid
P eace with God is now restored
Y es! Death is conquered
E aster victory won!
A ll dominion
S hall be His
T he Lord of lords will forever more reign
E xalt Christ in His majesty
R aise our voice with Hallelujah chorus praise!
Sing to "Christ the Lord is Risen"
May the victory of our risen Lord be our strength and confidence!
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