Saturday, September 08, 2007

Warren Hill =

W ith all my heart, my soul, my mind and my strength
A lways love Him, and ever pleasing Him;
R ejoice in Him,
R est in His faithful promise;
E xalt and
N ow give Him all the glory!

H e is worthy of our honour & praise!
I n His Spirits, mighty deeds do!
L et's give thanks in everything He assigns,
L ift up our voice, alleluia!

Tune to "How Great Thou Art".


A lways delight &
R ejoice in Him;
S eek Him,
T rust Him &
E xpress Him!
L et us His love pass on,
L ift up His banner high,
A ll to the glory of God!

"Amazing Grace" tune

A lmighty God &
R edeemer!
S alvation
T o us bestow!
E ternal life He gives,
L ift us from sin's mire;
L et's praise
A nd glorify Him!

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