Saturday, December 01, 2007


O to change:
U rgency sense
R eally create!

I nvolve
C oalition of Guiding Team!
E stablish
B old vision, strategy
E ffect!
R eal buy-in through communication
G ain!

I nspire &
S eek to empower others to act!

M ore short-term wins produce &
E nable!
L et’s be relentless,
T riumph, not let up!
I nstill
N ew culture,
G reat leadership show!

Tune to "You Raise Me Up"

Our Iceberg Is Melting is a simple fable about doing well in an ever-changing world. Based on the award-winning work of Harvard's John Kotter, it is a story that has been used to help thousands of people and organizations.

The fable is about a penguin colony in Antarctica. A group of beautiful emperor penguins live as they have for many years. Then one curious bird discovers a potentially devastating problem threatening their home and pretty much no one listens to him.

The characters in the story, Fred, Alice, Louis, Buddy, the Professor, and NoNo, are like people we recognize — even ourselves. Their tale is one of resistance to change and heroic action, seemingly intractable obstacles and the most clever tactics for dealing with those obstacles. It's a story that is occurring in different forms all around us today — but the penguins handle the very real challenges a great deal better than most of us.

Our Iceberg Is Melting is based on pioneering work that shows how Eight Steps produce needed change in any sort of group. It's a story that can be enjoyed by anyone while at the same time providing invaluable guidance for a world that just keeps moving faster and faster.


What people are saying about
Our Iceberg Is Melting

"Whether you work in a business or the business of life, everyone from CEOs to high school students can gain from what they take from this story."
—from the foreword by Spencer Johnson, M.D., author of Who Moved My Cheese?

"…companies should buy a copy for everyone from the CEO to the stock clerk."
—Michelle Archer, USA Today

"I ordered and distributed sixty copies, evaluated its effect on our change effort, and then ordered five hundred more…. This is a gem."
—Heidi King, Department of Defense

"The penguins in this book will not only steal your heart, they'll make you a smarter person."
—Mary Tyler Moore, actress, producer, director, and Academy Award nominee

"To prepare for our Global Leadership Meeting, our management team read Our Iceberg Is Melting. It really helped us understand how we can successfully make the changes we need to make, what a positive effect change will have for our company and our people, and what an exciting journey it will be."
—William V. Hickey, President & CEO, Sealed Air

"Our Iceberg Is Melting is superb. It embodies powerful messages that can help a broad audience. It covers all the steps to success in a changing world, from finding the substantial issues, aligning with a potent champion, charting the course, getting buy-in, dealing with those who want no change, and so on."
—Chris Hand, Citigroup Global Account Vice President, Avaya Corporation

"Never have I read a parable in a business book that took a complex issue like change management and distilled it down into a simple story for all to understand. This is the ideal follow-on to Leading Change and The Heart of Change. A must-read for anyone dealing with managing change."
—Richard J. Kosinski, Category Development Officer, Yahoo, Inc.

"Our Iceberg Is Melting is fantastic—offbeat, but right on. We should make everyone in Washington, D.C., read it."
—John Batten, Executive Vice President, Twin Disc, Inc.

"This is the easiest-to-read yet most informative book I have ever seen. Setting one of management's biggest challenges—'what problem, I don't see a problem'—in the context of a melting iceberg and a determined penguin was a stroke of sheer genius."
—Michael Dimelow, Director, Product Marketing, TTP Communications PLC

"I have followed Kotter's work for years, respect it greatly, use it with my clients, and know its unique power to help people and organizations perform better. This latest effort—this little penguin tale—is, in my opinion, the best and most useful book he has ever written."
—Alan Frohman, President, Frohman Associates

"As a result of the book and my sharing it with a few people in the organization, we have moved quickly on several fronts. We are galvanized to go ahead instead of further studying, more organizing, and so on. It is making a difference for us."
—Tom Curley, President and CEO, Associated Press

"It's a great book. It does an excellent job of communicating in a simple and humorous way the key challenges of leading change. We can easily identify with the characters. It allows a light-hearted discussion of very difficult issues."
—Deb Karstetter, Executive Vice President, ABD Insurance & Financial Services

"When I was a child in France, I was first introduced to the French classic The Little Prince. I reread this marvelous book while in college and many times since as an adult. It is a book that keeps me growing and thinking. I can see Our Iceberg Is Melting becoming The Little Prince for the twenty-first century."
—Stephan Bancel, General Manager, Eli Lilly, Belgium

"My fifteen-year-old daughter saw me reading Our Iceberg Is Melting, and when I left the book in the den, she began to read it. When she was done, my wife read it. Afterward, we all talked about it. What I suspect will happen with our family, and especially with our daughter, is that we now have a referent story to use, one that's easy to remember and visually salient, when we discuss issues about change. It has 'stickiness' in that it's hard to forget."
—Peter Z. Orton, Ph.D., Program Director, Special Projects, IBM On Demand Learning

"In this fast-pace world, with piles of data and written material, this book is a breath of fresh air. It is simple and to the point, easy to read, and filled with many ideas that we can all apply. I found my mind reflecting on the past on one page and thinking about the future on the next."
—Edward Day, Executive Vice President, Southern Company Generation

"Our Iceberg Is Melting has been a very successful grounding tool for folks to get their heads, hearts and minds around the extreme changes we are going through."
—Patty McKay, Senior HR Manager, Abbott Vascular


The Iceberg Manifesto

We strongly believe that the world needs much more action from a broader range of people—action that is informed, committed, and inspired—to help us all in an era of increasing change.

This web site, and the bodies of knowledge on which it is based, is offered here in the hope that others will join us and together we can create a global source of information and inspiration for those committed to help lead successful change.

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