Friday, September 28, 2007

Church in the Workplace Conference - 2008

Three decades ago, two well-known Christian leaders, Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With A Mission, and Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade For Christ, were given a simultaneous supernatural message for each other. They both saw 7 strategic mountains, or "mind molders", that shape the culture of every nation. God told each of them to inform the other that if they could capture these strategic places, they would reap the harvest of nations.

These 7 mountains of societal influence are...
When God called the people of Israel out of Egypt to form a new nation in the Promised Land, He told them that they would be the head, not the tail, if they obeyed the commands of the Lord. He told them to divide the land into 7 parts (Joshua 18:5). They would also have to displace 7 enemies that currently resided in the Promised Land. “This is how you will know that the living God is among you and that he will certainly drive out 7 enemies before you including the Canaanites, Hittites, Hivites, Perizzites, Girgashites, Amorites, and the Jebusites (Joshua 3:10).

Have you noticed a pattern yet — 7 mountains, 7 parts of land, and 7 enemies that needed to be displaced? 7 is the perfect number in scripture. It is the number for completion. He made the world in six days and rested on the 7th.

The 2008 Church in the Workplace Conference will be focused on the 7 mountains that shape culture. This conference will be unlike any you've experienced because you will hear from people who are having an impact right now in each of these 7 areas and understand the role you can play in reclaiming these 7 mountains.

And remember, we ARE the Church in the workplace!

General Session Speakers
Os Hillman is your host for the 2008 Church in the Workplace Conference. He is Founder and President of Marketplace Leaders, an organization whose purpose is to help men and women discover and fulfill God's unique purposes through their work and view their work as ministry. Os is an internationally-recognized speaker on the subject of faith at work, and has been featured on CNBC, NBC, LA Times, New York Times, and many other national media as a spokesman on faith at work. He has written ten books and a daily workplace email devotional called TGIF Today God Is First which is sent to over 120,000 recipients worldwide by email daily. He also developed and teaches The 9 to 5 Window Workshop.
HOW WE LOST THE 7 MOUNTAINS - Os will lay the foundation of why Christians are called to reclaim the 7 mountains as revealed in the book of Joshua.
Dr. Lance Wallnau is celebrating fifteen years of service to national and international leaders and business leaders as a consultant and personal coach. Lance is sought out as a resource for ministries, businesses, and Fortune 500 corporations. His workshops are in demand because he helps people find a track into personal and organizational transformation. The Lance Learning Group is the place where Dr. Lance Wallnau shares his lifetime research in the field of organizational and personal transformation. Lance regularly consults with leaders and ministry networks. Six times a year he conducts an intensive learning retreat called "The Great Connection Weekend" where participants learn how to connect with God, self, and others at a whole new level.
STRATEGIES TO RECLAIM THE 7 MOUNTAINS - Lance has developed template models related to the 7 Mountain Strategy and has a 5-CD audio series on this topic. He has consulted with the UN and high level business leaders on how to effectively reclaim the 7 mountains of society. Lance will present in multiple general sessions.
Katherine Leary is the Director of the Center for Faith and Work for the 5,000 member Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City. New York City is the center for several major societal mountains, especially Business, Media, and Arts&Entertainment, and Katherine's local church serves a large number of major financial movers and shakers. Katherine came to Redeemer in 2002 to establish the Center for Faith and Work and to develop effective ministries to help people nurture a meaningful integration between their faith and their professional work. Prior to this ministry role at Redeemer, Katherine served 20 years in the high tech industry. In California, she served as CEO of Pensare, Inc. – an online management education company, and CEO of One Touch Systems, Inc. – a hardware/software products company. Before that, she was President of Private Satellite Network – a satellite services company - in New York City. She also worked in various consulting, sales, and marketing roles, primarily in the technology sector. She became a Christian mid-career in NYC through the ministries of Redeemer Presbyterian Church.
RELIGION MOUNTAIN - Katherine will share the role of the local church in how to better equip workplace leaders who have influence to reclaim mountains.
Chuck Stetson is a Managing Director of PEI Funds, a private equity firm based in New York. He is a graduate of Yale University and Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business. He is the author of articles for Harvard Business Review, Pratt’s Guide to Venture Capital, and The Journal of Corporate Strategy. He created the Doubleday Pocket Bible Guide. His books, Creating the Better Hour: Lessons from William Wilberforce, and The British Abolitionists and Their Influence are due to be released in September 2007.
Chuck is also Chairman of The Wilberforce Project and Chairman of the Bible Literacy Project and co-Author of The Bible and Its Influence, a textbook which is being used in 82 school districts in 30 U.S. states in its first year and is being considered by over 1,000 public high schools. His textbook was the cover story of a recent TIME Magazine issue entitled "Why We Should Teach The Bible in Public School."
EDUCATION MOUNTAIN - Chuck will share from his experience in both government and education and his classroom textbook that is being embraced in public school systems across America.
Colin Ferreira is the CEO and owner of Ferreira Optical Ltd, a chain of 6 optical shops employing 155 people in the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean. Colin has been a leader in marketplace ministry and has been instrumental in igniting nation transformation initiatives in his nation. He had a radio program in Trinidad on workplace ministry and launched the International Christian Chamber of Commerce for his nation. He is on the board of Marketplace Leaders and the International Coalition of Workplace Ministries.
FAMILY MOUNTAIN - One day, Colin came to realize his busy-ness had to stop for the sake of his family. This led to radical changes in his priorities, including moving with his wife and eight children to the United States in 2006. His story will inspire and challenge you as a leader and parent.

Dr. Lance Hurley is an ordained Minister and has a Doctorate from Phoenix University of Theology. He majored in History and minored in Speech and Drama at the University of Texas. He is a former Captain in the United States Marine Corps and the FBI offered him an appointment as a Special Agent.He has authored two books: "Endangered Documents" and "America's Christian Heritage: Fact or Fiction?" Lance and his wife Sharon have spoken at churches, schools, and conferences all over the nation, portraying the Washington's and the Patrick Henry's. Dr. Hurley has addressed both houses of the Arizona Legislature, has spoken at three state capitols on National Day of Prayer and has been featured several times on local TBN affiliates. Learn more about their ministry at
GOVERNMENT MOUNTAIN - A special lunch time presentation will be given by Mr. and Mrs. George Washington, the first president of the United States of America. You will be entertained, encourged, and even surprised by his faith, the challenges, and intent of the founding fathers' desires for this nation.
Conference Worship Leader

David Lawrence is a graduate of the Oral Robert’s University with a degree in Music Education, Theology, and minor in Psychology. David’s postgraduate studies include Business Management, Leadership Development, Audio and Video Recording, from Georgia State University, Jersey City State College, the International Worship Institute and Recording Institute of America. His unique and practical approach to teaching keyboard is productively developing a legacy of changing the way the world learns music.For over 25 years, David has been professionally conducting piano seminars, workshops, and Intensive Piano Training Schools throughout the United States, Canada, South America, the Caribbean, Southeast Asia, and England.
Breakout Sessions
Breakout Sessions will be presented to provide *practical* strategies of implementation. You will be able to attend two from these listed below and others not listed yet.
Business/Religion Mountain
Kent Humphreys has served as President of Christ@Work/Fellowship of Companies for Christ since 2002. Prior to leading Christ@Work, Kent owned and operated Jack's Merchandising and Distribution for 25 years, serving major retailers in thirty states on general merchandise. He continues active ownership of four businesses in distribution, manufacturing, and real estate. Kent has written Lasting Investments and has just released Shepherding Horses, Understanding God's plan for Transforming Leaders.
Media Mountain
Linda Rios Brook has been in secular media most of her business career, managing network affiliate TV stations and owned and operated her own TV station. She is the author of Frontline Christians in a Bottom-Line World and Jesus for Adults. The title of this breakout session is "Carried Off to Babylon" and will look at how Christians lost their cultural influence in media and entertainment and what is at risk if it is not re-claimed.
Government Mountain
Ntiense Ubon-Israel, Nigeria, International Christian Chamber of Commerce, Head Prayer domain. Learn how African nations desire to be re-established as Kingdom nations and how workplace leaders can be catalysts for transformation. A case study on four African nations will be presented on how to establish righteousness in governance in ungodly cultures. Learn about the role of the Church and marketplace ministries in this process.
Bishop Julius Oyet is a pastor and evangelist from Kampala, Uganda and is director of LifeLine Ministries. Julius has been instrument in working with the president of his nation and their leadership to bring an end to a 20-year tribal war that has been taking place in the northern area of Gulu, which is where he is from. Julus will share how the church community and the workplace and government is working together to change the spiritual climate of their city and nation. Julus was featured in the documentary by the Sentinel Group, An Unconventional War, which features an inspiring story of transformation taking place as a result of understanding the spiritual roots of a city and nation. He also oversees a network of 10,000 churches throughout Uganda.
Religion Mountain/Local Church
Doug Spada is Founder of His Church at Work, Atlanta, GA. Pioneering the nation’s first church-based WorkLife Ministry in 2002 and subsequently serving churches throughout the USA through successful model development, Doug is known as the architect of Church WorkLife Ministry. He has authored several church Worklife frameworks including the latest “WorkLife CoreMatrix” that leading churches are using to grow impacting worklife ministry. His Church at Work provides years of research in addition to innovative coaching, discipleship technology and unique training to fuel documented community impact. A former Naval Nuclear Engineer in the US Submarine Force, Doug is also a successful entrepreneur with a degree in Business Organizational Management and led UtiliTech, Inc., a successful west coast energy consulting firm for a decade. Doug will lead a workshop on how churches can better equip their members to reclaim their mountains.
Arts & Entertainment and Government Mountains
In this session you will hear from Hollywood producers, writers and executives on their strategy to reclaim the Arts & Entertainment Mountain. Erik Lokkesmoe is the Vice President of Strategic Partnerships and Outreach for Walden Media/Bristol Bay Productions, the film company behind CHRONICLES OF NARNIA, BRIDGE TO TERIBITHIA, CHARLOTTE’S WEB, BECAUSE OF WINN DIXIE, RAY, and AMAZING GRACE, for which he served as project manager. A former Capitol Hill press secretary, Cabinet-level speechwriter, and communications director for a federal agency, Erik is the author of The Revolutionary Communicator (Relevant Books, 2004). He is also the founder of Brewing Culture, an arts and media non-profit that helps fund redemptive artists. Erik and his wife, Monica, have two young children and live in Hollywood, CA.
Family Mountain
Randy Hicks and Colin Ferreira will lead this breakout session on the strategies needed to reclaim the family. Randy Hicks is president of Georgia Family Council and is regularly in demand as a commentator on family issues for local and national media outlets. He carries his message of family revitalization to civic, business, and local church groups throughout Georgia and the nation. In addition, he is the publisher of all GFC research reports that have been featured in hundreds of news stories over the past four years. Prior to joining GFC, Randy served as a key player in creating and nurturing state-based family advocacy organizations in 11 states during his tenure at Focus on the Family.
Understanding The Spiritual Roots of the 7 Mountains
In order to reclaim a mountain, you must understand its spiritual roots. Johnny Enlow is the senior pastor of Daystar International Christian Fellowship in Atlanta, Georgia, and is a frequent speaker in Peru, Costa Rica, Mexico, Dominican Republic and other Latin American countries. The son of missionaries in Peru, he has been blessed with God’s favor in Central and South America to speak to high-level spiritual, economic, and political leaders—including several heads of state. He has seen doors of opportunity miraculously open before him when working with governmental leaders in the Latin American nations. Johnny has written a book on the 7 mountains that will be published in 2008.
Government Mountain
Community Transformation
The evidence of re-claiming the 7 mountains of society is often seen in impact to the local community. Coalitions made up of intercessors, workplace leaders, and pastors have been forming in cities across the nation. In this session, you will learn how to form a coalition in your city to change the spiritual climate in your community.You will hear from leaders who are doing it and hear about their successes and challenges.
How Workplace Leaders Can Be Catalysts toTransform their Community. Hear a Case Study of How a Workplace Leader in Florida is Impacting His Community.
Mel Ponder is a banker in Destin, Florida and co-founder of Destin's Week of Blessings, a three day event that culminates the last day by bringing area pastors together to personally pray for every business owner and their business. Find out how this annual event is impacting their community and how you might be a catalyst in your city. Mel is a former city councilman in Destin.
Business Mountain
Workplace Ministry Leaders Panel
We've convened a special panel of CEOs of national membership-based workplace ministries to reveal their strategies to re-claim the 7 mountains through their ministries.
Workplace Ministry Leader Panel Members:
1. Ralph Palmen, Pinnacle Forum
2. Robert Watkins, Kings & Priests
3. Kent Humphreys, Fellowship of Companies for Christ
4. Wendell Nordby, Businessmen's Fellowship
5. Bill Dalgetty,Christians in Commerce
6. Jim Garvin, Inernational Christian Chamber of Commerce USA
7. Bill Thomas, CIBN Workplace Ministries
Prayer Strategy for Reclaiming Each Mountain
Jacquie Tyre is the founding president of Kairos Transformation Ministries, a ministry committed to serving the Church in communities, cities, states, and nations to train, equip, mobilize, and encourage the ministry of persevering, strategic intercession, prophetic declarations, and apostolic initiatives in pursuit of a sustainable revival that will result in societal transformation. She serves as the state apostolic coordinator with the U.S. Global Apostolic Prayer Network and the National Day of Prayer in Georgia. She is the author of two prayer guides, “The Jabez Prayer Guide,” and “Ready for Revival: A 40-day heart journey toward the Fullness of Christ.” Jacquie and husband, Mike live in Lilburn with their 3 young adult sons.

Dr. Venessa Battle is the President of Women About God's Business Ministries, Inc a ministry with over 330 national and international intercessors. Dr. Battle has been the featured speakers at prayer conferences, retreats, advances, seminars, and revivals. She has ministered internationally in China, Burma, Bangkok, Ireland, Scotland, England and the Bahamas. Venessa has been instrumental in helping church leaders in developing administration plans, church growth plans, and ministry outreach plans. Dr. Battle currently holds a bachelor's degree in Christian Education, a master's in Christian Counseling, a doctoral degree in Theology from the International Bible College and Seminary and has completed a second doctorate of Ministry at the Wagner leadership Institute. Dr. Battle is also an Ordained Minister.

Developing Prayer for Your Business
In order to re-claim a mountain strategically, leaders must be in relationship with those that can undergird their work. How can a business owner set up intercessory prayer in his/her business and how does it work practically? In this session you will hear from a business leader and conference prayer director about how to set up a team of intercessors for your business.You will hear a case study on how one business owner established prayer in his business and how you might do the same. Bradley Stuart is founder of Yada School of Intercession. Bill Hamm is the CEO of a technology-based business in the oil and gas industry from Shreveport, LA.

S trategic Mountains reclaim,
E xpect
V ict'ry from God!

U nite &
N ever
T ire!
A Breakthrough
I s
N ow
S ure!

tuned to the hymn "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus"

from BUILT TO BLESS by Paulus Bambang


F irst seek HONESTY,
I nclude OPENNESS;
A nd
C hoose be EVER-READY,
I n
L et’s be TRUSTWORTHY & be Credible!

M ake God
A s Owner,
N ow we are all just stewards;
A ct with FAIRNESS,
E xercise INTEGRITY,
E njoy
N ew freedom
T hrough being HONEST, FAIR!

Tune to “U Raise Me Up”

Words in BLOCKS are from the Commandments



H ave Integrity,

U tilize ROLE, TALENT-BASED Principle,
E xcellent REWARD Principle create;
S ee Manpower as the Image of God!

Tune to “U Raise Me Up”
Dari workshop Sabtu tgl 22 Sept, dimana dasar business yg mencakup BODY, SOUL & SPIRIT harus dibangun, ini singakatan kata BUSINESS dengan lagu “U Raise Me Up” =


B usiness encompassing Body, Soul, Spirit;
U nleash the very best in human beings!
S trive for Competence, Character & Value;
I n DOing the Best we Can, Want & Should!
N ow Ex’cution, Energy, Expectation -
E nsure Intellectual, Emotional,
S piritual Performance in what we do!
S erve to lead and achieve a Great Result!

Dari gambar tiga CIRCLES = Body, Soul & Spirit

Body => Professional Competence
Soul => Professional Character
Spirit => Professional Values

Body => what you CAN Do the best at
Soul => what you WANT to Do the best about
Spirit => what you SHOULD Do the best in

Body => Execution
Soul => Energy
Spirit => Expectation

Dan intersection dari 3 circles adalah Great Result

Dari semua ini jadi singkatan BUSINESS, yang mencakup aspek2 yg tercantum didalam Circle2 Body, Soul & Spirit.

Semoga dapat mempermudah mengingat 3 lingkaran = 3 aspek bisnis/company yg B2B (Built to Bless)

Sunday, September 23, 2007


B ring glory to God
I n everything we do;
L iving a life pleasing unto the Lord;
L eaving godly legacy for posterity;
Y es Lord, here I am! Ready to serve You!

G race amazing
R each out to all sinners;
A gape, God's undchanging love divine,
H e is the Truth, the Way & the Life - our Jesus!
A ll from Him
M ay eternal life freely receive!

tuned to the hymn, "Be Thou My Vision".

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Diamond Leadership Model

The Diamond Leadership Model © was developed from in-depth conversations with over one hundred senior leaders on my weekly radio show, Lessons in Leadership. Each show had a different guest and a different topic under the heading of leadership. While each show was unique, there was one question that I asked every guest. “In your experience, what have you seen that differentiates great leadership from good leadership?” I gave them the question about a week in advance so they would come with well thought-out answers. Did they ever! After a couple of years of tracking their answers, six clear themes bubbled up as the differentiators. Here they are:

Create Clarity
Build Trust
Work with Passion
Serve Others
Fully Engage People (Hearts, Minds, and Talents)
Act with Courage

This qualitative research was the basis for this model, for the book, Diamond Quality Leadership, and for the workshop for senior managers, The Diamond Leadership Workshop.


 0  inspire a vision, create clarity!
climate of Trust build, work with passion!
oved to serve others,
fully engage people;
ow let's be bold & 
are act with courage!

ive, love and learn & leaving a legacy!
xcellence pursue,
nd nothing less aim!
rawing out the best in others,
aise others up to more than they can be!

Tune to "You Raise Me Up"


Monday, September 10, 2007


D are be different &
R eally make a difference!
I nspiring &
S triving for excellence!
A lways ready for the challenge,
N e'er give up!
A im for the Star and be a guiding light!

S alesdogs are unique &
T ruly are special;
I n each species, strengths & weaknesses have;
N ow develop &
G row the positives;
L et us
E njoy the gifts God's given,
Y es!

Sing to "You Raise Me Up"



Thank you, that is wonderful. We appreciate you
taking the time to
write and send this to us.

Drisana Stingley
Business Operations Manager
4330 N. Civic Center Plaza, Suite 203
Scottsdale, Arizona 85251
480-994-9390 office
877-337-1700 toll free
480-994-9395 fax

What kind of SalesDog are you?

J ust be a branch,
A biding in the True Vine;
N ow bear much fruit that glorifies His Name;
I n His Spirit, empowered to do great deeds!
C hrist all in all,
E xalt & sing His praise!

M ake known His love,
I nto all the world go!
T he Great Commission,
C hoose obey!
H e will not forsake,
E ver be with us;
L et us not faint,
L ive unto Christ!

Sing to the Tune of "How Great Thou Art" Hymn


Thank you for contacting the Christian Writers Guild.
We are strictly a correspondence writing course for aspiring Christian
writers and are not in the publishing business. I encourage you to get
a copy of Sally Stuart's Guide to Getting Published and the 2007
Christian Writers'Market Guide. Both are valuable resources for any
writer. They are available for sale on our website or I'm sure you
may find them elsewhere.

We wish you much success in your writing endeavors.

Janice Mitchell
Administrative Assistant
Christian Writers Guild
5525 N. Union Blvd., Ste. 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80918

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Warren Hill =

W ith all my heart, my soul, my mind and my strength
A lways love Him, and ever pleasing Him;
R ejoice in Him,
R est in His faithful promise;
E xalt and
N ow give Him all the glory!

H e is worthy of our honour & praise!
I n His Spirits, mighty deeds do!
L et's give thanks in everything He assigns,
L ift up our voice, alleluia!

Tune to "How Great Thou Art".


A lways delight &
R ejoice in Him;
S eek Him,
T rust Him &
E xpress Him!
L et us His love pass on,
L ift up His banner high,
A ll to the glory of God!

"Amazing Grace" tune

A lmighty God &
R edeemer!
S alvation
T o us bestow!
E ternal life He gives,
L ift us from sin's mire;
L et's praise
A nd glorify Him!

 triving for excellence &
each for the Star!
ntegrity -

aintain, no compromise!
nity in diversity upholding!
et us build a better Indonesia!
es! Vision of a brigher future inspire!
transformation in our nation create!
ever quit! Let's face the challenges!
gnite the Spirit of "We Can Do It"!

Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
Sept.8, 2007
Novotel Semarang

Friday, September 07, 2007


D welling forever
ith you
n Your heaven;

uch sweet fellowship that will never end;
ruly God that is with us;
n Your loving arms, 
nd embrace I come!
ith Jesus dwelling in close intimacy,
great joy beyond measure with my Lord; 
o my family and friends, please be strong;
nto His presence, I go and abide!

Tune to "You Raise Me Up"

Tuesday, September 04, 2007



aluing them as persons!
xpressing love, the greatest power of all;

mpacting lives & making a real difference!
eeking peace and harmony with all!  

endering help whenever we can!
very act of kindness 
hope kindles!
ruly model the way, 
xample give!
erve the people,
hat's what true leaders do!

tune to "You Raise Me Up"

Saturday, September 01, 2007


E xcellence and nothing less pursue in life,
L ive, love and learn, leaving a legacy!
L ift, raise others up to more than they can be!
I nspiring
E nthusiasm for living!

G row & unleash the braveheart that is within!
R each for the Star and be a guiding light!
A transformation in the world create!
Y es! Make a difference that truly impacts!

sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban